Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board

August 10, 2010 (BOR/KHARTOUM) — South Sudan said it has impounded a Khartoum-destined cargo helicopter carrying men loyal to George Athor, the man behind a rebellion against the government of the semi-autonomous region. The ruling party in southern Sudan, SPLM, accused “quarters in northern Sudan of supporting the renegade general in order to destabilize the south”.

Pagan Amum (AFP)
Pagan Amum (AFP)
However, the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in the north has rejected the SPLM’s claims, dismissing them as “false accusations” whose aim is to “run away from the reality of the unstable security situation in the south.”

North and South Sudan fought a civil war for two decades. The war ended when the SPLM and the NCP signed a peace deal dubbed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, giving the mainly Christian-animist south autonomous role from the Muslim-dominated north and promises of a referendum on independence due in January 2011.

The SPLM’s Secretary-General, Pagan Amum, told reporters in a press conference in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, on Tuesday that the South Sudan army, SPLA, on 8 August captured the helicopter after it landed in Fulug county airport, Upper Nile State, on its way back from Athor’s strongholds in the Fangak area.

The former independent election candidate George Athor staged a rebellion against south Sudan’s government last April after he lost gubernatorial elections in Jonglei State to the SPLM’s candidate Kuol Manyang Juuk. General Athor refused to concede defeat and claimed vote rigging. Athor had served with the SPLA during two decades of civil war and was promoted to be the SPLA’s deputy Chief of General Staff for Moral Orientation after the signing of the CPA in 2005.

“After landing in Fulug, SPLA forces raided the helicopter to find a group of Athor’s loyalists, including the third-in-command of his group, on their way back to Khartoum” said Amum, adding that “all men were arrested along with the helicopter’s crew”.

Intelligence sources in Jonglei state, speaking on condition of anonymity to Sudan Tribune, said that “the former commissioner of Pigi county, James Yhor, and other senior Athor’s military men were the ones found in the helicopter”. The sources further added that the detained rebels were wounded and heading for hospital in northern Sudan to receive medical treatment.

Amum has also declared that south Sudan will launch a probe into the case, considering it as “a serious development indicating that some quarters in Khartoum were supporting Athor in order to undermine security and stability in the south and obstruct the referendum”.

News of capturing the helicopter by the SPLA was first reported by the subtly pro-government Alray Alamm newspaper on 9 August. The paper, which said that the helicopter belongs to Sudanair, Sudan’s national airlines company, quoted “a high-ranking source” as saying that the helicopter was “chartered by Fangak Aid Organization to transport aid materials”.

For its part, the NCP’s official spokesman, Fathi Shillah, accused Pagan Amum of “launching hollow and false accusations” against the NCP in order to “run away from the reality of security instability in the south”.

In statements published by the state-run Sudan Media Center last night, Shillah demanded that the SPLM intervenes and releases the helicopter and make an apology for the SPLA’s actions.

He reiterated that the NCP respects the existing partnership with the SPLM alongside its commitment to the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.



  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    SPLA/SPLM should have already known this. NCP is ready to resort to any kind of tactics of war especially at the end of this year just destabilize the South.
    Kiir always says that he is not ready to fight any war but NCP will force him to do it. The more he sings this song, the more violation from NCP will follow.

    Fellows lets oil all our war machines and be on the guard.

    Ahmed Chol, the future commander of Anya-nya III

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    SPLM/A oyeee, Khartoum has done this kind of trick since the struggling,but they will not achieved anything because SPLM/A is the live for all of South Sudanese and the other marginalized people.

    SPLM/A is the rock that can not be break easily by hand,it’s a solid moment with hard core mission to liberate the South and the others who have been oppressed for decades.

    Just we have left with few month that we South Sudanese and people of Blue Nile, Nuba(Southern Kordufan) will declare the last dance,and that will be it.

    I like SPLM/A since i join the party since 1987 and being trained in 1989 for the sake of our freedom. SPLM/A will win by ballots or by other means possible. Thanks

  • The Best Generation
    The Best Generation

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    A call to the NCP loyal maltias,

    Upper Nile state (UNS) which you have been using as your oppen sesame to the south Sudan has now been under SPLM/A control in person of Uztaz Simon Kun Puoch, a man of nationalism-whom you will never twist no matter what do.

    Secondly, at this time round, if the Jonglei citizens Malatia who have had posing insecurity replay their old games on UNS citizens, they need to be told to visit UNS using passports,other wise no accommodation for any of them in that land. They have orphaned and widowed enough population of chilfren and woman.

    Thirdly, the UNS government with the chalenge of the referendum just five months a head, have to watch carefully with involvement of all the stake holders of the peace in the area;that no insecurity obstruct the excercise of voter education and voter registration, the actual performance of referendum inclusive.

    Enough is Enough

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    What is this nonesensical news again when there are talks going on for reconciliation of Slava Kiir with George Athor. May be Mr. communist Pagan Amum is not happy with Kiir’s move to bring all Southerners together in this critical time. But he will fail with his malicious attitude.

    Long live President Kiir’s initiative for unity of Southerners in their diversity. We need reconciliation with Athor or any other rebel against the SPLM and Kiir’s rule in the South by now. Just ignore this nonsensical news from pagan Amum and let’s go for greater good of South Sudan.

  • Moses Dhieu Paul Dhal
    Moses Dhieu Paul Dhal

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    Bravo, SPLA oyeeee, folks let’s not forget what these mad government in Khartoum has been doing to us. Comred Amum wakeup, you are the eye of our newly young country Southern Sudan. These internal enemies are worst then the main one, so the captured one should be condemn to death by firing them. Let’s go back to our jungle laws, the Sudan government is trying by all means to weaken our security, and i’m sure SPLA armies are always alert. Brothers and sisters in struggle your are not alone, we have to fulfill what our belove late Dr. Garang told us 20 years ago, back when we were in Ethiopia.

    SPLM/A we are not done yet with these brutle culture in Khartoum, the culture of setting your own brothers and sisters to get rid of you, or kill. There is no way for them to confront SPLA, they have learn so many lessons fighting with SPLA, the only way is to convenced our weak commanders like Athor and others to carryout the Arabs duty by their own peolpe. Big brother Athor, i’m still respecting you as my hero and commanda, so, please turn yourselve in to your colleques who are in Southern Sudan Government. I’m warning you Athor, don’t condemn your children and children children.

  • telfajbago

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    The NCP is determined not to let South Sudan to cross the bridge of referendum safely therefore every now and then arming it’s militias to destabilize the South. The game is clear, so it’s up to the Government of South Sudan to remain arm-folded and let the regime accomplish its plans.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    Dear Southerners,

    The khartoum tactics exist since 1991 when they armed the South Sudanese against the Southerners.

    This is not that new to me and this is why alot of civilians in Upper Nile and Jonglei are seriously affected for years.

    Riek Gai did it to Lou Nile, Tanginyang armed militia from the aid of khartoum, Chibetek attack civilians for bribes which came from the related helicopters.

    Riek Machar did it in nasir when the bashier govt brought thausands of weapons from khartoum against Splm/A. Dr Lam Akol did the same thing untill now in Upper Nile arming SPLM-Dc against SPLM/A.

    This system is the one that affects the South for decades because they know that we have weak heart people who love enemy more than their brothers.

  • black-hope

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    You better clear Athor first than to complain to NCP for supporting him.In football if aperson attack you badly you can not revenge directly.You have to use others mean to deal with NCP by clearing all its gangs.

  • billieth

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    Mr. Amum,
    NCP has been working 24/7 to destabilize the South so that world would denounce the formation of Southern Sudan but you, the GOSS leadership, have been focusing on embezzlement and corruption of GOSS fund. The tribal and sub-tribal fighting in the South has been fueled by NCP. Please say to yourselves enough is enough and return your attention to the cause. NCP and its government is mature in politic to confuse you, has enough money to bribe some key figures in SPLM and has more friends than SPLM. It would be a good sign if the so called ‘national security’ in the South starts doing its job.
    SPLM/SPLA has had traveling bumpy roads and there are still more hills and mountains to climb. Please, Mr. Secretary, try to regroup and I hope we will reach our destiny.

    Good luck!

  • Awumtiai

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    James Okuk, shall I call you Dr. Aduok to silence you? You are talking nonsense here and Aduok is around. You are useless to question Pagan Amum speech. The chap is not of your equivalent. He is loyalist, intelligent round face gentleman.

    Wait him in Collo Land but never dare to question his audacity on this forum you are devil instead!!!

    Regarding forgiveness, South has already forgotten the past and that’s why you see erstwhile traitors in the helm of power. Your problem with Lam Akol is something that is mutating and has become chronic. It can’t be solved by South at this point. Mutiny has become Lam’s second nature. Your godfather is a known political prostitute and therefore people don’t mind whether he joins the south or not.

    I tell ya man your fate is doomed!!!!


  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    Iam from Maluth county and the report is true, but the reporter as a Southern Sudanese shuold write the exact name of the place. the place is not written as fulluj, the exact spelling is PALIOCH and it is not a county it self it is Payam of Maluth county the place where oil is extracted now in Upper Nile State.
    GOSS shuold take care of the Palioch Airport otherwise our foe will use it to lend thier millitary eqiupment.

  • Akot Deng
    Akot Deng

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    ho God bless our confused citizen, how can liberators turned down the whole reputation he deserved during struggling, there is no doubt we shall fight any obstacle to our independence ,come what may be.
    what is the vission of Athor, is he really educated to think in wild minded what human kind is he.


    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    ross the history of this country Jallabas have never fought a war by themsleves, but always fight proxy wars. They engage people of Darfur to kill each other and in the past people of South Sudan and today here they come back again.

  • Pwad Achob
    Pwad Achob

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    Dear Readers,

    Are we (southern sudanese) so stupid and uncapable to think wisely for the sake of southern sudan? I do not know whether our leaders in Juba have a strategy or just it is a matter of show off. Are our leaders only caring for themselves or do they really care for the south?

    We should not behave as if south is a separate country until we win the coming referendum otherwise we are done and it seems we are already on that track.

    What a waste of talent and opportunity!

  • Abraham Majur Lam
    Abraham Majur Lam

    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    Thanks to SPLA forces and Pagan should not shout for nothing and who was not aware in the South that George Athor act was influence by NCP/NIF to rebel against GOSS govt. It is the lesson to South Authorities to beef up security betwen the South_North border we know where border I should want some one ask me where is the border?. South-North are no longer one country but two in one hence anything entering to South has to be known by the concern authorities before it enter into the South. Ministry of SPLA Affairs and Transport and Road have this task to defense our innocent people from dubious act of George Athor. I call upon Southerners and SPLA Officers to take care and caution on this matter. By Laam


    South Sudan captures Khartoum-destined helicopter with rebels on board
    By the way, why the problem of George Athor become a big case like this in Southern Sudan? Is George Athor only one of the person who rebel from the SPLM/SPLA? People are always complaining about George Athor and I don’t know for sure why they don’t complaint of the others Generals namely Kerubino Kuany’nyin Bol, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, Cdr Mamur, Arok Thon Arok, Paulino Matiip, Dr. Lam Akol,James Gatdet Yak, Fustino Atem Gualdit, Miyiik Machar, Benjamin Mijak Dau and so many more for the disaster they have cause to the Southern Sudanese Civillians?. Did the Government of Southern Sudan under Salva Kiir Miyardit trail the case of all these Generals who rebelled from SPLM/SPLA? What I know is that, instead of Salva Kiir Miyardit to trail the case for each of these Generals, then he gave them positions in the Movement. Like for example, Dr.Riek Machar Teny is a Vice President now in Southern Sudan, Paulino Matiip Nhial is now a Chief of Staff, James Gatdet Yak is now a Field Operation Commander, Benjamin Mijak Dau is now MP in the Southern Sudan Parliament, Cdr Mamur is now a Field Operation Commander just to mention fews. If all of these Commanders are not rebelled from the Movement, then I want someone to tell me why I’m wrong.

    What I know myself is that the SPLM/SPLA of today is not like the SPLM/SPLA of the beginning or of the past. The Government of the Southern Sudan Administration itself is not willing enough to stratified all the disputes in manner to distinguish who is right and wrong. No one can say that he don’t know General George Athor. George Athor fought in the Movement and even Salva Kiir Miyardit who is trying himself as a person who know the laws know George Athor very well. If George Athor rebell today, then the Southern Sudan Government have to find or investigate the reason why a lot of Generals in the SPLM/SPLA have defected from the Party. This mean that there are no regulations in the SPLM under Salva Kiir Miyardit.

    For my own judgement, I criticize General George Athor for rebelling from the SPLM in this present time. General George Athor should have to rebell from the beginning. SPLM under Salva Kiir Miyardit is not a party to adapt the laws of governing the Southern Sudanese Civillians, but a Party of Corruption and this Corruption itself started from Salva Kiir Miyardit himself and then to rests of the others Commanders. General George Athor is completely right. I have never seen a Government like the Government of Southern Sudan which is being governed without laws. The SPLM/SPLA of today is completely nothing because there are no laws within the Party. SPLM as a party, is a “BONEHEAD” party. I mean it and I mean it.

    By Augustino Deng.

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