Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Church women leadership conducts workshop in Rumbek

By Manyang Mayom

July 22, 2010 (RUMBEK) — The Diocese of Rumbek (DOR) Catholic Church has organized Peace building capacity workshop for women leadership in the churches.

A workshop bringing together all women from six churches of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek that began on Monday was the first of its kind in the state capital. Participants expressed the importance of the gathering.

Sister (Sr) Mary Mumu who is the Women Desk Diocesan Coordinator said the two-week long workshop has drawn together women leaders from six (6) missions of the diocese, adding that the workshop focuses on leadership and peace building capacity. The departments of Women Desk, Healing of the Healers and Justice and Peace of the Catholic diocese of Rumbek have contributed to the workshop by providing facilitators.

Sr. Angelica serving in Marial-Lou Mission, Warrap state, said the workshop is a success, noting that there is active participation in discussions and women manifest interest and excitement to know themselves and their rights as women.

Sr. Mumu further explained that the workshop is a capacity building initiative aimed at building women leaders in the families, communities and the Church, adding that the women will have the responsibility of bringing together their fellow women through income generating projects and sharing their faith in God.

She also said that the element of peace was important because of the reality of Sudan, explaining that the workshop would help the women learn how to resolve conflicts amicably. The society can only be built by women coming together. She argued that “without women, there is no family, there is no Church, and there is no proper society”.

Mary Nyantoc, a participant from Rumbek Parish, said the workshop for her was an exposure to the word of God from the Bible and leading other women, adding that the women at the workshop will share their knowledge with others in their respective communities.

Rosa Nyidier, also from Rumbek, said that the workshop is transforming the lives of women, explaining that there is unity, love and learning from each other as women. The workshop will conclude on 30th July.



  • Takpiny

    Church women leadership conducts workshop in Rumbek
    Christianity is apart of culture of some nations , which is completely different from our culture and the away of life .

    At the beginning our indigenous people were practicing their ancestral religious for the afterlife as the way of their life, relationship and respect before the arrival of the western missionaries who taught us of Christianity as apart of the spirit and mental slavery which continues on to this day.

    If you Check the history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, there is no different all at with our African traditions beliefs.
    I am not against the women workshop that taking place in Rumbek but i want to say this our people should learn from our ancestral religious if we need to keep our own heritage and cultures .

  • Takpiny

    Church women leadership conducts workshop in Rumbek
    Christianity is apart of culture of some nations , which is completely different from our culture and the away of life .

    At the beginning our indigenous people were practicing their ancestral religious for the afterlife as the way of their life, relationship and respect before the arrival of the western missionaries who taught us of Christianity as apart of the spirit and mental slavery which continues on to this day.

    If you Check the history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, there is no different all at with our African traditions beliefs.
    I am not against the women workshop that taking place in Rumbek but i want to say this our people should learn from our ancestral religious if we need to keep our own heritage and cultures .

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