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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan Taskforce to organize voters in the Diaspora for referendum

By James Gatdet Dak

August 23, 2010 (JUBA) – The established referendum Taskforce in Southern Sudan has resolved to organize Southern Sudanese in the Diaspora into referendum coordinating committees in their respective countries, particularly in the locations which the referendum law allows residents to vote during the seven-day referendum.

Hundreds of supporters of south Sudan independence rallied in Juba, six months ahead of a crucial referendum that could lead to the partition of Africa's largest country (AFP)
Hundreds of supporters of south Sudan independence rallied in Juba, six months ahead of a crucial referendum that could lead to the partition of Africa’s largest country (AFP)
These countries include Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Egypt, America, Europe and Australia, during which their organizations into committees will be done in consultation with the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) Liaison Offices.

The decision was confirmed during the meeting of the Referendum Taskforce Oversight Committee under the chairmanship of the Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar. It was also resolved that a team from the appropriate committee(s) of the Taskforce will travel to the eight countries to educate and enlighten Diaspora voters on the process of the upcoming referendum.

In supporting the facilitation of the referendum process, the Taskforce also resolved that all the assets under the custody of the government and which were purchased specifically for the conduct of the April elections should be diverted to the referendum process. It also resolved to establish a mechanism for the engagement of organizations wishing to campaign for the referendum in and outside the country.

The Southern Sudan 2011 Taskforce was established by President Salva Kiir Mayardit under the chairmanship of the Vice President, to prepare the region for the smooth conduct of the plebiscite.

The Taskforce is sub-divided into three main sub-committees: first on the conduct of the referendum itself up to the 9th January 2011, or ending by declaration of results; second on post-referendum issues and the third sub-committee on preparing the Government of Southern Sudan for post-2011 governance in the region.

On the referendum sub-committee, which officials say is the most critical one the group will further form states coordinating committees in each of the ten states in the South. Central Equatoria state has already formed its committee under the Deputy Governor, Manase Lomole, who will act as the contact person in coordination with the GoSS Oversight Committee.

The cabinet last week approved 150 million Sudanese pounds subject to further endorsement by the region’s parliament. The money will be under the custody of the office of the President, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit. 5 million Sudanese pounds budget was also approved for the work of the Taskforce Technical Secretariat, to be administered by the Minister in the Office of the President, Dr. Cirino Hiteng, who is the Taskforce’s Secretary.

The Taskforce will financially support civil society organizations that are actively carrying out civic education on the referendum across the ten states in the region. Many civil society organizations have already shown their visibility under many different names. However, officials fear that some of them may not be genuine for the task; hence the need for their scrutiny before offering them support and entrusting them with the task.

The people of Southern Sudan, per the 2005 North-South peace deal, have less than five months to conduct a referendum on 9th January 2011 to either choose to confirm the current unity of Sudan or create their own independent country.



  • thieleling

    South Sudan Taskforce to organize voters in the Diaspora for referendum
    Dear Readers,

    Thanks James Gatdet for your continue superb updates. The best brains always realized their dreams. Let’s make this a dream come true south sudanese Century.

    Let’s end the problem or the issue of “people with turbans and people with ostrich feathers” that never practice mutual respect and never accept each others.

    Let’s put the contradiction, confusion and controversy that befall Sudanese history to rest and make south sudan independence.

    let’s replace the confused, disgusted, and even amused sad state of sudanese people once and for all.

  • Abraham Majur Lam
    Abraham Majur Lam

    South Sudan Taskforce to organize voters in the Diaspora for referendum
    My thanks to the reporter for the update and we were just out of referendum Review and Briefing Meeting today with Martin majut Yak at Hotel Africana Kampala (U). The issue was raise by many participants pertaining the mode of registration and voting prrocess. I appreciate the Taskforce Committee for having acknowledge serious demand by Southerners in Diaspora to participate in referendum and I would caution them to be very careful with Egypt because NCP may manipulate the figures to play around our interest. Whatsoever the circumstances we are ready to register and vote for what we want and live in our paradise land on earth. keep us update and we shall be following up a very move taken in Southern Sudan.

  • Richie

    South Sudan Taskforce to organize voters in the Diaspora for referendum
    I don’t get it, what are we in Canada, aliens? We don’t deserve to vote? Why are Sudanese in Canada never mentioned? This is absurd. What is the Goss Mission in Canada office doing and why was established? They came to Canada two weeks ago and why are we still not in the picture? Can someone answer me? Or maybe the writer. Can you enlightened as what Riek Machar is thinking of Canada?

    No no, this time we have to fight for this guys (in Canada).

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