Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

VP Biden says U.S. working to avoid ‘failed state’ in Sudan

July 18, 2010 (WASHINGTON) — The number two official in the U.S. said today that his country does not want to see a “failed state” in Sudan ahead of a key vote by Southerners which could lead to the world’s newest nation.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (AP)
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (AP)
“We’re doing everything in our power to make sure this election on the [South Sudan] referendum is viewed by the world as legitimate and fair,” Vice President Joe Biden said at an interview with ABC television broadcasted on Sunday.

“That’s why we have been pushing the U.N., that’s why we have been pushing [South Sudan president Salva] Kiir, that’s why we have been working with [African Union panel chief Thabo] Mbeki, that’s why we have been working with [Egyptian] president [Hosni] Mubarak. All of who have significant influence in this,” Biden added.

The senior U.S. official described as legitimate concerns by many Sudan activist groups and NGO’s on whether the referendum can be held in a fair manner to prevent any return to war between the North and South.

Biden said that the referendum “must be viewed as credible to keep that country, that region, from deteriorating. The last thing we need is another failed state in the region.”

“I am still hopeful. We are on it full-time and I believe that we’ll be able to pull — they’ll be able to pull (it) off, with our help and the UN’s help, they’ll be able to pull off a credible election,” he added.

The U.S. Vice President met last month with Kiir in Nairobi and at the time called for “ensuring that all necessary measures are in place for a peaceful outcome that is internationally recognized, and offered U.S. political, financial, and technical support to that end”.

Preparations for the referendum are well behind schedule said the head of the body responsible for overseeing the process. The Southerners have warned that they will not agree to any delay in holding the vote even if it means that negotiations on post-referendum items such as oil, nationality national debt and citizenship have to be discussed after January.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    VP Biden says U.S. working to avoid ‘failed state’ in Sudan
    Dear readers,

    I am really very sick to those who think that they can write base on their own assumptions. Who and where is this person who quote VP Biden if not a Khartoum agent?

    There is no corelation of fail state with this article at all. Did Biden Says which part of Sudan will be a fail state? Or did the writer assume things in his mind?
    According to the article, the opinion wishs are floating and the the referendum that VP was talking about is on the other hand.

    It’s clear now that most of journalist and writers to this site are always manipulators because they put unwanted words on difference mouth.
    If the writer think of Sout Sudan as afail state in the Future,then that individual is wrong. There is no want acountry with its army, goverments, ministers, governors, and everything that comprised the country as afail.

    Talking nasty will not prevent South Sudanese from choosing their own destiny.
    Thanks mr X

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    VP Biden says U.S. working to avoid ‘failed state’ in Sudan
    Dear Bidden,

    There is nothing wrong with a failed State within Sudan since Sudan itself is already a failed State. One has to ask why Sudan is on the list of failed States? Simple answer: War is the reason. Anyone who thinks that keeping Sudan together will yank it out of the list of failed States is dreaming. Keeping Sudan intact will bring it back to war again which will in turn keep it on the list of failed states until Jesus comes back. Separation will solve the problem of civil wars.
    Uniting Sudan is a prelude to a barrage of civil wars.

    Take a look at how high Sudan is ranking on list of FAILED STATES. Scroll down and look at the bottom of the list here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Failed_state

    Ahmed Chol, one of the future commanders of Anya-nya III just in case the referendum is stolen

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    VP Biden says U.S. working to avoid ‘failed state’ in Sudan
    SPLM should step up a little to avoid accusation from those pathetic NCP Memebers who like to spread lies in order to maintain their ugly unity. In fact, SPLM can not just rush and endorse that unfair border of 1905 boundary which is not accurate at all. We need this time to ensure that all our land that fall below our boundary is ours regardless of what northerners think.

  • Ayom

    VP Biden says U.S. working to avoid ‘failed state’ in Sudan
    Sudan is a member of the failed states/Countries since 1983. Now time has come for us to avoid sudan of being a faile state that is what Biden/U.S government said.

    This message goes direct to our current President who is in power Bashir to allow south sudan referendum inorder to take place on time smoothly without obstacles and to agree/sign Darfur peace Agreement(DPA).

    Thereby we are now in peace with happy life in South,North, West and Eastern Sudan.

    Ayom Ayom

  • jalabi

    VP Biden says U.S. working to avoid ‘failed state’ in Sudan
    What crazy people??!!
    You’re absolutely right Mr. Biden, the south-Sudan will be the most failure state in Africa if they opt to go for independence, Jonobean are still juvenile (from a political point of view) and not mature enough to run such a big state like South-Sudan which is bigger than Uganda & Kenya and full of troubles and challenges (corruption is not included). Don’t worry Mr. Biden because Shemallean will take care of Jonobean and the result will only have one result (UNITY).
    We have huge number of Jonobean who live in the north and won’t be able to live in the south anymore, those people are the assets for unity, don’t worry about those who live in the south, we’ve the perfect cure for them, we will use the carrot and stick very wisely to fulfill our goal and keep Sudan one. Yes separatists have loud voice but remember empty vessel will always make big voice if you touch it!

    Jalabi (Abo Jalabia)

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