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Sudan Tribune

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U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president

July 13, 2010 (WASHINGTON) — The U.S. special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration appeared to strike a different tone than that of the White House and the State Department on the decision by the judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) to add genocide charges to list of counts against president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Gration2.jpgPrior to Monday’s ruling, Bashir already faced seven counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his alleged role in orchestrating extermination campaign against the African tribes of the Fur, Masaalit and Zaghawa living in Sudan’s Western region of Darfur.

Last year the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber refused to add three counts of genocide requested by the prosecutors prompting a an appeal by the latter in which he ultimately prevailed in.

Darfur rebels and rights groups have hailed the ruling calling a victory for the Darfur victims and a strong message against impunity in Sudan and around the world.

Yesterday the U.S. state department spokesman P.J. Crowley urged al-Bashir to submit himself to the ICC to face the genocide charges and revealed that Gration has told Sudanese officials that their boss must face justice in the Hague.

Crowley said that Gration will renew his call during his visit to Sudan which starts next Friday.

Today the White House echoed the same message saying Khartoum must cooperate with the Hague-based tribunal.

“The United States strongly supports international efforts to bring those responsible for genocide and war crimes in Darfur to justice and believes that there cannot be a lasting peace in Darfur without accountability,” said Mike Hammer, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council.

Though the U.S. statement did not name Bashir, it said, “We continue to call on the government of Sudan and all other parties to the conflict to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court.”

But today the U.S. special envoy speaking at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) expressed dissatisfaction with the ICC latest move.

“The decision by the ICC to accuse Sudanese president Omer Al-Bashir of genocide will make my mission more difficult and challenging especially if we realize that resolving the crisis in Darfur and South, issues of oil and combating terrorism at a 100%, we need Bashir” Gration was quoted as saying by Arabic Language Washington based Radio Sawa.

“Also the issues of citizenship and referendum, the North holds a lot of influence so this is really tough. How will I carry out my duties in this environment?” he posed the question.

In Paris, the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo called on all states to isolate Bashir and urged non-ICC members such as U.S., China and Russia to “do something” after judges approved the genocide charges.

“We need all heads of state to say that if you commit genocide you cannot be part of the club… Because it’s a genocide, even states who are not members of the ICC now have a legal obligation to do something,” Ocampo said.

The new arrest warrant means the 1948 Genocide Convention can be invoked, Ocampo said, including in states such as the U.S., Russia and China, and even Sudan itself.

“They have to be clear. I mean China, Russia, the U.S. making clear statements,” the ICC prosecutor told reporters.

The prosecutor said a Friday meeting of the United Nations Security Council was an opportunity for countries to make a stand against Bashir.

“We are asking for a robust political decision. If the security council members agree to stop this, they can stop it in one day.”

Khartoum has dismissed the latest arrest warrant, accusing the ICC of being part of a Western conspiracy trying to destabilize the country and stall development as well as peace talks with the rebels in Darfur. The Sudanese government says its position is supported by Arab, African and Islamic countries.

Today the Arab League Secretary General Amr Mousa criticized the fresh genocide charges saying it might further destabilize the volatile situation in the East African nation and impact the 2011 referendum in South Sudan.

Mousa also questioned the timing of the decision and stressed that Arab League and African Union commissions found no evidence of genocide in Darfur.

The United States is the only country which has labeled the conflict in Darfur as genocide and a 2004 U.N. commission of inquiry said that while some figures may have committed crimes with genocidal intent, only a court of law can establish that it occurred.



  • murlescrewed

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    Scott Gration is quick to give NCP and Al-Bashir ammunition to make his mission difficult. Now that he has revealed his card, all Bashir and Nafie Ali Nafie will do is play their hands accordingly and link the issue of ICC to all pending issues with respect to Darfur and South. What is wrong with this highly respected general? It is imperative that he push Bashir and NCP to honor CPA and let it take place as scheduled. The ICC is purely a legal entity that will require Mr. Bashir to go to The Hague and answer his accusers. What happens there has nothing to do with what has been signed.

    However, Gen Gration has now revealed a weak link between what the ICC does and peace process. All the NCP and Bashir will do is exploit this path.

  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    mr. musa, trust me, referendom will gone unintrupted. let me resassure you. arab rhetoric is out of date, saddam Husein used it and it did yield good fruit for him. the same thing is going to happen in Bashir case. but referendom will bravely survive those rhetorical storms until it gives birth to separation by any price necessary. our hope and love for creation of new nation in south sudan will motivate us to sacrify blood once more should any obstacle build up near OUR BALLOTS BOX.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    This US envoy has no right to complaint about the charges against president Bashir because he declare the clear up the African tribes in the Western Darfur in 2003. He has committed genocide in Darfur.

    How can you do you feel about the total clearing of those people per the order of Bashir? this might not be your word because this make me suspicious. The envoy can not cover up the criminal while Bashir has exterminated the non-Arab in the country.

    To this mr Musa-the Arab league secretary, you have to keep quite because there will be no problem in the East African and South Sudan. Who will play around with the referendum because of the imposition of ICC charges against your Arab freind-Omer?

    This Arab are selfish and this make them not to see the suffering of others,other the secretary can not talk like a aborn child. We have to make it clear that the South will be out soon by everything possible. Thanks

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    Thank U.S. P.J. Crowley and ICC Chief Ocampo for speak up.

    We do appreciated your help and perhaps for your kindness although some individuals assum that, they are working for Sudan or being appointed as the special for Sudan but the recrods will tell the world what that individual has done since he was been appointed to do something about Sudan’s problems and none of his mission have done so far, why U.S. Scott Gration should be defending Omar al Bashir for what reason.? Omar al Bashir himself he was the one who let the Bin Laden run a way in Sudan and Omar al Bashir had contributed about 2000 Sudanese troops to go and help Saddam Hussein fights against American and Iraq freedom. Omar al Bashir he has been always speaking up against Western nations

    The way the Sudanese Officials speaking that, they were being supported by Arab African and numbers of Islamic Countries this is exactly the reason why there is a gencocide happening in the Sudan. It was something well plan by these Arab Countries in Middle East and those Arab African who have been doing all these agendas against innocent none Arab Tribes in the Sudan. We are still requsting the ICC Judges and others nation to put Omar al Bashir in the book on the convention in 1948.

    Arab Islamic are humanism or inhuman people this is why they are supported killing in this world otherwise, if they were truly real believes that, create people equally then, they would have been forcing this indictment Omar al Bashir to surrendering to the ICC Judges in the last year 2009. I don’t buy such an Idiocy comment made by the Amr Mousa seem to supporting Omar al Bashir, because of Islamic and stupidity of Arab brotherhoods but God will call them one by one as MR, Saddam Hussein was killing his own citizens and the blood of Iraqis innocent people called him back to go hell this Omar al Bashir will take this path of his friend Saddam Hussein for sure.

    The Arab league Secretary general Amr Mousa is out of touch for that comment he always seem to support Omar al Bashir of getting ride with African Tribes in the Sudan, things are changing and these Arabs in Africa are going to have difficulties in time to come if this is how Islamic Arab Countries are taking side instead of telling Omar al Bashir that, criminal has no brother to defend and you have no right to refuse the ICC law which have been agree upon in 1948 convention. The comment Mousa made is unprofound and Sudan was already destablishilizing by Omar al Bashir government what destablishilize left if Mousa was not out of touch.?

  • Bol Bol
    Bol Bol

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    These people (Gration and Moussa ) must not confuse Southern Sudanese right for self-determination with indictment of Omar Albashir. These are two separation issues must not be muddled together. Abrogating the referendum because of Bashir’s indictment will endanger the country even further.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    This Scott Gration should be arrested and shown the book himself because he is now in the list of those who deny the jalaba genocide crimes against the black African tribes in the South Sudan first, specially in Juba and Wau when civilians were burried alive and women raped then murdered, now it is happening in Darfur. While Alashir is shivering in Khartoum for fear of sure arrest the new criminals who deny these crimes like Gration must be held responsible. Your complaits to [email protected]


    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    Hi guys in warfares there is strategy that says give the enemy channels to scape if deafeated or he will fight like a devils if caught in an unscapable corners. Therefore I don’t bother with what Gration is saying as long as his bosses in Washington supported the rule of ICC.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    I can not believe what is coming out of Mr. Gration’s mouth that his mission will be difficult based on the recent dicision the ICC made. Gration has been trying to favor the interest of Khartoum from day one.

    If his mission in Sudan was to serve peace other than his personal interest, therefore, his mission and work will not be difficult. Bringing Al-Bashir to justice is part of creating peace, and conducive situation in Sudan.

    If Mr. Gration think he would not be able to carry out his duties effectively while his friend Al- Bashir is wanted by the ICC, he can resign from being US special envoy to Sudan, and give others a chance to do the work to bring peace to Sudan.

    There are other tough people who can do the job other than him. Those who understand what the people of Darfur experienced. Those who know Bashir has done to the nation of Sudan.

    General Gration position would not change what Washington has stated. He should follow the voice of his country but not what sound to serve his personal agenda.

    I think it would be good for Mr. Gration to leave the job of special envoy to other Americans who care about peace, and freedom. Allow the ICC to get the job done. Thank you.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Ayom

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    You see how the politician speak, the U.S special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration was speaking opposite way, meaning that he is happy for the move of the ICC. Do you know that the bigest emmy to the Western World is Arabs, they don;t like themselves. So Scott Gration just want to maintaint a diplomatic relations with sudanese government and non of his business whether president bashir to be prosecuted like former Iraqi president or just died alone for the heart attack disease of being indicted for the ICC.

    Ayom Ayom

  • Subsahara Centre
    Subsahara Centre

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    Tag Elkhazin. Subsaharacentre Canada

    The ICC is not there to facilitate or obstruct the work of Gen Gration. A more objective comment was expected of a man of his stature.

    While the ICC is about Darfur atrocities (right or wrong), the General has dropped the file of Darfur like a hot potato (Semantics and rhetoric aside).

    On Darfur, he stands on very loose moral grounds.

    Shuttle diplomacy has its limitations. it seems to be his most preferred tool

  • telfajbago

    U.S. special envoy unhappy about ICC genocide ruling against Sudanese president
    The fact that Gration is striking a different tone should not take any body by surprise since the unscrupulous envoy has shown his staff when he described what is happening in Darfur as remnant of genocide. I think the best thing Gration can do to salvage Al-Bashir is to study law and go to Hague in order to defend Al-Bashir. It’s strange that how President Obama appointed such an envoy to Sudan in 21st century who has no slight respect to human value. I do not think any sane person would appose the ICC heroic move against Al-Bashir, therefore I advise Gration to seek counseling before it’s too late.

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