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Sudan Tribune

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Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan

July 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said that Southern Sudanese would be better off picking unity over independence in the upcoming self-determination referendum.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi meets local school children during a break in the African Union Summit meeting in Uganda's capital Kampala July 26, 2010 (Reuters)
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi meets local school children during a break in the African Union Summit meeting in Uganda’s capital Kampala July 26, 2010 (Reuters)
The January 9, 2011 referendum will decide whether to grant independence for south Sudan and allow the oil-rich Abyei frontier region to fasten itself to the Muslim north or the Christian and animist south.

Many regional and international players privately say that South Sudan will be better off staying with the North over concerns that the already semi-autonomous region would not be able to sustain itself particularly in terms of security should it become fully independent.

Gaddafi, who was one of the main backers of the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) since its creation in the early eighties, appealed to Southerners to remain united with the North.

“As for south Sudan, the matter depends on referendum, even though I advice brothers in the south to stay with the great Sudan instead of a dwarf country in the south” Gaddafi was quoted as saying by the Libyan state run news agency (JANA) during a special hosting at “Peace Studio” of the African Peace & Security Council in Kampala.

A year ago, South Sudan president who is also SPLM chairman Salva Kiir disclosed that he had secured a promise from Gaddafi to support southern Sudan independence.

According to Kiir, the Libyan leader informed him that if Southerners vote for independence “they shouldn’t be frightened of anybody” saying that he “will stand with them”.

Furthermore he quoted Gaddafi as saying that the British colonial power made a mistake when they allowed South Sudan to be part of the North when the country gained its independence in January 1956.

“[Gaddafi said] they should have been separated either to become an independent state or join any country in east Africa,” Kiir said.
A month later, Gaddafi reiterated in a meeting with the Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Khalil Ibrahim that he would support the independence of South Sudan if its citizens decide so in the 2011 referendum but warned that it will become a “very weak state.”

The remarks drew outcry in Khartoum but Libyan embassy officials sought to downplay their significance.



  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Unity with north is just a dream, it will never happen!!!!!!!!!

  • Aarai Baka
    Aarai Baka

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    To Libyan leader

    Muammar Gaddafi, u must stand to what u have said before than reversing things.

  • Kur

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Well, that is our sovereign decision. We already know what we want. But we cannot accept the nonsense that South Sudan would not be able to sustain itself as an independent state. That is a total rubbish. It cannot be a reason for us to remain second citizens under the Islamic evil laws. Never.


  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Gaddafi I really content that your remarked in the Africans summit last weekend in Kampala ,Uganda dosen,t have great effects on our fate of chosing seperation however I know the words you said are just platforms in oreder to keep your tie with South and we appreciate that kinds of reciprocity Kur

  • Simpleman

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Gaddafi is just Gaddafi, if we get our independency, are we going to import the security personnel from Libya or shall we import food from there.

    He is just trying to be bias

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Gadafi looks ridiculous among the indigenous black African.

    ”Today i support unity of south and north Sudan.Tomorrow i support separation of the south from the Muslim north,next tomorrow i support federal Sudan,next time bulabualabula”.

    We southerns will be more comfortable staying with our weak south Sudan than the weak,Muslim terrorist north Sudan.

    Who are you(Arab) to choose us southerns a choice for our self determination in 2011 referendum.

  • Grader

    Gaddafi: Divided Nigeria and United Sudan
    Gaddafi must be joking

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    There is insecurity since the so called independent of sudan and at this time we want to make sure that Southern Sudan will be more secure if those terrorist of north are not with South Sudan.we are capable of securing our territory and this minor internal conflicts should not be taken as weakness. every body has weakness and strength in this world even you crazy kadhaf not gadafi, what you are doing is lobbying. this very South Sudan is not of 15 centuries, it is of 21-century. we are aware of international politic.go go to hell with your stupid word and see us again after 2011 who we are.


    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    The is grown old, sometimes he does’t realize what he says. So please don’t take every word seriously as long as its coming out of an expired old tome President.

  • Abraham Chol Marial
    Abraham Chol Marial

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Dear Gadafi,
    Never try to persuade the Southerners to give up the their freedom,
    We have been staying united for more than fifty years but South Sudan still remain at the current face.
    After independece , we will be able to manage ourselves as there will be no more militias that will illegal be army by Khartoum to destablishes the South like what they are doing now.
    Don,t also reverse your mind from last year speech you delivered and we will not return back to, unless we are dead otherwise the reminant will still follow up the case till we gaint our independence.Reversal is for defeat.we are not defeated yet.

  • Big Boy
    Big Boy

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Dear Muammar
    “We’ve never seen this much interest in the north any more they’ve sold our oil.they’ve valued the dentures at £4,000-5,000, but the world wouldn’t be surprised if we went off ten times that independdence up coming self-determine referendum.”

    Nothing has much attention been attracting us with the north unity.

  • Abraham Chol Marial
    Abraham Chol Marial

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Dear Gadafi,
    Never try to persuade the Southerners to give up the their freedom,
    We have been staying united for more than fifty years but South Sudan still remain at the current face.
    After independece , we will be able to manage ourselves as there will be no more militias that will illegal be army by Khartoum to destablishes the South like what they are doing now.
    Don,t also reverse your mind from last year speech you delivered and we will not return back to, unless we are dead otherwise the reminant will still follow up the case till we gaint our independence.Reversal is for defeat.we are not defeated yet.

  • Akuma

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Southern Sudanese people should not take Muammar Gaddafi’s words as vital like the other revolutionary leaders of Africa. Gaddafi profile has a record that people over the word don’t want to hear.

    Inddependent of Southern Sudan will not be decide by Islamist Arabist because they are all the one who made Southern Sudanese people to suffered for long. When Jaffeer Nimeeir took up to give Southerners rights, he has been denied by him (Muammar Gaddafi) not to give Christain people irghts over Islam country. Libya has support Southern Sudanese revolution because he was not interested in Jaffeer Nimeeiri regime that why he was supporting SPLM/A movement.

    During Muammar Gaddafi visit Uganda to open Gaddafi Mosque in central Uganda Kampala, he made unforgetable statement to ugnadan ”any Bible written without Mohamed in it is not Bible”

    How can a claim truth leader like Muammar Gaddafi state those statement in different and chitstian nation? I think he is mental distorted because of his greeded in leadership. He think some leaders are like him.

    As per now, People of southern Sudan should not scare with Gaddafi statement because there is no African Summit where he leave/department without causing/making bad statement. He is like a child that suffered from diarrhoea.

    Let keep our dreams and vision forever!

    Dr. Akuma

  • Othogomoi

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Look at him(Gadaffi), who gave you him right to judge us, that we will not sustain.This time, we will not chance to sick minded who are just against the separation of South Sudan from North, why do they start judging us, without seeing what`s happening in South Sudan.do not judge a book from the cover, its earlier to judge.
    this because of the corruptions & insecurities in south, we will control borders and deal with sources of this insecurity.
    Long live South Sudan

  • stephen

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    we are still in united sudan, but we gain nothing from that unity instead we loss our dear one and made as second class citizen in our own country, i think it is high time for us southerner to choose separation so that our dignity and culture is recognize all over the world and our identity be known as Africans not arabs, since we are African.
    Gaddafi i think enough is enough we don’t want to second class citizen again.
    Long live SPLM, long live south Sudan, no one will liberate us, but we have to liberate ourselves.
    separation is our first choice

  • yirolda

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Watch out Mr. Gadafi, we have been in Unity since Sudan gain her independence in 1956 up to date but nothing has been benefiting us the Southern Sudanese. so pliz i have nothing much to talk about but we preparing seperation from unity. you will still have much relationship with Bashir though South is independence

  • Haak

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    @ Muammar Gaddaf are you upside down? or what is wrong with your medulla?
    ooh!! my God’s a political leader is necessarily an imposter since he believes in solving life’s problems without asking its question Politics @ Muamar have you ever asked what cause the 21 years of war?- I don’t know why, but they seem to have a tendency to separate us, to keep us from one another, while nature is always and ever making efforts to bring us together as southern Sudaneses. anyway let me not blame you since a politician should have three hats. One for throwing into the ring, one for talking through, and one for pulling rabbits out of if elected but for your information there is noway a black person can make a good Muslim the way you akwaardly think……. damn Gaddaf

  • hard liner
    hard liner

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    Dear readers and eligible south sudanese,
    its with concern to let you know that an arab is an arab no matter where he comes from, they are liers, cheaters and do not mean whatever they say, so gadafi is one who thought he will deceive the people of south sudan into united sudan which am assuring him that nothing of such will happen. if he can first say he support the independence of south sudan why should he change now? mr. dictator let me tell you south sudan has decided and we are going independent whether the arab world like it or not period. south sudan oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, junub sudan oyeeeeeeeeeeeee will be the slogan we shall shout soon.

  • Lual Peter Dau
    Lual Peter Dau

    Libyan leader advises Southerners to remain part of united Sudan
    You people say any thing that is in your minds, but a decission is already made in the minds of civil population, that it is the separation and nothing else can be decorated at this juncture untill it will win our interest. Yes it will be a weak country and so what? were we even strong when we stayed together? God will help us in runing that new country so don,t worry.

    Let any one joke and rigge the results of the refrendum and we will not help rebelling against that. The best thing our friends should start considering is how we will live together as friendly countries.

    Thank you Gaddafi for concern and enjoy your monarchy.

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