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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan Taskforce prepares for negotiations on post-referendum arrangements

August 1, 2010 (JUBA) — The South Sudan 2011 Taskforce is preparing its sub-committee on post-referendum issues for negotiations with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), which is scheduled to start next Saturday in Khartoum.

Southern Sudan Vice President Riek Machar (Reuters)
Southern Sudan Vice President Riek Machar (Reuters)
The dates previously set for the commencement of negotiations were postponed and rescheduled twice. During the meeting of the Taskforce on Saturday chaired by the South Sudan Vice President Riek Machar, the post-referendum issues sub-committee headed by Pagan Amum, minister of Peace and CPA Implementation, was urged to come up with a position on negotiations strategies.

The meeting was also briefed on the work of sub-committee 1 for the conduct of the referendum in Southern Sudan, chaired by the Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development, John Luk, and the sub-committee 3 on post-2011 governance, chaired by Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Kosti Manibe.

The post-referendum sub-committee 2 has four main working groups which were to come up with a unified position for the negotiations. These include working group on Citizenship, also led by the Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development, John Luk; Security working group led by the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Paul Mayom; International Treaties and Agreements, led by the Minister of Regional Cooperation, Deng Alor, as well as the Financial, Economic Issues and Natural Resources working group also led by the Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Kosti Manibe.

The Taskforce listened to reports by various working groups on their preparations and discussed their progress. The Taskforce also listened to a briefing by the deputy governor of Central Equatoria state, Manase Lomole, on the state’s preparations in coordination with the overall GoSS Taskforce. The meeting also stressed the importance of coming up with a model on coordination with all the ten states in the region.

The meeting also discussed how to deal with the Southern Sudanese in the Diaspora in the dissemination of the referendum process.

The referendum was promised under a 2005 peace accord that ended decades of civil war between north and south, a conflict that killed an estimated 2 million people.

Northern and southern leaders have still not reached agreement on issues including the position of their shared border and, if there is a split, how they will parcel out the country’s huge debts and oil revenues.



  • murlescrewed

    South Sudan Taskforce prepares for negotiations on post-referendum arrangements
    It’s time for Southerners to take stock and evaluate the effectiveness of SSTF that is negotiating against with NCP. With Riek the traitor as the point man on this task force, I think it is doomed to fail. NCP knows how to bribe riek and push him around to the point of throwing in the towel. It’s time to let others who are capable take over. Riek is going to sell South just like he sold nuer people to jellabah in 1997 with KPA.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan Taskforce prepares for negotiations on post-referendum arrangements
    As long the minister of CPA in the task force that the reporter claimed heavily on his master,i am very happy because there will be no passage for bribes.
    Bravo that Pagan Amum is monitoring the negotiations about the CPA, i have no confident with those intruders that works attempting to acted like they are doing anything, while in most cases they can be losers like their deed.
    See,when Lt general Awet Akot asked the roles of these task forces publicly,now they start divided the works reasonably. Thanks God that SPLM has eyes to see some flickering stuffs.

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