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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM to boycott referendum meeting with Sudanese president

August 17, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The ex-Southern rebel group announced that it will not take part in a meeting called for by Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir scheduled for Thursday to discuss preparations for referendum.

FILE - Sudanese former candidates who have boycotted the Presidency elections, Mubarak al-Fadil, head of the Umma Renewal and Reform Party, right, and Yasser Arman, of the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement party, SPLM, during a press conference in Khartoum, Sudan, Monday, April 12, 2010 (AP)
FILE – Sudanese former candidates who have boycotted the Presidency elections, Mubarak al-Fadil, head of the Umma Renewal and Reform Party, right, and Yasser Arman, of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement party, SPLM, during a press conference in Khartoum, Sudan, Monday, April 12, 2010 (AP)
Ibrahim Ghandour, the head of political relations bureau at the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) headed by Bashir, said invitations were sent to all political parties without exception.

The meeting was originally scheduled for last month but was cancelled after opposition parties insisted that other issues to be discussed including Darfur crisis, deteriorating economic conditions of the people, democratic transformation and political freedoms.

Some parties accused NCP at the time of seeking to them share the responsibility for splitting up the nations despite marginalizing them in all the crucial decisions that led to this situation.

In less than six months time, people from Sudan’s oil-producing south are due to vote in a referendum on whether they should secede and form Africa’s newest nation — a plebiscite promised under a 2005 accord that ended decades of north-south civil war.

It is widely expected that the Southerners will opt for secession after decades of bitter war that claimed millions of lives and feelings of marginalization by the Arab-Muslim dominated North.

The Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) deputy secretary general Yasir Arman said in a statement today that the political bureau of the movement decided to skip the meeting with Bashir.

“This [meeting] appears more of an NCP leadership meeting than a joint meeting of political powers that allows everyone to reach a consensus and come with a joint vision” Arman said in the statement.

“Therefore the SPLM regrets that it will not be part of Thursday’s meetings and we hope to participate in an upcoming meeting that would have better preparation and agreement among its participants,”.

It is not clear whether other parties will share the same position by the SPLM. Previously the Umma Party headed by Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi rejected Bashir’s invitation saying it was addressed to its leader and not to the party.

In a related issue, the NCP said that an arrangement known as the “four freedoms” cannot be put in place between the North and South in the event of secession.

The head of the NCP organization bureau told the government sponsored Sudanese Media Centre (SMC) website that if the South becomes an independent sate it will be responsible for its people.

The “four freedoms” is an accord signed between Sudan and Egypt that allows citizens from both countries to have the right to work, reside, own and move freely between the two countries. It has yet to be fully implemented between the countries due to objections from the Egyptian parliament.

A meeting hosted by Cairo last month between the NCP and the SPLM suggested a similar accord between the North and South for a post-separation state.



  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    SPLM to boycott referendum meeting with Sudanese president

    You guys got to focus on referendum preparation and bring Southern Sudanese from Northern Sudan to Southern Sudan. There are many things the National Congress have not agree while, they signed these things in Kenya 2005.Southern Sudanese and others Sudanese marginalization have took arms in 1983, against Sudan government because of such behavior in the Sudan government and it will be a wast of time for Southern Sudanese people to follow Omar al Bashir’s gimmick rules. The SPLM/GOSS must starting working now on referendum arrangement and preparation even if the NCP oppose it, do not accept to wait even one hour for referendum.

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    SPLM to boycott referendum meeting with Sudanese president
    “The head of the NCP organization bureau told the government sponsored Sudanese Media Centre (SMC) website that if the South becomes an independent sate it will be responsible for its people”.

    that is absurd and ridiculous. what do these people think the meaning of independent South Sudan? currently the south is semiautonomous with its own instutions such as Military, parliament, law enforcement agencies and many more. these entities act completely indepenedent from the north and responsible for the people of south sudan.

    After the independent i dont think we will have much to do with north except for some period of time in which we will need them in areas such as transportation of crude oil via the pipeline and border isues, and unsettled matters during/after the implementation of CPA.

  • Msudi

    SPLM to boycott referendum meeting with Sudanese president
    Congralution SPLM for boycotting this thursday meeting with Omer Basher,
    Omer has just realised that referendum is practical impossible to postpone at this critical juncture, this is the reason as to why he is calling for this meeting. Omer Basher intentions at this moment is find weak links within the SPLM political structure to exploit for his politcal benefits.

    SPLM has a vision and won’t never betrayed the wishes of Southern Sudanese.
    I would like to advise my friends in the North that time has come for the Southern Sudanese to have their own country, flag and currency and they shall be beacon for the whole of African, please accept their wishes.

    Long live Southern Sudan,
    Long live African.


    SPLM to boycott referendum meeting with Sudanese president
    On referandum they had millions of meetings and nothing was resolved. I am sure NCP has nothing to tell. But as I guess to confirm to SPLM/A that any unilateral step by SPLM/A towards the independent of South Sudan, will let SPLM/A to feel sorry as Ibrahim Ahmed Omeer put on Aljazeera TV.

    Also I expect to meet with SPLM/A and when the meeeting is over NCP will come to media and say we have already agreed to pospond the referandum. Then SPLM/A will get perplexed looking for channels to refute the news. It happenned so manny times. Haaaaaaa

  • Adam

    SPLM to boycott referendum meeting with Sudanese president
    Dear Readers

    Yes! It is going to be painful and nasty separation. Here is the scenario I think would happen:

    1. SPLM/A will behave immaturely and fail to finalize boarder issues, Abyei problem, Oil, debt and above all referendum issues.

    2. SPLM/A will not allow freedom of referendum and surely will steal the results and forge the will of the general Southerners, as it did with the elections.

    3. CPA will cease to exist and the South will be a new state next January 2011 with nothing; no vision, no human resources, no money, no leadership, no unity among its components, no freedom, no democracy, no infrastructure, no development and no nothing. But with a lot of international intervention and exploitation.

    4. The North NCP is under huge pressure from the public. They want full unity or full separation. This means that many Southerners are now under psychological pressure (as it was in Quebec Canada referendum in 1995). Khartoum will no more be easy with the South.

    5. Southerners in the North will be expelled immediately to 1956 boarder lines, or they will be killed by raging mobs (remember how Northerners were killed and still being killed in the South). More than 90% of Northerners argue that why on earth that Southerners want to stay in the North as slave and second class citizens, after having their own state where they can be first class in everything? They rejected unity, therefore they rejected us and therefore, they should immediately go.

    6. The North will stop all relations except none. They really don’t need the South, as the South rejected them. Nothing will be allowed to be exported or imported between the splinted parts of Sudan. The immediate looser is the South without a question.

    7. The North may be better off and can survive with few years of real hardship, but it will not collapse as many separatists may like to think.

    8. Contrary to this is the situation in the South. The blazes and smoke of tribal (and political) wars will be higher than ever. People will also die of disease, hunger and raids more than ever. Neighboring countries will take land, people and resources freely. Uganda has already taken 20 Km deep strip of the South southern border. Kenya also has already taken a big bite. Ethiopia is just waiting for the right moment.

    9. Those whom the separatists are dreaming of their assistance will come (late) with conditions that will make (Silva Kirr) a mere ant eating the remains. They will also put him under constant fear on his life. He will be a 10th class citizen and the general Southerners will be enslaved (in its true sense of the meaning this time). Many will cry remembering the good days of the Arabs and Jalaba (masters), especially those who are now in control.

    10. Then, the South will implement all the Foreign Agenda against the North. The tribes at the border lines will kill and perish each other. The South will support Darfur rebels and the North will spare no effort to sponsor new rebels (seeking UNITY this time) and Killing what is left of the Dinka.

    11. SPLM/A separatist leaders will then run to join their families abroad. Latter they will be taken one by one by the Intelligence and the ICC.

    12. The motherland will be left alone to the Western Companies who will eventually pull out after depleting its natural resources above and under the ground.

    13. International terrorists will find their way to the South for a new Holy war. No one can stop these fighters – not even America and its allies. (remember the cases of Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran etc).

    14. The war this time will not end without perishing all poor people of the Sudan. Everything will be shattered. There will be no hope in a century.

    This is exactly what is going to happen.

    But all the scenario can be reversed to a shining one with unity of this small Africa.

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas City

  • Kur

    SPLM to boycott referendum meeting with Sudanese president
    There are more hopes and futures for the people of South Sudan in their motherland not some where else. So do not worry about the so-called “Four Freedoms”. It is a marginal issue that will not affect us as a nation. South Sudan has a potential of building its own capacity to care for its own people.


  • Haak

    SPLM to boycott referendum meeting with Sudanese president
    Dear splm/a party………….
    i think the ruling party NCP is trying it best to make you people get prepared and tackle the referandum acordimg to your target interest. if i may take you back to our history, do you know that only south sudanese that claim that the election has been held in sudan for the first time since 1986? simple because of these issues of boycotting meetings and the NCP will take that as an advantage.
    so if i were you i would have attend the meeting and object anything opposite to my interest. do you think Bashir will convince the international community that, the SPLM/S are regid and brutal in thier political idealogy, beside its even being coward to NCP.

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