Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Southern Sudan speaker refutes comment on unity

July 17, 2010 (WUNROK) —The Speaker of the regional Assembly of Southern Sudan James Wani Igga, on Saturday denied comments attributed to him in the media about unity.

Speaker of South Sudan parliament James Wani Igga (GoSS)
Speaker of South Sudan parliament James Wani Igga (GoSS)
On Wednesday Igga was reportedly quoted as saying that unity between north and south is much more than possible.

“There’s a moral responsibility to all the martyrs in all parts of Sudan who fought for the unity of the country on all bases,” he was quoted as saying.

But the Southern official said he had made no such remark.

“I do not remember having interacted with any journalist on 14th July nor did I participate in any political discussions apart from normal deliberations in the House which did not talk about unity let alone interview with a journalist from Khartoum on Wednesday,” said Speaker Igga in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Saturday from the regional capital of Juba.

The media further quoted the third powerful man in the structural hierarchy of the SPLM as saying that the movement downplayed the significance of separatist voices within it and said that unity is still possible and it was still not too late to achieve it.

The report further claimed that Igga has distanced the ex-rebels from the ongoing processions calling for separation of Southern Sudan from the north by group of youth under the umbrella of South Sudan youth forum for referendum.

“The SPLM is not party to the ongoing processions and cheers demanding the separation of the south. These organizations express the views of individuals and not the stand of the SPLM,” Igga reportedly said, adding that the bigger inclination inside the SPLM favors unity.

He also allegedly said that the SPLM leaders who talk about secession are just angry.

Deng Aleu Kuany, member of the SPLM in the regional capital of Juba in an interview with Sudan Tribune said he was first and foremost surprised by an interview attributed to the Speaker and did not believe SPLM’s Igga was contacted.

“I did not believe that the journalist from the said paper has really contacted Honorable James Wani Igga. That was just a manufactured quote by journalists hired by unionists by the National Congress Party,” he said.

Akot Lual Chok, another member of the SPLM in Juba further added that if there are people much concerned about southern separation from the north within SPLM political structure, James Wani is bona fide member.

“His acts and behaviors do not show the contrary. He is one of those faithful members of the movement I still trust at the moment,” he added, describing an interview with him as “rubbish”.

“This interview is nonsense. It is all nothing but just mere propaganda to confuse southern Sudanese so as to mistrust their leaders in the SPLM such as the like of Honorable James Wani Igga,” he said.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement CPA), signed between the SPLM and NCP in 2005 calls for giving the unity option a priority and work to make it attractive. However, overwhelming voices from the South say unity has failed and separation should be the only option.

A series of demonstrations in the country and abroad calling for separation have been staged. However, few SPLM senior officials have dared to publicly support the call for separation.



  • murlescrewed

    Southern Sudan speaker refutes comment on unity
    CDR Wani Igga would not equivocate over the issue of separation or unity. He never wavered in his support of SPLM even when opportunists like Riek and Lam were jumping the ship.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Southern Sudan speaker refutes comment on unity
    Dear Southerners,

    The most important character in human being is being patient. Alot of our people are always impatient in everything that they do. Some of them can not endure thinking and that was the reason why we have many people who can not understand the logic. Those who widely misunderstood issues fill their angrey mouth with trash against those who can think beyond reasonable doubt. This website has been the breeding areas for lies but this will not assist those mouthing.

    You guys must know the source of information before jumping up and down like squerrel on the tree. Yes, those who can not think just blame our honorable Wani Igga for nothing because they have no that capacity tp judge propaganda from the truth. I want to tell those who have no sense of patience to take time when judging the situation.

    I knew that our Speaker Wani Igga can not take like that so i have to know that the bias might come somewhere to spoil his political stand.

    Please, We know you Wani Igga that you can not talk like the one that was put in your mouth by the spoiler. Don,t worry about that bias. We have to know the source before talking trash against our leaders

  • Kur

    Southern Sudan speaker refutes comment on unity
    That interview was a plot from the machine of lies from the NCP.


  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Southern Sudan speaker refutes comment on unity
    This Journalist spoke what is in the minds of SPLM leaders Although some say it is imagination Report.
    Take from that Journalist and i agree with him, We Southerners cryings for Separation will end up as regretful Dreams. Let me add my name to that brave Journalist, “Unity is more closer than Separation” We will vote for our rights but our Leaders will decide it differently and we are the Voiceless Victims.
    We know that Millions or may be Billions of Monies were been poured to South Sudanese Leaders in forms of ” To make Unity Attractive by creating Development Programs” but do we think these money are really for the purpose as been Said? No for sure, the Money is to bribeAttract South Sudanese Leaders to decide the fade of Poor Southerners.


    Southern Sudan speaker refutes comment on unity
    I don’t see any ground for James Wani Igga to get perplexed on issues of the referandum as long as the referadum stipulated on CPA is not concerning just leadership of SPLM/A but the people in the Southn Sudan. If I am not wrong people of the South Sudan are the one to decide their own destiny. So let them bark Wau Wau as long they feel bitter on their pass bad deeds on the people of the South Sudan

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Southern Sudan speaker refutes comment on unity
    You lairs Journalists stop flooding wrong rumourmonger amongst faithful Southern Sudan population. Honourable James Wani Igga is an heroic and legendary of Southern Sudan through his faithful and honesty. it was his honesty and faithful that makes attraction and bid SPLA/M by then and today. James Wani Igga was number 7 in the ranking of “High Commander in SPLA/M right from earlier started of SPLA/M, but where are these so called High commanders apart from those who died like Youfkumuggi, Manyiel Ayuol, Glaro and Nyachgak. Am not talking higher commanders after James Wani Igga, but am talking those who were seniors to him like Kurbino, William Nyoun, Arock Thon, these seniors higher to James Wani Igga were died recklessness just because they were not faithful to what they were doing to the people of Southern Sudan. All seniors pliers were defected except Chairman Dr John Garang, Kiir-Mayardit, James Wani Igga, Daniel Awet Akot, Kuol Manyang in hgher commanders but the rest were unfaithful to serve the lives of people of Southern Sudan.
    It was Honesty and kindness of James Wani Igga which bade some Equatorian people to be faithful with remainders of SPLA/M when SpLA/M controlled areas were just remained Numele in the eastern Equatoria and Tumbra in western Equatoria as results of Jalaba (enimies) plus defection of higher ranks who were influential SPLA soldiers to go with them.
    Honourable James Wani Igga remains heroic and Legendary of Southern Sudan and he can’t makes stupid commands on behalves of Southern Sudan people, everyone knows him as a faithful man.
    Be honest with Honourable James Wani Igga and Thanks

    Lok T Simon

  • Nuerdit

    Southern Sudan speaker refutes comment on unity

    There is no unity, Wani can not speak of that,lie jounalist, we are here for separation of the southern sudan to be an independence contry.
    By Nuer Deng Atem

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