Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Gration encourages education in Rumbek

By Manyang Mayom

August 22, 2010 (RUMBEK) – US Special Envoy to Sudan, General Scott Gration visited Rumbek Senior Secondary School Sunday with a delegation of education specialists.

Gration was accompanied by Lakes state Governor Chol Tong Mayay, who said that the late John Garang was among the school’s alumni many of whom now hold key positions in the southern government.

Mayay said that Rumbek senior school lacked teachers and learning facilities.

Chol said that Rumbek secondary school was founded in 1947 by the British but said that nothing had changed since with the exception of USAID providing an iron sheet to replace the roof in 2001.

Gration encouraged the students by saying:

“I also believe education very important, because is a one thing that nobody can take it from you.People can take your shoes, they can take your clothes, they can take your things but whatever you put in your mind, whatever you put in your brain is yours, and will made you better place and will make your community better place and your nation a better place. So I urge you, especially young children, to take this opportunity to fill your mind to learn about the how to think, to learn how about the world – to learn other science technology and you will become better leaders.”

Mayay said that during the 21 years of civil war between the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) who now govern Sudan and the successive governments in Khartoum the school compound was used by the Sudan Armed Forces until the SPLA recaptured Rumbek in 1997.

In June Rumbek senior secondary school students went on strike with other schools in the area over lack of classrooms, facilities and teachers.

“There is no good Library and lack of books is another obstacle in this school”, said Governor Mayay. “There is no electricity and learning spaces is not enough for these students – now our school administration is using two classrooms shift, one class teaching shift in the morning and another shift class teaching in the evening.”



  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    Gration encourages education in Rumbek
    One victory at a time! Patient brothers, the glory of Rumbek secondary school will be re-stored!

    Wal Muoranyar Biet

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