Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese president returns from Chad trip

July 23, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir returned home from Chad after attending the summit of the Community of Sahel-Saharan states (CENSAD), a trip hailed by Khartoum as victory against the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir, right, receives Chad President Idris Deby (AP)
Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir, right, receives Chad President Idris Deby (AP)
Chad which is a full member of the ICC has refused to act on the court’s request to apprehend Bashir saying it has no obligation to do so recalling the African Union resolution last year instructing its members not to cooperate with the Hague based court on Bashir’s case.

This week the U.S. and the European Union said that Chad must honour its obligations under the Rome Statute.
Human rights groups have blasted the decision by Chad to flout its obligations under the Rome Statute which is the founding text of the ICC.

“This summit… shows African solidarity and it also exposes the ICC and its agenda and it also exposes the agenda of some European countries and the United States in particular,” presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen said according to Agence France Presse (AFP).

“We praise our relations with Chad very much. We have made very clear in previous occasions that we cannot see an end to the problem in Darfur without fixing the relationship with Chad.

“It is a victory in the profound sense of the word [and] we are happy,” he added.

The landmark visit by Bashir ended years of bitter proxy war between the two neighbours as they both backed armed opposition groups on the other side of the border.

Bashir and Deby in a meeting held today agreed to continue implementation of an agreement signed in the past months and to start the development program along the joint border as well as exchange of visits between officials from both countries to discuss ways of cooperation in various fields.

A day before Bashir’s trip, the Sudanese government expelled three senior Chadian opposition figures sending them to Qatar which agreed to receive them. Last May, the Chadian authorities expelled Khalil Ibrahim who leads the powerful Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).



  • Kur

    Sudanese president returns from Chad trip
    All African leaders are criminals and killers of innocent people. They kill, abuse, and make every nasty evil and claim that they have the right to be free. In the end Bashir must go to court to answer those charges. We want to know who raped those women and children of Darfur?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese president returns from Chad trip
    Dear Southerners,

    Let not worry about criminal Bashier for his ICC hunting him. The court already fail to catch himand hang him for his deed,so led stop talking about ICC and focus on our referendum next year.
    Now, what will the court do while Bashier step his feet to Chad? Just talking! talking! and talking but no solution.Better stop!

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Sudanese president returns from Chad trip
    Dear South Sudanese, we have always been hearing over, and over about Bashir to be apprehended to the ICC which would not happen easily. We all know all problems have a cause, and solution.

    Nobody like what Africans ICC members are doing in down playing with arresting Bashir. The world is just round like a table, and Bashir will never escape anywhere.

    There will be final solution to this problem in the end. Lets see what South referrendum will yield. It is in the interest of the South Sudanese people that justice is served to those who commit harm to the society.

    Bashir should not feels arrogant and victorous over ICC. There is plenty of time a head of us, and Bashir should learn that.

    Peter Nhiany.


    Sudanese president returns from Chad trip
    Tooosh the OX hit the fence and got in before the lions attacks . Haaaaaaa, he got in before the end of the summit; expecting Ocambo may change his mind to arrest him after he cut his word to Debe in Paris. Very frankly speaking Idris Debe when he met Moreno Ocampo in Paris was to tell him that he wants this guy for a mission and Moreno assured him that they don’t want Bashir now but after four months from now, because there are still unresolve issues concerning the South Sudan.So please Dear Africans origins in Sudan who are killed by this criminal do not get angry with the step. This criminal ruled Sudan for 25 years and he was not able to enjoy as a President but as a savage, I am sure, he could not be able to enjoy the only four months left from his rule.

  • telfajbago

    Sudanese president returns from Chad trip
    It’s true that whenever the fugitive President Al-Bashir make it home safely from every trip abroad, thanks-giving prayers were held by the inner members of the NCP thanking their god of genocide thinking that they challenged and outsmarted the ICC but, take it or leave it, let South Sudan secede ,Al-Bashir will not be able to fly to Darfur or even South Sudan leave the issue of traveling a broad, and it’s only then the supporters of Al-Bashir will realize, to be indicted by the ICC for genocide and war crimes is not a joke .So please postpone your prayers and bulls’ slaughtering after the succession of South Sudan for the worse is yet to come.

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