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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan immigration officials in travel permit scam

August 24, 2010 (JUBA) – Immigration officials in the southern town of Nimule have been accused of over-charging for travel permits for foreign nationals, Sudan Tribune has learnt.

Nimule officials on the Uganda-Sudan border charge SDG 130,000 (about $50), for a one month permit, while their counterparts in Central Equatoria State (CES) giving permits for three months for the same money.

Travel permits issued by CES immigration officials have started to be rejected as “fake” and “unauthorized” by officials at Nimule border.

The travel permits issued by both departments have similar features, with the exception of official stamps, usually indicating from where the travel permit was issued.

This development could further ignite tension between the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) leadership and their CES counterparts over internal revenue matters.

“The ongoing saga between immigration officials is getting out of hand and some intervention needs to be done. Otherwise, what we are witnessing now is simply a clash of ego limiting prospects for development,” an immigration official, who preferred to remain anonymous because he is not authorized to speak to the media, told Sudan Tribune yesterday.

Foreign nationals interviewed by Sudan Tribune said southern Sudanese authorities need to computerize their systems.

“Immigration officials should install computers to capture some of these data. So what happens when one loses his permit when it’s still valid? Won’t that innocent person be forced to pay for another one,” Abdalla Musoke, a Ugandan national told Sudan Tribune yesterday.

John Kamau, a Kenyan, believes such irregularities among immigration officials could undermine regional integration.

Officials at Nimule have also started demanding for money from foreigners with travel permits issued by southern Sudan liaison offices in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

Internal Affairs Minister, Gier Chaung Aluong could not be reached to comment on the matter when Sudan Tribune tried to contact him on Monday.

Last month, immigration officials issued a two-week ultimatum for all foreigners to officially register, saying the move would curb terrorist threats, protect foreign nationals and keep law and order within the semi-autonomous region.



  • makalier

    South Sudan immigration officials in travel permit scam
    It is really sad to read the news about the lack of transfarency in the Regional government of South Sudan. However, i hope that they will investigated the problems and who was behind it inorder to restore laws and ethnics in the public services. It is very bad to forged the documenst at the local level in the same region while there is GOSS who is the oversee of the progression of the local offices in the bordering areas of East and Central Africans countries. I am sure the authorities in GOSS will resolve this problem as soon as they can.

  • Akuma

    South Sudan immigration officials in travel permit scam
    Southern Sudan government should not get surprise for that development because when the reshuffle immigration officials few months back, i think there was no good work done for those immigration officers who are deploy along borders line.

    Over charging of foreigners is not the big deal but the issue is the way of stamping travel permits of those foreigners.

    It is due to bloodmate and tribalism that bring such fake development in Southern Sudan, if there was no such case, then people would travel freely and well stamps of foreigners travel permit

    Anyway, no one to blame for that, but the government who employ illiterate and money-minded people along the borders.

    Dr. Akuma

  • ayuairech

    South Sudan immigration officials in travel permit scam
    There is abig need for southern sudanese working with immigration departments to respect foreign national specially from Uganda and Kenya as well as internationally. What triggered my motion to mention the above two countries is that they had contributed alot direct and indirectly during the two decade war between north and south sudan that kills more than two millions people. We don,t need to revenge my brothers that little slap that we had from our neighbours.we have to consider the validity of their documents and if valid , then why ask for money again?.this is atypical and pure corruption who can not be tolerated.the even charge lost boys to pay on the border for their entry to their own mother land which is totally irrelevant and most of the lost boys are even veterants .they fought harder to liberate our country before they become lost boys.sack these bunch of corrupt immigration officers to enhance development in our country.

  • Manyieldit

    South Sudan immigration officials in travel permit scam
    I think people should be very honest and clear when responding to any comment or article here in the web. If at all we accept the reality then is there a reason CES in the Middle of the South and engulfed by GOSS to issue a travel permit to Foreigners? The immigration is a duty and mandate of GOSS/GoNU, there is no way State Government could issue the any travel permit to the non Sudanese in the system. take example of Uganda and Kenya, when u come from Nairobi you can not be given a permit in Eldorate or Kitali, same as for Uganda u can not get the permit in Arua or Gulu. Only there is always one Immigration Authority in the country which deals with foreigners. This has happen because CES still say they are belong to Khartoum and won’t respect the Government of South Sudan.

    Here in South Sudan we have only Immigration offices and officers at the border towns (Nimule, Nadapal, Kaya, Rhaad, and other small towns in WES, UNS and JS) There is no way the CES government will have their own immigration. The revenue for immigration are directly to the GoSS/GoNU.

    So dear brothers and Sisters lets leave our own greediness and follow the system. I know Kiir Government is voiceless and coulds not tell the CES government to stop interfering with GOSS affairs that is why CES is doing all what the GOSS is doing like they are different from GOSS.

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