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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei Deputy Governor sworn-in

June 17, 2010 (BOR) – Hussein Mar Nyuot took oath office today in Bor following his reappointment to the position of deputy governor but losses state ministerial seat he also held in the last government.

Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk (C), Deputy Gov. Hussein Mar Nyuot (2nd R), President of High Court Peter Agany (R) and Jonglei Speaker Peter Chol Wal (L) poses for a photo on Thursday in Bor, June 17, 2010 (ST)
Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk (C), Deputy Gov. Hussein Mar Nyuot (2nd R), President of High Court Peter Agany (R) and Jonglei Speaker Peter Chol Wal (L) poses for a photo on Thursday in Bor, June 17, 2010 (ST)
Speaking shortly in the ceremony in the State council of ministers’ hall, Hussein Mar pledged to work closely with Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk to accomplish projects withheld prior to April polls.

“We shall work together to prepare our people for referendum and end insecurity in our State,” he said.

The confirmation of Mar Nyuot to his seat partially answer public impatience about the delay to form State government as well as opening more rooms for politicians lobbying for ministerial positions since the ministry of local government is now declared vacant in what Gov. Kuol calls “freeing” Mar from loads.

“Mar is not longer [going to be] a minister for local government. This is to free him from heavy work,” Kuol said.

Aware of unforeseen queries whether all the ministers will retain positions, Gov Kuol makes this remark on Thursday.

“The elections were for us….to be elected by our people and become legitimate leaders,” Gov. Kuol said adding “we don’t remove people because we need new faces [it’s] unless you are discontented with them.”

Not all ministers will come back to Jonglei cabinet, Kuol noted, partly because they failed to perform well and ought to try elsewhere.

“Those who may loss positions are not failures in life. They may be successful in another field,” he said.

In a rare highlight to composition of the State government, Gov. Kuol, who is an SPLM, says members of other political parties may take part in the new cabinet but it is unknown when the state government will be announced.

Jonglei Speaker Peter Chol Wal and a number of commissioners attended the swearing ceremony on Thursday in Bor.



  • thieleling

    Jonglei Deputy Governor sworn-in
    Dear Readers,

    The criminal Kuol-“butcher of Equatoria” would be violently deposed by a great Padang Dinka son, general George Athor Deng very soon.

    Jonglei does not need a violence and dishonest leader like Kuol!!


  • Kuer Dau Apai
    Kuer Dau Apai

    Jonglei Deputy Governor sworn-in
    Good Governing!

    It’s so potential and a meaningful governing among others in South Sudan Governances. Mr Kuol Manyang has made it and he is making successful attempt to achieve a positive move in a most insecure state ahead of other states of South Sudan.

    Realistically most rebel groups against the SPLM and who on the other hand alliance to the NCP start their conflict in Jonglei State for the reason unknown and/or known to them. If Mr. Kuol (Governor) and Mr Mar Nyuot (deputy Governor) had not been the ones, Jonglei state would have been a war’s field.

    It sounds democracy besides of being reduction of workload to take off one position from Mr Deputy Governor. There are many able people to do such jobs too in the state. We congratulate the government of Jonglei state for fairness and justice and wish everyone else to act in an equally manner!!

    Kind Regards Kuer Dau Apai in Australia


    Jonglei Deputy Governor sworn-in
    Hi! welcome to your position Mr.Mar.

    Congratulation to you Governor Kuol.you done a great job to reappoint
    Mr. hussrin to be your deputy again.
    when we supporting you in that position we expected to your but not yet
    to do last term,and we hope you will something good this.

    do gud characteristic of leadership like

    – respect
    – humility
    – hospitality n so on.

  • Akuma

    Jonglei Deputy Governor sworn-in
    It will be Jonglei state people pledges and Hussien Mar in particularly, Since the appointment of State ministers, he can be appoint because they were corrupted leaders during their interim period. Anyway, I can’t trust anyone in Jonglei as a transparency ministers. ”Kuol is a corrupted leader/Governor”. How come he has plots in every block in Jonglei state? Is that transparency or he was the one fight during the war time? How many rebels has he kill rather than his brother in Bor.

    Appointment of Mar as deputy and Kuol Manyang as governor will not make Jonglei people to eradicate povery and unemployment among the youth.

    ”Let them enjoy the nation that cemented by the bloods of our fathers and brothers”

    By the time I pay visit to Sudan, i was disappointed how thing are done. People behaviour as the country was given to them without people who sacrifice their lives in order to have freedom in all corners.

    They time Kuol visit USA, I never bothered to attend his welcome because his behaviour are intolerance to me personally.

    Dr. AKuma

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Jonglei Deputy Governor sworn-in
    Thanks to jonglei state leaders who are urging for peace in the state.the only thing that left for the leaders of jonglei is the case of lou-Nuer who left their own land and took the land of jikany Nuer by force.the government of the state as well as the GOSS need to work on this issue to take Lou-nuer back to thier land and leave jikany_ Nuer land for jikany.

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