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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia claims it will sign peace deal with separatist Ogaden rebels

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

Aug 20, 2010 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Ethiopian government said today that negotiations are in progress to reach an agreement with the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) – who have fought for the eastern regions right to self-determination since 1984.

Speaking to the pro-government news agency, Walta Information Center, a National Security advisor to the Prime Minister, Abay Tsehaye said more than 20 senior members of the ONLF, who splinted from the front, have expressed their readiness to operate peacefully and abide by the constitution.

“The peace deal is expected to be signed in October at a latest”, he said.

Last month, the central government and a rebel organization, the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF) which has been fighting for the independence of the ethnic Somali region of Ethiopia, signed a peace accord that brought an end to a two decade-long armed struggle of the front.

The senior Ethiopian official said the peace deal recently signed with the UWSLF was a clear indication of government’s commitment for peace.

“The government would offer all the necessary support to members of the front so that they will contribute their share in the efforts being made by the government to bring lasting peace and rapid development and good governance in Somali state,” Tsehaye said.

Following the UWSLF peace deal with the Ethipoian government, Sudan Tribune received a statement from the ONLF dismissing the deal:

“The Ethiopian regimes so-called “peace deal” with the Ogaden branch of the now defunct Al-Itihaad Al-Islaami (AIAI) organization known as the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF) has no impact on facts on the ground in Ogaden and represents an attempt by the regime to promote the idea that a non-existent peace process is underway in Ogaden.”

“The ONLF wishes to affirm once again that there is no peace process underway in Ogaden and that statements to the contrary by the Ethiopian regime are a diversionary tactic by the ruling Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) party.”

The armed wing of the ONLF is the Ogaden National Liberation Army (ONLA). The ONLF has been designated a terrorist group by the Ethiopian government.

Ethiopia accuses Eritrea of arming and financing, the Ogaden National Liberation Front, the Oromo liberation Front (OLF) and Somalia’s Al Shabab who claimed responsibility for bombings in Uganda’s capital Kampala last month.

The ONLF has claimed responsibility for several attacks including an attack on a Chinese run oil company, which killed 9 Chinese and 65 Ethiopians in 2007.


1 Comment


    Ethiopia claims it will sign peace deal with separatist Ogaden rebels
    Haa, these guys unfortubately learned disemination of false news and cheating from Khartoum Islamist. I am sure such news center that belongs to PM must be similar to Sudan SMS center that belongs to Sudan Second VP,Taha.

    True Peace must be agreed by majority not by those running after persoanl gains. Please Learn from Sudan experiences or else.

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