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Sudan Tribune

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U.S. special envoy heading to Sudan, Kenya

August 16, 2010 (WASHINGTON) — The U.S. special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration is headed to the region for a two week visit that will focus mainly on the preparations for the referendum in South Sudan that is scheduled for early next year.

U.S. envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, smiles as he leaves after his meeting with vice secretary general of the national elections commission Abdullah Ahmad Abdullah in Khartoum, April 3, 2010. (Reuters)
U.S. envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, smiles as he leaves after his meeting with vice secretary general of the national elections commission Abdullah Ahmad Abdullah in Khartoum, April 3, 2010. (Reuters)
The U.S. State department said that Gration will hold talks with senior leaders of the Government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) “to discuss implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), preparations for the January 2011 referenda on self-determination for Southern Sudan and Abyei, and negotiations on issues relating to the period after the CPA”.

“He will also initiate a broader dialogue regarding security, conflict mitigation, and planning for the post-referendum period. The Special Envoy will discuss security and stabilization efforts in Darfur with Sudanese officials, former President of South Africa and Chairperson of the African Union High Level Implementation Panel for Sudan Thabo Mbeki, and UNAMID Joint Special Representative Ibrahim Gambari,” the statement read.

The contentious referendum process stipulated by the CPA is running well behind schedule and a postponement is widely anticipated.

Yesterday, the head of the referendum commission Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil accused the five southerners were voting as a block to prevent any northerner taking the key post of secretary-general, a principle he said he could not accept.

Khalil said that he would resign should the deadlock continues which would deal a serious blow to the referendum timetable.

The SPLM insists that they will not accept any rescheduling to the key vote and suggested that it may resort to a unilateral declaration of independence, something the North says amounts to a declaration of war.

The United States has reportedly decided in a recent meeting of senior administration officials to endorse a plan by Gration to focus on the referendum and place the crisis in Darfur as a low priority on its agenda.

The U.S. special envoy was also reported to be considering taking an ambassadorial position in Nairobi but nothing formal has been announced yet.

Gration is scheduled to participate in the Southern Sudan Agricultural Conference which will take place in Kenya in his upcoming tour.



  • telfajbago

    U.S. special envoy heading to Sudan, Kenya
    If the U.S administration wants to safe the situation in Sudan first and foremost must accelerate the departure of general Gration who had beyond shallow understanding to the situation on the ground from Sudan’s political scene. Today; the NCP had placed all it’s plans to abort the referendum in the South as well as continuation of genocide Darfur; nevertheless Gration is blinded to tell his administration about the war preparation of the NCP. The opposing of the chairman of the referendum to taking over of the post of the General Secretary by Southerners and probably his resignation from chairing the referendum Commission is the last card of the Islamist to drift the Country back to war. Gration gave the regime go a head to do every thing in Darfur including abducting UNAMID forces, starving IDPs to death and expelling the aid workers as concessions for the regime to allow the referendum of the South Sudan; Iam sure, the Islamists of Khartoum are playing with the balls of Gration and he is not aware of himself, but soon he will discover that and it will be too late to safe the situation.

  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    U.S. special envoy heading to Sudan, Kenya
    If only Mr. Scott would decides what to stand for: Justice or injustice, period. He doesn’t understand NCP had more experience than he in manipulation tactics. He may not know he would come and spend 2 wks talking on things with no tangible results. It’s better to stay true to something than trying to be in a constant gear-shift to please all the Jones

  • Manyieldit

    U.S. special envoy heading to Sudan, Kenya
    Oh God, we are again back to the days American Democrats (President Reghan) supplied arms to Sudanese arm forces to wipe off the people of South Sudan that was in 1980s, Now same Democrats under the Muslim President Hessian Baraka Obama brought the money minded American Gen. Gration who is just to betray the people of South Sudan and Dafur, what will he make apart from telling the world and America that the War is over in Dafur, So that he can get dirty Dollars for Muslim Arabs in Sudan. We do not need him any more in Sudan and he should not be part of any mediation regarding Sudan as he is clearly a pro-Arab like his President who want Muslim terrorist to build the mosque in ground Zero where they themselves killed more then five thousands American. was the cause of destroying twin towers to build the mosque?

    go go go go go away the hopeless Gen. shame on u and shame on your government

  • kitir

    U.S. special envoy heading to Sudan, Kenya
    Last week I was very optimist hearing that Gration derived away from Sudan dossier and appointed US ambassadors in Kenya but now I not ok, since [a plan by Gration to focus on the referendum and place the crisis in Darfur as a low priority on its agenda] gave a green light to Bashir start it new genocidal strategy in Darfur, Gration should not neglect and drop away Darfur, but to adopt a parallel strategy in South and Darfur to besiege the NCP from all side thwarting its cruel tactics. As a unique way to deal with this hypocrisious regime otherwise NCP will make impediment on the referenda, commit new genocide in Darfur, and drift the entire region to chaos.

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