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Sudan Tribune

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Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan

July 9, 2010 (JUBA/RUMBEK/BOR) – Southern Sudanese youth have staged a peaceful procession in Juba and other main towns in support of independence of the region in a referendum due to be held next year.

Hundreds of supporters of south Sudan independence rallied in Juba (AFP)
Hundreds of supporters of south Sudan independence rallied in Juba (AFP)
Thousands of youth members from various political parties, including the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), crisscrossed the streets of Juba, Bor Rumbek, Aweil and other twons on Friday on foot and in convoys of cars, chanting the slogans ‘Yes for Separation’ and ‘Let My People Go’ as written on placards.

In Juba, civil society organizations and church leaders joined the match which began from 9:00AM until the afternoon hours in a rainy weather. Members of Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, led by the Controller of parliament and chairman of the SPLM Caucus, Peter Bashir Bandi, also spearheaded the procession.

The youth claimed that the unity of Sudan has been a failed trial since 1956 when the country gained its independence. “The so-called unity of Sudan has never been healthy since 1956. It has produced only wars, underdevelopment in the South and lack of common identity in the country in addition to countless other injustices,” said Daniel Wani, member of Southern Sudan Youth for Separation.

“The only acceptable option left would be to split the country in the referendum so that each region would try its luck and put its own house in order in terms of its identity as well as political and economic development,” he said.

David Amuor, addressing a large crowd of excited youth said the South wants independence as an answer to the question inquiring what the South wants. “Northerners have been asking unanswered question for generations that what does the South want,” Amuor said, and added that the answer is that the South wants independence.

Also Abyei youth representatives speaking on behalf of the people of Abyei said the region wants to join the South in the referendum.

Similar processions are also reported in other states of Southern Sudan during which the youth called for potential voters to vote for secession in the referendum.

In a separate procession, a group calling itself ‘women and mothers’ also matched in thousands through the streets and converged at the region’s parliament, expressing their support to the separation of Southern Sudan.

The women and mothers called on the CPA partners to conduct the referendum on time without any delay in a free and fair exercise.

Addressing the women’s procession, the Deputy Speaker of the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, Daniel Awet Akot, said the people of Southern Sudan will not accept any other floating idea such as confederation as a substitution for separation.

In Bor Students from Jonglei state marched under the theme ‘Youth for Separation. Yes for Separation’. “It is better to be a free poor man in your own country,” Peter Deng who took part in the procession told the Sudan Tribune.

In contrast to the views expressed by the students, at the end of the march in Bor the Governor of Jonglei State, Kuol Manyang Juuk, said that unity with the north was an option that should be attached to development funding from the central government in Khartoum.

Also an estimated 1,000 primary and secondary school students marched in Rumbek, the capital of Lakes state. Primary school student of Ager-gum, said the students wanted “complete independence from Khartoum”.

Another student, Peter Manyiel, told Sudan Tribune “I don’t need Sharia Law any longer to govern my southern brothers in Khartoum… We need to be independent from Khartoum so that we can establish an independent constitution.”

The marches are part of a series of initiatives planned by the SPLM Youth League to promote separation and demand that the referendum takes place as scheduled on January 9, 2011. As well as the SPLM Youth League, the SPLM has also formed the SPLM Students League and SPLM Women’s League to advocate independence for the south.

Despite the partisan nature of the demonstration by the SPLM Youth League, the Lakes State Assistant Secretary for Political Affairs, Malou Moses Majok, said that the SPLM are using the marches and rallies to educate the public about the referendum on secession for Southern Sudan and the contested oil rich Abyei region.

In Khartoum, the dominant National Congress Party (NCP) launched a campaign in favor of the unity of the country mobilizing its supporters from southern Sudanese and SPLM figures like Malik Aggar who is supportive to Sudan’s unity.

Today in Khartoum, the organization of the political parties and formations, a coalition including the NCP and some other small parties, said it would send a letter to the President of the Government of South Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit demanding to allow the political forces in the north and the south to hold open meetings with citizens in the south to ensure the success of the referendum process and support the unity of Sudan.

The referendum is part the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 between former rebels the SPLM and Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party. The deal created a power sharing national government, a semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan dominated by the SPLM and a formula to share Sudan’s oil wealth, which is mainly in the south.

With just over six months left until the referendum many issues still need to be resolved. Voter registration has yet to begin and the controversial border between North and South needs to be demarcated. There is also no provision in the existing agreement for how to divide Sudan’s oil after January 9, 2011 when the current deal expires.



  • Jamus

    Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan
    In 1947,Our Chiefs and headmen,weighted the benefits of Unity and Separation,but were deceived due to lack of education.They tried their best.They include Chief Lolik,Both and Lueth Ajak just to name a few.In 1956,the unity was forced on us by British in collusion with Northerners.This led to the start of war in Southern that was ended with the signing of 1972 agreement,that ushered in a relative peace for 10 years.Again,in 1972,unity was given a chance but the agreement was abrogated and scraped within a day.It led to a bitter war,that costed Southerners millions of lives,property and disruption of our way of life.The war,moreover,produced a generational gap in education in South Sudan.SPLM main political ideology was that , “Sudan shall remain united and secular.Unity on new basis were all Sudanese are equal stake holders in economy,governence,politics and social affairs of Sudan”.We gave them five years to prove this but they terribly failed the test.Now lets give separation a chance.

    Before casting your vote during referandum,think about all this.The socalled unity fund of 200 million dollars is not worth millions lives lost compounded with other man made calamities that affected Southerners.

  • $iong mayom
    $iong mayom

    Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan
    We have to go. Jalaba has to find its own oil and resources.. We have to start milking our own cattle now.It’s that simple

  • DengDit Ayok
    DengDit Ayok

    Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan
    Southern Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    SPLM Oyeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    SPLA Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

    All political parties in Southern Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    All the peoples of Southern Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    The sharp axe of independence must cut the heads of the Northern elite!

  • soldier boy
    soldier boy

    Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan
    According to my thinking youth are the back Bourne of the Country for instaniste when SPLA was in war with northern youth were the one fighting. They wasn’t thinking that one there will be CO call CPA to give us Freedom like what we have now… Achoose to choose what you want Separation or Unity …young people in the other hand are the one that pay the prices of loosing their future or their life trying to depent MOM and Dad so, now if the Great allmighty Gave us an oppartunity to Separate from North ARab why not… Yeah yeah yeah for Separation and No No No No for Unity…and for our Youth who went out today in Southern Sudan states supporting Separation I have done the same thing in Los Angelos California so Please don’t think you are yourself we behined you 100%
    INDEPENDENT Oyessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

  • babadit

    Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan
    they finally will understand the true meaning of independence south sudan.
    we will rise and shine like a morning stars, regards less of what the NCP/NIF think about southerners

  • Deng Garang Akech
    Deng Garang Akech

    Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan
    Dear friends,

    Allowed me to call you friends since Jesus call his disciples and followers of Christ friends ! Time had come for you to choose and decide between seperation or unity of Sudan.Sudan will never be the same quote that and no one among us will be second, third and fourth citizen in his own mother country like before.We are tied of Arabs for the long lasting peace of Hundred and Thirty years between us with them.

  • Manyang

    Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan
    The procession is a good political move to educate the public of the up coming referendum. Separation of south from the north is the only viable option left due to the failure by our leaders in the south to look NCP in the eye to promote the genuine reform in the sudanese political system.

    The south sudanese should not only focus their attention on the separation but also put pressure on GOSS to unveil the reform agenda it have for the good governance of South sudan.

    Could SPLM/GOSS had reacted differently if these processions were organised against its ill governance of south sudan? People in the procession must know that they have the right to protest against corruption, tribalism and all sorts of bad governance in the south.

    By Manyang Deng

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Youth and women stage process in support of separation of South Sudan
    Yes we can have our independence by thick or thin; and yes we can’t have unity of the Sudan by fraud and tricks.

    Long Live the Independence aspiration of the separatist South Sudanese because this where we shall have the real freedom to built our dignity.

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