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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bashir rejects SPLM mediation with Darfur rebels

July 18, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir today rejected the initiative announced by the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) to mediate between the government and the two major rebel groups in Darfur.

Sudanese President Omer Hassan al-Bashir (AFP)
Sudanese President Omer Hassan al-Bashir (AFP)
The SPLM deputy Secretary General Yasir Arman told reporters this week that South Sudan president Salva Kiir will soon contact leaders of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM). Both groups are currently outside the peace talks underway in the Qatari capital Doha

JEM welcomed the offer saying that Kiir is the right person for mediation given his understanding of the issues facing the marginalized population in Sudan.

But Bashir’s press secretary Emad Seed Ahmed released a brief statement saying that his boss will not accept the mediation the SPLM is part of the government.

The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) headed by Bashir has in the past reacted fiercely to any attempt by the SPLM to get involved in the Darfur conflict resolution efforts.

The ex-rebels have been largely excluded from issues relating to foreign policy and Darfur crisis despite being the second largest partner in the government of national unity in accordance with the 2005 peace agreement.



  • Lokorai

    Bashir rejects SPLM mediation with Darfur rebels
    President Al Bashir,

    You are right, the SPLM was wrong. We can’t have different mediation effort, unless we say Gaib Al Awel isn’t member of the Presidential.

    Let’s be serious; I love the yeah and nay of this man called Al Bashir.No room for PR.

    What is it Mr. Salvatore would be doing in that mediation? Is He not part of that Government that started Doha?

    Dinkas are pretending. They must learn how government is run.

    Reconcile your groups in the South, on top Dr. Akol and Athor; that is an initiative within your domain.


  • Ayom

    Bashir rejects SPLM mediation with Darfur rebels
    Hi Lokorai, Read and understand the article first, don’t just rushed and write what ever come to your mind. Bashir rejects SPLM Mediation with Darfur rebels but not Dinka mediation. does the entire SPLM main for Dinka or just a party like other parties in Sudan? I don’t know how old are you and how do you look like becuase the way you speak is just childish mind person. Get serious.

    We all the users of this website shall make recommendation against you to the sudantribune authority not to allow you by using/accessing this articles in this web due to your unwanted comments.

    Ayom Ayom

  • Omer Hassan Omer
    Omer Hassan Omer

    Bashir rejects SPLM mediation with Darfur rebels
    I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Salva you are the one who will mediate but the time is not stable late this after referendum. Everybody will support you.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Bashir rejects SPLM mediation with Darfur rebels
    Dear readers,
    Don’t mind about this man so-called Lokorai, you just see him as vomiteous because he doesn’t know what he is talking about.


    Lok T. Simon

  • ogopadj

    Bashir rejects SPLM mediation with Darfur rebels
    The person who owns Sudantribune must be a real fool: Why does he/she allows it to be abused? Shut the fuckin website if it continues to be used as a source of throwing rubbish, or else set some security control; e.g, review all comments before approval. By reviewing I mean you dont post rubbish comments.

    Seriously, you have to think about this. This is the most useless website I have ever visited. Even naughty websites, where desparate singles talk nonsense, are better than this website.

    Fuck the owner of Sudantribune if he doesn’t set some security protocols this month, or next month latest.


    Unknown author.

  • Matung Neng-neng
    Matung Neng-neng

    Bashir rejects SPLM mediation with Darfur rebels
    Look at this review, earlier the SPLA Leader late John Garang was using SPLA soldiers in Ethiopian war, and Zaire (Republic of Congo) to support his friends there and there was no question on such missusing our people. In short, it is true to say SPLA has no objective, or goal. I really giveup on them, if they are going to continue I like that. Everyday you will hear SPLA are talking about money, South Sudan seperation, Abyei Seperation, struggle to take power from current president, and now they have jumped to Darfure Seperation. What is going on in their mind really? I think SPLA’s Leaders need hospitalize and checkup, it cannot be assumed that they are health since they were just came out from bush where their main food is meat, maybe they are ill soully or running mad. If I was not wrong, they suppose to feel the sense of not only to imitate the wrong ideology which was lay down by wrong leader also it was not enough for them to run such business with one person ideologies, they suppose to change that wrong ideologies to better. (the reason king government are not in use today is because every one of us has wish and it is possible for one person to lead the entire country according to his wish. one must better know that.)
    I really giveup on them.

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