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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Manute Bol 1962-2010

June 19, 2010 (WASHINGTON) — The Sudanese born basketball player Manute Bol has passed away on Saturday after falling ill last month to a rare condition that ultimately led to kidney failure and painful skin reactions.

Manute_Bol-2.jpg Bol was being treated at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville according to its spokeswoman.

The 7-foot 7-inch player who was born in Turalie a remote village in the southern part of Sudan, first came to the U.S. in the early eighties after being discovered by Don Feeley a coach from Fairleigh Dickinson University who was at a coaching clinic in Sudan.

But his initial years in the United States were not easy as he struggled trying to learn English and almost headed back home thinking other students were laughing at him in an English-language class.

“I actually packed my bags and was going to the bus,” he recalls.

Bol played at the National Basketball Association (NBA) starting in 1985 with Washington, Golden State, Philadelphia and Miami, averaging 2.6 points, 4.2 rebounds and 3.3 blocks for his career. He led the league in blocks in 1985-86 with Washington (5.0 per game) and in 1988-89 with Golden State (4.3 a game).

He was one of the tallest players in NBA history.

After the NBA, Bol worked closely as an advisory board member of Sudan Sunrise, which promotes reconciliation in Sudan.

Originally from South Sudan and a member of the Dinka tribe, Bol used his fortune to help his people who were in the midst of a two decades of civil war with the North. He contributed millions to the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) fighting the government in Khartoum.

Owing to that and bad investments, Bol stood on the verge of bankruptcy and was forced to sell his homes.

“I never thought about the money I lost,” Bol told The New York Daily News in 2004. “It wasn’t lost. It helped Sudan”. In that same year Bol was seriously injured in a car accident when the driver lost control and slamming into a ledge before rolling over.

Bol and the driver were both ejected, and Bol suffered head injuries and broke his neck, wrist and knee. A police investigation found that the driver, who died due to injuries suffered in the crash, had a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit.

He was hospitalized in mid-May during a stopover in Washington after returning to the United States from Sudan. Bol was in Sudan to help build a school in conjunction with Sudan Sunrise but stayed longer than anticipated after the president of southern Sudan asked him to make election appearances and use his influence to counter corruption in the county.

He had undergone three dialysis treatments and developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a condition that caused him to lose patches of skin. Bol’s friend Tom Prichard who was the executive director of the Sudan Sunrise foundation said the skin around Bol’s mouth was so sore he went 11 days without eating and could barely talk.

Prichard said it’s believed Bol contracted the skin disease as a reaction to kidney medication he took while in Sudan.

Janis Ricker, operations manager of Sudan Sunrise, said Saturday the organization will continue its work building the school in Bol’s home village in southern Sudan. She said Bol’s goal was to build 41 schools throughout Sudan.

The Wizards Bol as a “true humanitarian and an ambassador for the sport of basketball.”

“Despite his accomplishments on the court, his lasting legacy will be the tireless work and causes he promoted in his native Sudan and the cities in which he played,” the club said in a statement.

Philadelphia general manager Ed Stefanski released a statement on Bol’s death Saturday.

“On behalf of the entire Philadelphia 76ers organization, we would like to pass along our deepest and sincerest condolences to the family of Manute during this very difficult time,” Stefanski said.

“Manute’s impact on this city, our franchise and the game of basketball cannot be put into words. He was a person who was continually giving of himself through his generosity and humanitarian efforts in order to make the world around him a much better place, for which he will always be remembered.”



  • Biliu

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    He’s a true hero and a true son of Southern Sudan, may God rest you in peace brother and bring courage and perseverance to your love once.

  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    dear Manut. may God almighty find favor and rest your soul in enternal life. and may God counsoled the rest of your relatives. you have one time donated your money to the rest of us in refugee camp in kenya, God will be generous to your soul.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    May God rest the soul of our brother Manut Bol in highest/ Heaven.
    Bol had done alot in the South history. He help the moment and he help students across East Africa where South Sudanese are studying. He gave alot of money because he is aproud South Sudanese. manut is one of the patriot who love his country more than his own self. He die but his soul will be remember by all of us-South Sudanese. Bol is among those who can die because of his people. He became almost bankruptcy because he gave all his money to his people because they were severly hunger. This is the man who we will remember because of his patriotism. He never turn his back at the time he came to USA. His life is always in the South Sudan. God rest manut in peace in heaven. Amen

  • Madhod

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    Bol Manute, you have done countless humanitarian work in Sudan, and we thanks you for thank! I just want to let you know that the Southern Sudanese people will really missed you. May you Rest in Peace and may God Bless you and your family !!!

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    First and foremost, I would like to convey my sincere condolence to the family of Manut Bol and all his entire friends in this planet. In fact, this is a terrible news for people all over the world especially we Southerners in particular. Manut Bol is our hero, he fought our enemy alongside SPLM/SPLA by supporting them with logistics which is something incredible and a kind of him. In other words, Manut Bol had done lots of great things in South Sudan. Last and not the least, may almighty God rest his soul in peace.

  • James John
    James John

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    My ass…….


    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    I have seen him in Egypt in 1990 when he came to see South Sudan students studying in Cairo. He was ver tall to the extend that he was brought in VAN. He was a very good man and a Poineers, May God Rest His Soul in Peace.

  • angokachuil

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    We in Warrap State we lost great man, may God rest his soul in peace

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    Dear Brother Manut Bol, rest in eternal peace till we meet again.

  • telfajbago

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    I pass my condolences to the family, people of South Sudan as well as the NBA that nurtured him to be what he used to be, we loved him but God loved him most, may the almighty rest his soul in paradise of greenery and eternal shade. Amen.

  • Kur

    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    God who loves people with kind hearts will always be with you in your eternal rest. We will remember you forever. May God rest your soul in peace.



    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    We will live to remember your legacy. You have inspired, motivated, supported and helped every single person in Sudan and in the whole world either directly or indirectly. If only we had a choice we would save you but God loves you more and perhaps wants you to be with him.You were a pride of our Nation, Rest in peace Mr Bol.


    Manute Bol 1962-2010
    May the Lord Comfort the decease family of Manut Bol!!!!
    Dear Manut Bol, although you passed away!!, your true love which you had shown to all Southern Sudanese people is still hovering over us. We will never forget you Manut Bol except only those who don’t know you. We love you and love you through your brilliant generosity as a sole donor to the people of Southern Sudan. Dear Mr Manut Bol, I believe that you will see Jesus Christ in Heaven. I love you and I love you and I love you. Almight God will rest your soul in an everlasting enternal life.

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