Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Russian envoy to Sudan urges to focus on Darfur’s socio-economic infrastructures

July 3, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Russian President Special envoy to Sudan called for more efforts to rebuild social and economic infrastructures in Darfur and favor the return of the war-affected displaced and refugees to their home land.

Russian envoy Mikhail Margelov talks to reporters outside the foreign ministry in Khartoum on January 25, 2009. (Getty)
Russian envoy Mikhail Margelov talks to reporters outside the foreign ministry in Khartoum on January 25, 2009. (Getty)
Mikhail Margelov said rebuilding of Darfur social fabric and economic infrastructure are crucial to achieve peace in Darfur besides the ongoing efforts in Doha to reach a political agreement with rebel groups.

“This will not only weaken social tension, but will also create preconditions for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to return to their home land. There are no grounds for talking about some kind of progress in the long term without this,” the special representative pointed out in statements to the Russian Interfax before to travel to Darfur.

Margelov will take part on July 5, in a meeting to be held at UNAMID’s headquarters in El Fasher, North Darfur, to discuss ways to promote recovery and development in Darfur. The retreat is initiated by the head of the peacekeeping mission Ibrahim Gambari who had organized the first meeting in the Rwandan capital, Kigali, on February 27.

Besides the Russian envoy, the meeting will be attended by American, British, Chinese and French envoys. The head of UNMIS and the Joint Chief Mediator will take part in Monday’s gathering. The UNAMID announced further the presence of envoy from European Union, Austria, Canada, Finland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.

“The Retreat aims at reviewing the current situation and developing a common, agreed understanding on the Darfur political process, including the way forward help Darfuris and all the people of the Sudan achieve lasting peace,” said the news briefing of the hybrid mission.

Margelov hailed in his remarks the normalization of Sudan- Chad relations. However he blamed JEM rebels for the deterioration of the security situation in Darfur stressing that “The position of main uncompromising (rebel group) has itself largely created the current crisis and led to combat clashes”.

Criticizing JEM decision to suspend its participation in the Doha peace talks, he said the inclusion of Liberation and Justice Movement in the peace process has justified itself completely.

He also said in his statements published initially in Russian the gradual resettlement of IDPs and refugees camps has camps now came to the fore, “because these camps were seats of constant instability”.

He also supported the consultations with the civil society saying “It is extremely important to engage representatives of civil society as well in the negotiating process and this process should be developed in various directions and in various forms”.




    Russian envoy to Sudan urges to focus on Darfur’s socio-economic infrastructures
    Haa, haa ,ahaaaaa; Its funny to hear Russian talking about economic and infrastructures. Through the history Russians were known for manufacturing of items that kills humans not that saves and survives. Kilashinkov, Adrobov, Ditriof Dimitritov; these are all names of leathal weapons, the last name is a newly made jet fighter recently sold to Islamist regime in Khartoum to kill Darfuris and hamper the independent of South Sudan.

    Please Margelov who name is also name of a 45 pistol name; go and look for bartiner to give you Vodca to drink and forget Sudan.

  • telfajbago

    Russian envoy to Sudan urges to focus on Darfur’s socio-economic infrastructures
    “The position of main uncompromising (rebel group) has itself largely created the current crisis and led to combat clashes”. Margelov said. The unscrupulous Russian envoy today is out of his fucking mind and even over stepping his bonds by blaming the victims after his government assisted Khartoum to commit genocide with its military arsenals, today Margelov wants the rebel to compromise so that he can consolidate his blood-projects but remember the era of Patrick Lumumba in Africa is over and today’s genocide victims will definitely teach Margelov a lesson after they totally change the regime of Khartoum. Margelov’s pro-Khartoum statements should not take any body surprise since the Soviet Union had vanished because it was not build on strong moral foundation, that is why today your Country supporting genocide perpetrators after becoming a compliance to the genocide in Darfur.

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