Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Cyprus releases Sudan bound ship after two-week holdup

June 25, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Cypriot authorities finally cleared a Barbuda flagged cargo vessel containing an explosive shipment bound for Sudan following two week investigation into whether that is considered a violation of arms embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and the European Union (EU).

The ship stopped at Cyprus Southern port of Limassol for refueling when port police and customs officers decided to hold it on suspicion that it contained weapons considered banned if the end destination is Sudan.

The daily Phileleftheros which originally reported the story said that the United States tipped-off the government of Cyprus into searching the ship. The ship’s captain furnished documents showing that tanks on board were destined for Singapore while the explosives were headed to Algeria.

Sudan denied any military purposes for the explosives saying that it will be used for gold mines at the East of the country.

“The boat contains explosives destined for Port Sudan, for mining firm Ariab which needs them to work gold mine,” Abdel-Baqi Al Gailani, Sudan’s minister responsible for mining, told Agence France Presse (AFP).

“It has nothing to do with the military” he told Reuters in a separate interview.

“Sudan has been importing explosives since the early 1990s to work this gold mine, and has never had any problems in the past. It’s the first time this has happened. It’s absurd,” he said.

Gailani said Sudan was now considering taking legal action to free the cargo and win compensation for the delay.

Commerce Minister Antonis Paschalides told reporters that after a thorough check of the ship’s papers everything was in order and above board.

“We have issued an export permit for the military equipment to Singapore and also permitted the export to Sudan of explosives loaded on the same boat.”

He said that Cyprus, as an EU member, had an “obligation and responsibility” in following the correct procedures to ensure the ship’s documentation was genuine.

Cyprus police said the Santiago would be on its way once it has refueled.

A security source in Cyprus said earlier this week authorities were investigating whether the cargo contravened a U.N. arms embargo on all armed groups operating in Sudan’s Darfur region, the site of a seven-year conflict pitting government troops and allied militias against rebel fighters.



  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Cyprus releases Sudan bound ship after two-week holdup
    So it turned out that the greedy Jalabba are not preparing for war!!


    Cyprus releases Sudan bound ship after two-week holdup
    Watch them very closely, as you have been watching them to know where they are going to dump these explosives. The Islamists believe that the west who are not belivers can not know their moves. Because the moves of the Islamist is planned and directed by God where No human could humper. May be these explosive may bound to Gaza!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who knows!!!!!!


    Cyprus releases Sudan bound ship after two-week holdup
    Mohamed Ali I am not assylum seeker as you may imagine despite those who taught Sudanese assylum seeking were Jallabas whom you are defending. I know so many of them in this governemnt. I am in Khartoum very close to the new NSS building observing if South Sudan will take its independent or not. You what this time the war will never ever be in South Sudan. Not even Darfur where you thing that you gonna defeat them! But the war will star at Jumburia street, if you know it, then bound to Street of Lt. Abdul Gadir Al Kadaru in Khartoum North toward Shandi, Haaaaaaaaaaaa, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Where were you when Late Dr. Garang was killed? Aslo where were you when Khalil got to Khartoum? Anwering these questions will let you to know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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