Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NBGS: Civil society seek funds for referendum awareness

August 15, 2010 (RENK) – A numbers of community based organizations in the southern State of Northern Bahr el Ghazal on Sunday launched an appeal seeking funds to support civic education and referendum awareness campaign in the five counties of the state.

Bol Aluk, a youth activist in Aweil East County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal told Sudan Tribune from Malual Kon on Sunday that there are a lot of activists and community based organizations that are ready to coordinate referendum awareness campaign but their desires are hampered by lack of funds and means of transport.

The groups have called on the central government and Government of Southern Sudan to include funding for civil society organizations in budgets dedicated for the conduct of referendum instead of leaving the whole burden to development partners.

Representatives from South Sudan Youth Forum, a pressure group involved in monthly processions across the region have also come out publicly requesting a clear legal framework to be put in place to qualify civil society organization to access funds for civic education from the governments and partners.

“There are funds but how to access them needs to be communicated to those who are ready to apply, said Chol Dak Marial. “Currently, there is government funding to the civil societies but the procedure for its disbursement is unclear,” he said.

Marial said it’s important that government compliments funding which is provided by development partners through the Foundation for civil society organizations (CSOs).

A lecturer from University of Upper Nile, Peter Adwok said the mainstream civil society should press its case to the government, to make sure that there is formal and clear mechanism for financing their operations.

“We know that there are CSOs that get government funding but what is lacking is a clear structure,” said Adwok whose daughter is a member of Fashoda Musical band, a not-for-profit organization based in Khartoum that promotes understanding among youth through music.

The civil society leaders, however, commended the government and development partners for including them in the last census and April elections and expressed hope that they would also be included in some CPA assessment and evaluation teams.

There are over 500 civil society organizations in the south Sudan which are registered under the ministry and legal affairs and Constitutional development.



  • maumau

    NBGS: Civil society seek funds for referendum awareness
    Does it mean that, no money no referendum in NBGS!!. Every body knows that we are voting to separate and get our long awaited indepencence, there is no need to tell us so-called fund for referendum awareness . Use the money for other services especially paying teachers in NBGS schools. MAUMAU

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