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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ugandan Ambassador to Sudan visits W. Equatoria

June 23, 2010 – (YAMBIO) — The Ugandan Ambassador to Sudan Madam Akech Okullu Betty escorted by the Uganda Consul General to Juba, Mr. Busha Ndinyenga and the Kenyan Consul to Juba Mr. Ibrahim Khamis Adam were highly received by Western Equatoria State Governor, Col Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro.

Ugandan Ambassador to Sudan Akech Okullu received by Western Equatoria State Governor, Col Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro (ST)
Ugandan Ambassador to Sudan Akech Okullu received by Western Equatoria State Governor, Col Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro (ST)
Addressing, the regional guests in his office at the state secretariat, Col Bakosoro said he is honored and privileged to have them in the State with good gestures of respect towards WES with a sign of togetherness as the great lakes region.

Col Bangasi appreciated their congratulatory message saying their coming to WES gives hope to the people as people concerned and caring for their fellow brothers and sisters being terrorized by the notorious LRA rebels for the past five years.

The governor stressed that, “amongst the ten States of Southern Sudan, WES has never enjoyed and experienced the CPA signed in 2005 due to the havoc and atrocities imported by the brutal LRA rebels.”

He thanked the Government of Uganda for their great support and biggest task being done by the Ugandan people’s defense Forces (UPDF) in Western Equatoria state for saving lives as a means to just experience partial peace in some parts of the state.

Bakosoro asked the delegations of what will be the next step from both sides towards the havocs being encountered in WES, to try and get resettlement to citizens of the state.

He disclosed that, “rebels or gorillas movement is not easy as experienced in his life time, but with the support from the Ugandan Government and international communities, things will be work”.

He mentioned that, the major problem with our forces is logistics, because deploying the armies along the state or the borders needs enough logistics of all aspects.

The Governor called upon the envoys to coordinate with the top Government to see ways on how best to translate the skills and technical knowhow in WES as they used in Northern Uganda for peace to prevail in the region.

Bakosoro urged the Ugandan Government not to withdraw the UPDF until peace and stability is retained in the region, in collaboration with his new Government and GOSS.

In related HE Joseph called on the Ugandan community to find ways on Investments in WES, as God Loving people, “WES also needs the technical knowhow to support the communities” adding that, “may be railway lines should also be opened between Southern Sudan and Uganda as South will soon be part of the East African community”.

The visit of the Eastern African diplomats came two days after, the LRA burnt a vehicle along Maridi Yambio road at Bangasu payam, 33 miles from Yambio town slaughtering one person and abducting other six people, causing threats of road transports in the state.

In her part, the Ugandan Ambassador, Madam Aketch okullu, in the first place conveyed her condolences and serenity on behalf of the Ugandan government for the lost lives in Southern Sudan, WES in particular in the hands of Lord’s Resistance army atrocities.

She said that, “the way Kony and his men are operating is being labeled by the American government as terrorist and regional atrocities to destabilize the communities, abducting, killing, looting, burning of houses amongst others”.

Madam Okullu thanked the Government of southern Sudan and Government of national Unity, Government of DRC and CAR for reaching an agreement for the UPDF to operate in the regions.

She also appreciated the warm welcome given to the UPDF in WES and support of the WES Government with in formations pertaining the areas of insecurity by the LRA in the states in order to attend to.

Aketch lamented that, “since the LRA has become a regional threat to all the great lakes region, much efforts need to be emphasized together to see ways forward of handling the situation by all the Governments of the four countries”.

She reiterated that “the Ugandan government will continue to support the southern Sudanese in all aspects required to ensure peace and stability are gained in the region”.

She also noted that, “despite the origin of the LRA, now it has become a joint force from the abductions of civilians from different regions making them to have gained momentum at this time, which can only be weaken by applying team work”.



  • Grader

    Is WES part og great Lakes region or a region of South Sudan?
    He disclosed that, “rebels or gorillas movement

    WES citizens be on the look out of your choice for Bakosoro

  • Kuer Dau Apai
    Kuer Dau Apai

    Ugandan Ambassador to Sudan visits W. Equatoria
    These Ugandans visitors to Sudan Juba need to be taken to see where their helicopter crashed that killed the visionary leader that left the southerners in orphanage situation.

    Do the Ugandans know what is good about South Sudan?

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