Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State

By James Gatdet Dak

August 9, 2010 (BENTIU) – 687 members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) in Unity state have defected to the ruling party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Coinciding with a procession for separation organized by youth in the state, the members on Monday, 9th August, declared their defection, confirmed the state Minister of Information, Mr. Gideon Gatpan.

In an exclusive interview, Mr. Peter Gatkuoth Biel, the former leading figure of the SPLM-DC in Unity state confirmed that he declared with his co-members to join the SPLM membership with effect from 9th August 2010.

Gatkuoth said he has been impressed by the current positive role played by the ruling SPLM party in respect to the referendum for the South, and particularly the position of the SPLM Youth League that calls for the separation of the South from the North.

Also on Monday, around 29 members from the northern ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in the state announced their defection to the SPLM.

Speaking during the SPLM – Youth League procession at the Naivasha Freedom Square in the state capital, Bentiu, both Peter Gai and Ajeth Wol Ngor, who were leading NCP members said they had to defect because they wanted to join the march for separation of the South.

Another Southern Sudanese political party, the South Sudan Democratic Forum, has had nine members defect to the SPLM in the state.

State officials have to the assumption that overwhelming majority of voters in Unity state are expected to vote for separation. This may explain why members of some political parties have defected to the ruling party in Southern Sudan, which signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, is an expression of their hope that the SPLM will achieve this.

Mr. Dawuot Riek, the Deputy Governor and also State Minister for Legal Affairs commended all the youth groups in Southern Sudan for the great role they are playing to promote the Southern Sudan referendum.



  • Aarai Baka
    Aarai Baka

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    Welcome back. next will be head leader Lam Akol will come and kneel in front of Salva Kiir wrong doing and wants forgiveness from GOSS/SPLM.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    Dear Southerners,

    This has been the routined for so long during the North-South war. When the battle heat very hot,they join the Khartoum against the South,but when the fire freezed,they run back crazily to SPLM/A,what is this kind of live? This is what term people coward and there is no place for this kind of behavior.

    They are joining the SPLM/A because they know that they will not have some place to sleep or snicked to the South. Why do you guys support Jallaba for those years while you all know your place of birth? this is awful indeed.

    Anyway,there is enough room for SPLM/A as was said by Dr John Garang,and this is why alot of Nasir factions were recruited in the SPLM/A. There is enough Money instead of bribes,there is enough dignity instead of being slave,there is enough leaderships instead of being jallaba employed,there is enough land instead of being the umbrella for Arab in Khartoum.

    Anyway, welcome back but we know you as coward who were employed by NCP for decades against your people. What liberation are you about to reached? wecome aboard dear astray brothers.


    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    The hearts of Nuer People always fall apart. I do know myself that those who defected from the SPLM-DC and join SPLM are all from Nuer Tribes. I believe that this is absolutely true and true. Thank Almighty God that there is no one from Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County who join the SPLM-DC. Let Nuer enjoy the foul of the “human carcus”.

    By Augustino Deng.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    687 Nuers plus Gatkuoth Biel & 29 other Nuers from NCP said they join the father and mother of South Sudan-SPLM/A ” with effect from August 9th”.
    Haaaaaaa, this is completely asign of coward and slave heart-food lovers.
    How come? they are wind chasers. Sorry for you guys, just drink our blood that we shed during the war while you the Bashier lickers.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    What is all these nonsensical news when there is a preparation going on in Juba now between the Alliance of South Sudan Politcal Party (SPLM-DC included) and Salva Kiir himself as the GoSS president to start a dialogue and reconciliation for unity in diversity of Southern politcal forces for the purpose of referendum?

    It is not a secret these days that the SPLM is already in troubles because many challenges are heaping up day after day as the agreed time for the referendum comes nearer. That is why Salva Kiir is begging those of Dr. Lam Akol and Hon. Bona Malual these days to help him with the mess he has created in the South. It is known that Kiir is afraid of the referendum and Dr. Riek Machar and he want strong people to help him now.

    Let those who do not kow about this new development go to ask the deputy chief spy of the Sudan, Dr. Majak de Agoot, and he will tell them more.

    Stop nonsense and let’s talk of reality!!! What is important at this critical moment is not who defects to where but how to ensure that the referendum takes place succesfully under Southerners’s unity. SPLM is not the South because South Sudan is greater than the SPLM.

  • Awumtiai

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    I like your writing Dinka boy. You said all in a nutshell. And I assure you this filthy and dirty renegade won’t like it. They will refute it and brand you with all bad names. When going gets tough the cowards surrendered themselves to the worse rival of our people. They ran away and vowed to jallaba they don’t belong to the South and didn’t even know what we are doing. When they see people meant to achieve what they fought for regardless of their sabotaging it all this long, they say OOOh, look! We are southerners, yeah, look, we like the separation ideology. We want to join the match for separation. Yeah it looks good! This is just ridicules and stupid!!! They think they are smart but, we know their ulterior motive. Shame on them!!!!


  • biarawieu

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    my advice to the Government of South, reconsider their apologised to let them feel at home in the south and please welcome mr lam akol if he want to come back to south.

    South Sudan is going for separation whether you like or not.

  • Abraham Majur Lam
    Abraham Majur Lam

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    Bravo! Bravo! and welcome dear brothers and sisters for having identify yourselves with fellows brothers and sisters in SPLM in this crucial time, where Southerners need to come together for one mission. Am so thankful and gratiful to apprecate your wonderful decision. Now the momentum of the Success of referendum is now growing high day and night. Feel at home and let us hope for the better future of Southerners. We all have the task to accomplish and this need combine efforts to achieve it and you have now come at right time.
    By Laam

  • Paul Chadrack
    Paul Chadrack

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    this is a very big blow to those shilluks who are the brain behind the formation of this weak, traitor, tribal party SPLM DC.
    as we know them individually, their masters (arabs) are now going, what will their fade?. better for them to migrate north ward like those south Lebanese militia who were allies to Israel, after the withdrawal of Israel from those territories they had occuppied in south Lebanen, south Lebanese militias went to Israel with the retreating forces.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    All are welcome.

    Hope you will be very potential as you witness ,all that traitors were doing as Charless Kisenga revealed against us southerns . Reconcile and let us unity as southerns and achieve our independence of south Sudan.

  • mass

    Over 600 SPLM-DC members defect to SPLM in Unity State
    Welcome aboard brothers and sisters on the intrepid ship for separation that carries the league of extraordinary visionaries and sensible citizens of southern Sudan who clad in the same blanket devoid of past grunges and leadership misunderstandings. Forgiveness is tantamount to reconciliation. The bible says one who does not forgive his or her affronts will alienate friends.
    So it is very important to forgive not to give baseless criticism especially in equatable situation the kind of issue that concerns or affects everyone. So separation is equally concerns every sensible citizen of southern Sudan his or her life depends on it due to the fact we are not only need to create a sovereign state but immortal entity of our own devoid of interference by vermin busy creating sickening immoral ideologies. Therefore it is in nature of a unionist to disapprove baseless comments intend to create division among the great tribes of south Sudan who proudly cloth themselves with same blanket regardless of their regional origin. It is great joy to witness the great tribes of south Sudan saying yes to separation from northern vermin and no to division among themselves in the south Sudan.
    God bless south Sudan in general.

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