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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei Governor pledges to address poverty

July 13, 2010 (BOR) – Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk said his government will step up plans to address poverty in Jonglei where half of the population feed on less than a dollar per day.

The Governor was speaking in Bor at a workshop organized by Southern Sudan Center for Census, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE) to disseminate the rate of poverty to State government.

48.3% of Jonglei’s population are considered poor based on consumption person per month , said a study conducted by SSCCSE in 2009 and published this year. A non-poor person consumes 152 Sudanese Pounds (SDG) per month compared to 39 SDG for a person considered poor in Jonglei State, according to consumption per capita method used by SSCCSE during April and May 2009 to determine population’s poverty level.

Consumption per person per month in Southern Sudan is 100 SDG on average. The gap between urban (168 SDG) and rural (88 SDG) spending is wide. Southern Sudanese villagers are the poorest and thus, don’t spare money for transport, personal care, education and recreation.

For Jonglei State where the number of cattle is more than the human populations, the grave poverty level comes as a surprise. But Thiong Akuei, Jonglei Director for SSCCSE says only small fraction of the population benefits from cattle’s milk and meat.

“The youth graze cattle in areas far from village,” he said, adding “The family is not benefiting from these cattle and this is the challenge government should address”.

The Director presented an overview for the National Baseline Household Survey 2009 and methodology used in choosing poverty indicators but the 92 page booklet fall short of recommendations to the governments; something Jonglei participants criticized.

On his part, Gov. Kuol congratulated the SSCCSE and promised to make use of the document “now that we are aware.”

“We are now equipped and I calls upon the State minister for agriculture and economic planning to make use of this document and plan to address poverty,” he said.



  • Akuma

    Jonglei Governor pledges to address poverty
    The poverty in Jonglei State is very high because many people have reluctant to work mostly cultivators in Agriculture. Many people depend themselves on government to provide them with what to eat.

    On other hands, the big cause for this poverty is unmployment of young people in the state because government posts are grabed either on tribal line bases or relatives which left some people poverty. I urge state government to work hard in providing many jobs to young graduates.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Jonglei Governor pledges to address poverty
    What comes first is the security of person and property,now insecurity in Jonglei is the order of the day, Millions of people desprately live in fear of being killed or their children being obducted by primitive bush gangs who care less about lives of others. I think the governor should primarily focus on how to bring the desperately needed security of life and property before talking about addressing poverty. Security is an essential way of fighting poverty too because people’s proverties and lives can prosper when there is a peaceful environment.

    I wonder if Jonglei government couldn’t afford to complete the road in very poor shape between Pariak and Bortown which often holds up motorists for days during rainy season. And nearly everything flows to State capital through this road. I just don’t see any prospect here in this rhetorical pledge.

  • Ayom

    Jonglei Governor pledges to address poverty
    Mr. Govenor as for this time don’t worry about the poverty of your citizens, NGOs/UN agencies will supplies enough food to the local communities. But your main task is to secure the separation of southern sudan by providing security to the citizen and mobilizing them to vote for Independent nation. After we become stable then all International Investors are ready to come with their investment like Factories, Industries and Manufacturers. Hence everyone become busy

    Ayom Ayom

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    Jonglei Governor pledges to address poverty
    Governor Kuol Manyang is one of the few leaders that is thinking of ways of getting people out of poverty. Jonglei state could be one of the richest state in south sudan if they come up with good plans to address poverty given the number of cattles in the state. The cow dung alone could generate enough power to light the whole state and beyond. The cattle owners must be given some training to translate their Animal wealth into an agricultural economic modern Animal husbandry. Jonglei can become a meat exporting state and supply the rest of the country with Milk,butter ,cheese etc. There is a lot to gain from those Animals only that some good thoughts should be injected into the minds of those who own the Animal wealth.

    All our natural resources and Animal wealth must undergo some technological transformation to get people out of poverty meanwhile we have abundant of resources.Technology is the only way to go ,with Dr.John Garang Institute of Technology in the state priorities must be given to research and change life. If others can do it we can too given good leadership.

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