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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebel leader praises UNAMID refusal to handover Kalma residents

August 4, 2010 (PARIS) — Darfur rebel leader, Abdel Wahid Al-Nur today praised the refusal of the joint peacekeeping mission to handover six residents of Kalma camp in South Darfur State wanted by the local authorities after bloody clashes last week.

A UNAMID peacekeeper is approached by playful children inside Abu Shouk IDPs Camp during his routine patrol on 23 December 2009 (UN Photo)
A UNAMID peacekeeper is approached by playful children inside Abu Shouk IDPs Camp during his routine patrol on 23 December 2009 (UN Photo)
“We welcome the decision of the hybrid peacekeeping operation (UNAMID) to not handover six Internally Displaced people – five men and one woman—sheltered in its office in Kalma camp,” Al-Nur told Sudan Tribune today.

11 people were killed when clashes broke out last week between supporters of Nur and partisans of another rebel group Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) which is conducting talks with the Sudanese government in Doha. The first group contests the IDPs representation by the second group.

The Paris based rebel leader made his statement following a meeting with the Joint Chief Mediator Djibril Bassole on Wednesday in the French capital to discuss the latest developments in Darfur following the recent clashes between two groups of the IDPs in Kalma camps over their representation in the peace process.

“We had a very positive and constructive meeting,” Al-Nur said. He further stressed that Bassole reassured him about the UNAMID commitment to protect civilians in western Sudan including the six people wanted by South Darfur authorities.

He also said he had spoken all the day with different local leaders urging them to cool down the tension inside the camps and to work hard restore calm and reconciliation between the residents pointing out that “only Sudanese government benefits from such divisions”.

Al-Nur said wanted civilians might face torture and killing if they are handed to the Sudanese authorities following a formal demand by South Darfur Governor Abdel Hamid Musa Kasha.

He also said the Sudanese justice is not independent and totally under the control of the government stressing that their handover would create more troubles in the camp.

The rebel leader accused the government of working to dismantle the camp as part of its new policy called “domestication of the peace process”.

He further urged the UN Security Council to well consider changing the mandate of the UNAMID from Chapter 6 to Chapter 7 and to give the largest peacekeeping operation the necessary means to fully protect the civilians in the restive region.

Speaking with Sudan Tribune from Kalama camp, two residents who requested not to mention their names said the security forces surround the camp and prevent entry of food to the camp. They also said that women who go outside the camp to bring food to their children are stopped and not allowed to return home.

The UNAMID Daily Media Brief reported today that “no organizations have been allowed to deliver humanitarian aid” to the IDPs in Kalma camp.

Another resident from Kass camp in South Darfur said some one thousand of militiamen gathered today outside the camp and paraded around the area to intimidate the residents.

The same source said they received reports from Zalingei in West Darfur saying some 50 people were arrested by the security service there.

Kalma camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) is located near Nyala, the capital of South Darfur, and is home to about 90,000 people, many of whom are supporters of Abdel Wahid Nur. Government forces targeted the camp in a raid that killed dozens of residents in August 2008.



  • telfajbago

    Darfur rebel leader praises UNAMID refusal to handover Kalma residents
    Thump up to you chairman of SLM/A for your rare characteristic of leadership. Yes UNAMID needs to be praised for any praise -worthy deed and also to be rebuked and even fought if it turned to assist Khartoum to implement its satanic schemes against the IDPs in order to complete the genocide to the last man. When the UNAMID spokesman in Darfur, Christopher Cycmanick told UN radio that,” the mission finds itself in a very difficult position in handling the situation of the six people in the Community Policing Centre, the CPC. “We want to make sure that every thing is fine if they are released to the government. But technically, it’s a very fine line that we are walking because they have gone to ask for assistance or help. And again also we are working in a sovereign Country. We will at some point have to honor their request. We just want to make sure that things are handled properly” Christopher added. When I heard the above statement from UNAMID’s spokesperson I told my colleague “what is happening is it hotel Rwanda repeating itself in Kalma”, we are heading to a full-blown war with the UNAMID if it handed those people to the government. because the UNAMID will be failing it’s purpose if it turned to hand over a genocide survivor to a regime that drove him out from his home to d death camp and then followed him inside the camp in order to finish him up under the pretax of sovereign state. Furthermore, the UNAMID should not have any business to stay in Darfur if it fears genocide regime to the extend that, it’s systematically becoming its tool of genocide. It’s good that UNAMID saved the situation by not handing over those people. Today as Iam writing these comments the regime imposed total blockade on the IDP camps in order to finish them, therefore I call upon the International Community, specially the UNSC to take concrete action to insure that the Darfurian IDPs are treated as people entitled to human rights protections like any other human being in the world before it’s late.


    Darfur rebel leader praises UNAMID refusal to handover Kalma residents
    We are working in a sovereign Country; said Christopher. But Sovereign country never commit genocide crimes against them; and that is why UNAMIA was brought in to protect the innocent civilians from being eliminated on the face of the earth.The current plan of NCP was to finish the rest of Darfurian lives saved in IDPs and refugee camps.

    Yes praise would be to those goodhearted Africa Soldiers among UNAMID who always rethink their mission.Because still we have dirty elements among the UNAMID personels serving in Darfur; specially those who came from their governemnts to protect genocide regime and others who came to collect oil money. Here I would like to remind SLM/A chairman Abdel Wahid Nur that the only language these Islamists magots understand is a barrel of the gun. Its Arab culture; they respect the one who is strong and defeats everybody. As long as you become strong the same Arab eneimies will offer you concessions and call you brother.

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