Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Youths, civil society activists organize referendum conference

July 21, 2010 (JUBA) – A two-day conference aimed bridging the existing information gap about the forthcoming referendum through awareness creation is in the offing, courtesy of a coalition of youths working in partnership with civil society organizations.

A peaceful procession in Bor, Jonglei state capital (ST)
A peaceful procession in Bor, Jonglei state capital (ST)
An umbrella entity, dubbed My Referendum for Freedom (MRF), which was initiated in Australia nearly a year is behind the event, already earmarked for July 28 and 29 at the Juba-based Beijing hotel.

MRF, which targets mainly community-based organizations and youth groups, is currently operational in all the 10 states of Southern Sudan.

“Our aim is to ensure that the referendum message is fully understood by the entire population. As such, we want to reach as many people as possible, including those at grass roots levels,” Mr. Kur K. Ayuen, the MRF Campaign Manager told Sudan Tribune.

The two-day conference, based on the theme, “Your Vote, Your Future,” will later be climaxed with a debate on key referendum-related topics.

Asked why the organizers chose a broader theme, Mr. Ayuen said the 2011
referendum needed to be differentiated from the April general elections.

“People need to differentiate between an election and this forthcoming referendum. Whatever this generation will decide during the referendum will determine the fate of the future generations,” Mr. Ayuen remarked.

Key issues to be discussed, according to the organizers, will mainly center on the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) provisions; achievements and notable challenges, the Referendum Act as well as a comparative analysis of the long conflict era.

Meanwhile, MRF, which is working in collaboration with Femininity Empowerment Foundation for Sudan (FEFS); a non-profit making NGO and South Sudan Artists Association (SSAA), also plans to organize a martyrs’ day procession in memory of fallen South Sudanese heroes and heroines.

The peaceful march, scheduled for July 30 will begin from Nyakuron Cultural Center to late Dr. John Garang de Mabior memorial ground.

“As organizers for this event, we strongly feel the struggle for referendum was a long term one. In this case, it is important to acknowledge and recognize efforts of our fallen leaders,” Ms Nyathon James Hoth, MRF Executive Director exclusively told Sudan Tribune.

Preparations for Sudan’s long-awaited referendum have over the past few months, gained a lot of momentum with a series of events taking place in the semi-autonomous region.

Recently, civil society activists formed a referendum taskforce, during which they presented their position paper, among others demanding for the establishment of an independent referendum commission.

Already, renowned religious leaders have joined the fray, with some demanding for southern separation as their northern counterparts struggle to keep Sudan a united country. Only time, they say, will tell.



  • Madhod

    Youths, civil society activists organize referendum conference
    Great work folks, we are proud of you, this struggle is not going to be carry out only by out politicians, but by all of us.

  • Akuma

    Youths, civil society activists organize referendum conference
    It will be in Southerners’ heart to be fully independent because International communities would not consider them if they don’t participate very much on it. International communities also work with ruling government in order to give them accomodation to run their businesses.

    Wake up Southerners and let your voices be heard across all the planets.

    According to internation laws, people has their rights to do what is good if it is not harmfull to human health.

    Southern Sudan need to be fully country in Africa like Serbia in South America


  • Haak

    Youths, civil society activists organize referendum conference
    Southern Sudan OYEE!!!!!!!!!!! If you have a task to perform and you are vitally interested in it, excited and challenged by it, then you will exert maximum energy. But in the excitement, the pain of fatigue dissipates, and the exuberance of what you hope to achieve overcomes the weariness.
    brothers, Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabling human beings to work together to build the impossible. Mankind’s greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking as we the YALA-SHABAAB ready for victory i would rather advise the My Referendum For Freedom group to seriously explain and extend the campaign message to Buma’s, counties and state as well but not gorgetting public places like Hospitals, school, play grounds etc.

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