Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UK earmarks $100 million dollars for Southern Sudan referendum

By James Gatdet Dak

June 21, 2010 (JUBA) – The United Kingdom has earmarked $100 million US dollars for the conduct of the upcoming referendum in Southern Sudan. The money will be availed through the British International Foreign Development organization that will be based in Juba.

This was revealed in a meeting between the Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, and the visiting delegation from the United Kingdom led by the British Ambassador to Sudan, Nicholas Kay.

Last week the US allocated sixty million dollars to assist in the process of the upcoming referendum in Southern Sudan.

The meeting discussed the general role the British government can play in supporting the process of the referendum. It will also provide expertise and assist in the civic education among the population in Southern Sudan prior to the conduct of the referendum.

Ambassador Kay stressed the importance of making the referendum a success, adding that it was to avoid repeating mistakes committed during the recent elections.

Vice President Machar had earlier stressed the importance of revealing specific assistance budgets by international community partners so that the government prepares accordingly.

He briefed the UK top diplomat in the country on the formation by the Government of Southern Sudan an oversight Referendum Task Force under his chairmanship to assist the would-be formed technical Southern Sudan Referendum Commission in preparing the ground in Southern Sudan for the conduct of the referendum.

He further explained that the Task Force will be composed of three main sub-committees. These will include the Committee on the conduct of the referendum to sensitize the people of Southern Sudan and mobilize them to vote, among others.

The second sub-committee will focus on the negotiations on the post-referendum issues such as oil, waters, assets, liabilities, security, international agreements, citizenship, etc.

The third sub-committee, he further explained, will focus on preparing the Government of Southern Sudan for the post-2011 governance in Southern Sudan in case of secession.

Dr. Machar further explained that this will include addressing the issues of governance, particularly on decentralization including the review of the Southern Sudan interim constitution in case of the South becoming an independent country.

He earlier said if the vote results to unity of the Sudan, structuring of the Sudanese state on secular basis to reflect on its diversity, including eradication of the Islamic Sharia law, would also be discussed by his referendum Task Force.



  • James John
    James John

    UK earmarks $100 million dollars for Southern Sudan referendum
    We should watch those dog mouth……of eating this money…SPLM…

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    UK earmarks $100 million dollars for Southern Sudan referendum
    Thank the British government we have appreciated your contribution toward our future you have been neglected us so long.

  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    UK earmarks $100 million dollars for Southern Sudan referendum,not for medicine neither for health sevices…but for their agents to sell the nation’s vote for self-slaving to the Americans
    Yesterday my friend’s children mother died in Torit hospital, due to the lack of medicine.

    Why GOSS spend such tremendous amount of money in a determined political case by the people of SouthSudan,rather than saving lives,especially pro-natal fatalities and children malnutrition ??!!

    May God condemn SPLM-GOSS for neglecting the needy people. At the judgement day Almighty God will ask you GOSS officials,why you did not provide Him with a proper medication when He was ill ??? surely, you will say; God… how come you got ill ? and you are the Almighty God? But He will answer you that; you did not provide it to the least of his needy people, as he is assigned you to take care of his sheeps. What shal you say then? or forget it, answer me now, and better be financially..medically…etc……yo crooks

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