Lakes state earns support as insecure state after Jonglei state
By Manyang Mayom
July 7, 2010 (RUMBEK) — Lakes state has been prioritized in the second position for support by the Sudan Recovery Fund project after Jonglei state as the most insecure states in Southern Sudan.
Lakes state government will be number two to benefit from the funds amounting to 18 million US dollars, said information minister
According to Lakes state minister of Information and Communication, Marik Nanga Marik, Lakes state has been given 18 million dollars from Sudan Recovery Funds project to solve insecurity in the state.
Southern Sudan has been experiencing insecurity mainly as a result of inter and intra-community fighting for years. Jonglei and Lakes states are the worst hit with thousands of people killed during such local clashes since 2005.
Matot de Akech Matot
Lakes state earns support as insecure state after Jonglei state
Hon, Chol Tong if you received this amounts of 18 Million US dollars are you going to use them for that so-called insecurity in the state ? I don’t think state insecurity is gonna recover or reducing because of money . you better check what you supose to do in a state then what you tell people . Please mr governor we’re watching of you that we all need development we citizen of Lake state then taking money from GOSS and put them into indivdually accounts . Tell your ministers follows that we do stressing no no much development in a state since six years back of CPA sign . Hope you shall use this fund in development of rural areas as Dr John mention in his speech saying that let taking town to the villages not taking the villages to the town .
Aduol Liet
Lakes state earns support as insecure state after Jonglei state
Manyang Mayom.
18 million will do a lots of things in development project instead of giving this funds to solving insecurity issue. Most of us we Dinka people have been wondering how come the Dinak of Lake State turned to act very primitive like Neur and I think this 18 million will increase development project in Lake communities rather than things that, would be solve by the people of Lake Officials.
There are many things went wrongful in Lake State such as the business people have been attacked on the way all the times this is show inhuman that, the Lake Officials need to solve this unusual behaviors in Lake communities. We Dinka people, we like to let people live and moving freely from Abyei up to Bor and from Bor communities to all the way Dinak Malual without fear and that is why the SPLA was successful, because there was no insecurity in all Dinka communities. There are many kids become homeless in Rumbek Town in this early time, can the governor do something about this problem.?
Rumbek communities become aggressive to their neighbourhoods and even themselves and perhaps, it is show there is a lack peace in the mind of people and Lake State Officials must convey good message for that.
Daniel Juol Nhomngek Geech
Lakes state earns support as insecure state after Jonglei state
It was one of the beliefs in Lakes State from 2006 to 2009 that the major cause of Lakes State insecurity was the governor himself. This made many well educated people like Journalist Manyang mayom and Jenub Akolde to keep on writing nasty and malicious articles against him without a fear or a respect for him.
Those of Jenub and Manyang Mayom did forget that the cause of Lakes State insecurity is Lakes State itself, unless all the educated in Lakes State are choosing to be governors and ministers, nothing good can be achieved there.
When I wrote that it is Lakes State itself, I meant that the intellectuals in Lakes State are power hungry and this makes them to be restless all the times, whenever somebody who is in power does not belong to them or themselves.
I firmly believe that the underlying factor that made these well educated writers, the primary six graduate, Mr. Manyang Mayom, and the young Man, Akolde, whose education level I do not know, is the fact that their own people were not in power. The matter was made worse by the truth that they were individuals from Cueibet (Gok Community) who had been governors in Lakes State since the signing of the CPA until 2010, April.
such primitive loyalty to tribal line exhibited by those of Manyang and his friend, Jenub, will never take us anywhere! This primordial attitude was shown in many occasions. There were incidences where these young people could just make up lies to attack LT General, Mr. Daniel Awet Akot by compiling all lies against him. Those lies will never be proved in court of Law, should anybody like Mr. Daniel Awet who they had been assassinating his character take them to court.
I had been following up all their writings to see whether their points of writing such articles had substances in them that could be used to substantiate their claims but with the time, I got to know that their arguments were baseless, whose interior motives are not known yet or not turned inside out.
The climax of their conspiracy was reached when the whole society of most of the intellectuals in Lakes State ganged up against one man and this man was, Mr. Daniel Awet Akot, to hold him hostage as a prisoner of injustices when they clandestinely agreed to remove him from contesting for the post of governorship in the last April polls.
In the process of nominating the candidate for governorship in Lakes State, it was marred with corruption as some of the members in the electrol college were promised commissionership while others with scholarships. I do not know now whether those promises have materialized or not.
However, my concern here is not to repeat those things that had already passed but to point out how the Rumbekists ( those of Journalist Manyang and his friends in the shadow) had something evils against the former governor. I was more saddened when the group of Manyang denied the well known facts in the whole Sudan not only in Lakes State about Daniel Awet. I am up to now still puzzled about what pushed them to say that Awet had never participated in the liberation struggle of the South. This was one of the greatest treasons that the government of southern Sudan let go unnoticed.
The people who participated in the electrol college in Rumbek should be questioned for such high level of conspiracy and treason by saying that Daniel had never participated in the liberation struggle and had less than fifty percent in popularity. This was like saying that SPLM/A had never taken part in that war since Daniel symbolizes the freedom that most of the southerners are enjoying today in the south and he was operating under the SPLM/A Leadership.
Awet, if we go into details about his participation and popularity, all his critics will keep their mouths shut forever. For instance, in his famous eight dreams as reported by the same, Manyang Mayom, we can get his popularity and achievements as outlined below:
“My role in the army: I dreamed that I captured Rumbek and that dream became fact – I also dreamed to have defeated murahileen militias and that dream came as truth whereby I made peace with murahileen without the Khartoum government. I dreamed that over 150 bulls were given to me with the aim of opening the Abyei road and that dream happened and I managed to open Abyei road without the Khartoum government.”
“I dreamed that Torit was hit by SPLA artillery and during the night, late Dr. John Garang de Mabior phoned me and told me ‘my brother Daniel Awet, we are going to capture Torit tomorrow’ and I replied to him that I had dreamed that 8 of your cars were captured by the enemy — and that dream happened on the morning when Torit was attacked by SPLA soldiers and eight cars belong to SPLA were captured by the enemy.”
“I dreamed of staying under a tree — a sound came to me and told me, Daniel Awet, please don’t sit under the tree tomorrow, if you attempt to sit under a tree you will be bombed by airplane; in this dream I decided to avoid sitting under a tree and in the morning an enemy plane bombed the zone and many people who sat under a tree were killed by that plane.”
The former governor affirmed that his close friend Dr. John Garang, who served with him during the bush life, was a good Christian man but one who did not go to church daily. “Garang is a good man who kept all bible chapters in his mind – I did not see late Dr. John Garang de Mabior going to church on a daily basis,” said Daniel Awet.
“In my term as Lakes state governor, over one hundred and twenty (120) churches are already built in Rumbek under my administration through the goodwill of Samaritan’s Purse organization,” he noted.
Over one thousand and twenty children were named for Daniel Awet Akot during the war period, commented the former general. He was pointing out that it was his fame during the war period that makes him popular. One hundred thirty thousand schools were built, he added, and his area was connected to toch (grass land), a development that people need.
In 1985, Daniel Awet was leader of Tuek-Tuek and Shark battalions which led an intensive war against the Khartoum government. These two battalions were stationed in Bahr el Ghazal region where Daniel Awet was chosen as a zonal commander by SPLA leader John Garang”
As some of his dreams are shown and read above I begin to wonder what promoted Manyang’s group to deny Daniel the popularity that he deserves. It was all conspiracy and malice. Having made to the one of the highest offices in the Land of Southern Sudan, I want to say that the critics of LT Daniel Awet Akot should now hang their heads in shame. Shame on them!!!
Furthermore, I want to assert that, I am the happiest man today to cry out openly on the streets of Southern Sudan that SHAME ON CRITICS OF LT GENERAL DANIEL AWET AKOT. I know, Mr. Daniel, is one of the happiest people I have ever seen since he had defeated his enemies politically.
I do not know that what Manyang Mayom is waiting for? The insecurity in Lakes State is intensifying now as it been been ranked to be second to Jonglei State in term of insecurity in the recent report. They should write against the current governor because according to them the insecurity is always caused by the one in power.
This was seen when the current general in the army, Mr. John Lake Makhoi, was governor of Lakes State, and his successor Mr. Daniel Awet Akot. The people from Rumbek went to raid in Gok area when the war broke out, those of Manyang wrote that it was governor who was weak, ignoring the fact that the peace will never be where those of manyang where, unless they are chosen to lead.
In that time, they wrote many malicious and nefarious articles against John Lat, forgetting that many well educated individuals are in Cueibet and if it means writing in turn they could write many things, but because of love for unity they kept quiet. They wrote bad things against them, Terming them to be illiterate, without respecting their moral and physical contributions to the freedom of the Southern Sudanese.
If Manyang Kept quiet about today’s rising insecurity, then it means that Manyang was not fair and honest in writing and reporting. In deed, I saw this in his recently article when the group of people from Joth and Baar murdered innocent people from Cueibet in the cold blood without even respecting the law and their governor who is from Agar. The worst thing was that they even killed the school teacher mercilessly without shame. Forgetting that that teacher was building a nation.
However, sadly, Manyang tried to alley the truth by writing that those people including the class teacher were killed by the criminals, which is not true. Manyang and Akolde should go to hell with their writings because they are confusing the whole Southern Sudan.
Michael Anyong
Lakes state earns support as insecure state after Jonglei state
18 m US Dollars, you build the store for Guns first with 1m. we disarm them and there’s no store to keep!!