Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Southern Sudan minister defends government against corruption

July 17, 2010 (WUNROK) — The minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development in the Government of Southern Sudan has defended his government’s position on combating corruption.

John Luk Jok, South Sudan government Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development (GoSS Website)
John Luk Jok, South Sudan government Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development (GoSS Website)
John Luk Jok, a senior member of the SPLM led government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) defended his government’s records in the execution of the anti-graft crusade, saying all corruption related allegations have been given particular attention over the last five years.

In a press briefing with members of the media on Friday in Juba, minister Jok said GoSS has at all times possible paid particular attentions to allegations related to financial scandals and ill administrative practices.

One of the pledges made by president Kiir at the inauguration of Southern Sudan parliament following April elections was to vigorously fight against corruption, embezzlement of public property and abuse of public office. The government has made significant progress so far,” he further explained.

He said between 2005 and 2010, a period of 5 years, corruption allegations have been heard and swiftly dealt with to end speculations.

“This shows commitment of the government to fighting corruption and promoting good governance. This reflects our seriousness and commitment to the anti-graft war,” he said.

Minister Jok further added that during the last five years, disciplinary and legal measures were taken against all those who were implicated, adding that several laws were legislated by regional parliament to tighten the knot on corrupt elements in the society.

He said the Southern Sudan anti corruption commission is now having offices at almost at the level of all ten southern states and the institution has been given more financial muscle and qualified personnel.

“Measures are being taken against corrupt elements to demonstrate the political will and the commitment of the government in fighting corruption and promoting good governance,” he said, adding that the judiciary body has been given a big boost to facilitate efficient administration of justice.

Jok further explained that between 2008 and 2009, South Sudan President has appointed over 10 justices of appeal, some of them are women and more than 51 high court judges, of whom over 24 of them are also women. The government also hired over 256 legal counselors, about 117 out of them are women and 394 primary court judges mostly at county levels, over 134 of them women, he added.

We have always supported the Judiciary, but refrained from interference in its operations. Due to budget constraints, he said, the judiciary has not been receiving enough funds to accomplish its objectives.

He revealed that there are plans to create a special fund for the judiciary in line with regional constitution provision. He told the press that Southern Sudan has registered over 31% from 25% per cent in 2005 of female representation in decision making bodies. “

“We have now seven new ministers in the regional cabinet and more would be appointed into other top civil services soon,” he explained.

“Today we have more women in both the regional, National Assembly, cabinet, states and county commissioners, directors and executive officers and most have proved to be competent,” he said, adding that the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) office has been strengthened in terms of operations, personnel and facilities to enable it to tackle emerging challenges.

Kiir has directed anti corruption commission and police to act whenever the commission uncovers theft and embezzlement cases in any public office.



  • Deng Yak L
    Deng Yak L

    Southern Sudan minister defends government against corruption
    Well H.E. Jok, not all of you who are corrupte but some who don’t know their leadership in the nearest future, due to that there is no point of denying the facts of the corruption at GoSS level , it is something known and it can not be denies so sir you are right to defend your government but try your level best to bring those who do that to the book.

    There were many senior officials who did that but they were not punished, they deserve punishment instead of defending the government , try to minimize and punish those practice it, corruption is a part of economic , so there is no way we can get ride of it but it is a matter of magnitude,

  • Baggaran

    Southern Sudan minister defends government against corruption
    But, the facts are these.

    South Sudan is seen by foriegn investors as one of the ten most corrupt places in the world.

    In five years there has been no public trial and punishment for corruption – but the head of the corruption unit got a salary increase. The corrupt finance minister who was put in prison was released by his tribe.

    Uganda traders say their goods and bodies are not safe in Juba and they did demonstrate on this only last week. Last week there was a report that 108 out of 150 land sales in Abyei were carried out in corrupt way. Nothing been done about it because the local officials are involved.

    The point is that corruption weaken South Sudan even more than rebellion. There will be no strength in South Sudan until it deal fully with these money traitors.

    Give them a quick military trial and punishment, and the corruption will soon stop.

  • khawaja

    Southern Sudan minister defends government against corruption
    How can someone like Jonh Luk dare telling sthing like this!!!! What a shame!

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Southern Sudan minister defends government against corruption
    I don’t agree with John Luk. It is not true that “all corruption cases” have been dealt with. What about the murder and looting of Murle civilians’ cows, abduction of their wives and children by Bor Dinka and Nuer who are the very SPLA generals. What about the truth today if you see the GoSS ministers and most important positions are occupied either by Dinka or Nuer except very few great leaders from other tribes but who must be pro-jonkoz to keep such second-class positions. Why there is no just one Murle minister? Is that not corruption by GoSS. Many of us are very qualified from Murle community but we are now jobless because of systematic deliberate marginalisation by ‘jonkoz’ etc etc. your complaints to [email protected]

  • Manyieldit

    Southern Sudan minister defends government against corruption
    Mr. Jok,

    The issue is not about women representatives but about Corruption. you need to differentiate between gender balance and corruption, because here you talk more of women representation in judiciary body but that will not bring any change in fighting corruption instead it will increase the corruption rate and incidents. what will those Chics do in the fight against corruption? the example has bee Mrs Awut Deng who was a minister of public services, she did not stop gost names in her ministry nor in the other GOSS ministries simply because she can not stop some one whom she went to bed with one time or relatives and friends of her sex mate, this is only what is making women not to apply the rule of law when is due. So appointing more women in the judiciary body mean that some big fish in GOSS want to use them as mean of protecting themselves from been arrested on corruption charges. We are all aware of power of the thigh our sisters are using to get the position, this can not be miscalculated in fight against corruption.

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