Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Arrested teachers in south Sudan accuse police of mistreatment

By Manyang Mayom

July 20, 2010 (RUMBEK) – One of the nineteen teachers accused of being behind violent student demonstrations in Rumbek, capital of Lakes state in southern Sudan, last week, has told Sudan Tribune that they have been mistreated by local police.

According to the teacher, in the three days they spent in jail they have been denied food and access to bathroom facilities.

One member of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC), a break away party from the SPLM who govern southern Sudan, was among the teachers arrested.

The commissioner of Rumbek East County David Marial Gumke, told a meeting of the Rumbek Youth Union on Saturday that there may be more arrests if other teachers are believed to have encouraged the strike.

On Tuesday seven primary schools were closed indefinitely and riot police deployed after students destroyed files and broke all the windows at the office of the Rumbek East County commissioner. A generator donated by GoSS President Salva Kiir, during the April election campaign was also severely damaged.

The striking teachers say that they have only received 80% of their salaries and are demanding the rest before they return to work. A teacher who did not want to give his name told Sudan Tribune that the 200 Sudanese Pounds (US $77) they receive should not called a salary but “pocket money”.

A top government official confirmed to the Sudan Tribune that 19 primary school teachers had been arrested on suspicion of being behind the protests.

Two policemen sustained injuries from students during Tuesday’s protest in Rumbek East County. Education Minister and a Deputy Governor of Lakes state, Major General Daniel Ayual Makoi, said that he decided to close down the seven schools in an attempt to minimize tension between students and government.



  • soldier boy
    soldier boy

    Arrested teachers in south Sudan accuse police of mistreatment
    This is my words to Students who are protesting…Why do you have to damage your own Stuff for example genarator and your school building windows? this is yours you do not have to brake it or damage it. if you are protesting about something you do not like just write some writen Signes so the Government could read and know what are protesting about.But when you start destoying what you have its make you looks stupid you need to stop god damn old school protest..the way i see it is like you are destoying your own house while you don’t know where are you going to be staying later…think think think use that god damn brain.and stop being stupid mind.

  • Paul Lokuji Micah daudi
    Paul Lokuji Micah daudi

    Arrested teachers in south Sudan accuse police of mistreatment
    Dear Mr Commissioner,

    We all know that teachers are the least paid in South Sudan and on top of that their salaries go pending payments for more than 3 to 4 months every time,South Sudan needs too much development and there is no state in this world developed by uneducated people,the word civic itself comes to explain education,now if teachers are asking for their benefits and they end up in jail who will teach those millions of kids in South Sudan or are you working for the backwardness of the South.Such people you whom are task with the good will of the state and are doing the contrary must be fired otherwise we still remain uneducated for ages in the South.

  • Ayom

    Arrested teachers in south Sudan accuse police of mistreatment
    Arresting Teachers,

    It creat bad image towards our government, sound shamefuly and it is worst compare to arresting doctors, Politicans and others common people.

    In front of Good, a teacher is a second person in all, you can start from zero level with a teacher teaching you until you become a president, doctor, specialist, chimist, Footballer, accountant and many others profession through teachers. to mr County commissoner of Rumbek East there is no point of arresting teachers and continues threatening them by saying more arrest are expect incase of any strick. You are a comissioner becuase you went to school and a teacher tought you.

    This is violating someone write, teachers are stricking because of their right of not being pay salaries. who want to work for free in this world?

    I am not happy

    Ayom Ayom

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