Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan

August 26, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Russian special envoy for Sudan, Mikhail Margelov, warned from the failure of a new state in southern Sudan and expressed fears that a new Somalia may emerge in the semi-autonomous region.

Russian special envoy to Sudan Mikhail Margelov
Russian special envoy to Sudan Mikhail Margelov
Margelov made his remarks to the press after a meeting in Cairo with the Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa. The two parties discussed latest developments in Sudan particularly the upcoming referendum on self-determination to be held in January 2011.

The most important thing we are looking for is the process of building bridges and understanding among the political circles in the northern and southern Sudan, he said in statements reported by the official MENA.

“We as an international community and countries that are permanent Security Council members do not want a new Somalia in South Sudan,” he stressed.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Saltanov voiced in October 2009 the support of his government to the integrity of largest African country during an international workshop organized in Moscow to discuss Sudan’s problems.

Margelov who heads the Federation Council’s Committee for International Affairs visited Sudan several times since his appointment in December 2008 and supported reelection of Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir during April elections.

Regarding Bashir’s indictment on Darfur atrocities he said “There is an emerging feeling that the ICC decision on arresting the current Sudanese president was rushed and politicized”.



  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    stop your witch-hunt! Southern Sudan will never be like Somalia what so ever.

    Peace be onto Southern Sudan

    Wal Muoranyar Biet

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    We, South Sudanese are disappointed, annoyed at an irresponsible, racist statement made by Russian diplomat against the freedom of our people to decide their destiny in the coming plebiscite next year. We believe he spoke with a tongue of Egypt a prime trouble causer of all political issues in Sudan. He might be also standing for their economic interests in South Sudan. I want to say they will not succeed in their scheme because the people of that region will not give in to their cheap reasons for his statement. We are neither Arabs nor Islamists. We are Africans who are only struggling to secure peace, justice, and freedom so that our children and mothers can once again live under a secure sky where the Russian built antenov do not rain bombs for their extermination and our grasslands are not battlefields but fields for grass with which we use for constructing roofs of our huts. The insecurity in South Sudan they claim to point is their making which our people will fight to the last man to prevent their manmade schemes. They should by now they are fighting a lost battle as the people know what they want. Noone change what the people want except the people themselves. We have paid dearly for where we are now. Therefore we must achieve what intend to get.

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    Russians shouldn’t think that Southerners are not aware of their secret deal with the ruthless regime (NCP) to deter South Secession. South knows it!!!!

    Calling an independent South Sudan a second Somalia is nothing other than political rhetoric. Such remark is an insult to Southerners Integrity and their Government.

    South has been subjected to colossal disservice by NCP several years. NCP is responsible for all commotion and havoc in the South. Given their history of terrorism!!!

    Please allows South to secede and let’s see how it will become Second Somalia.


  • Samani

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    I think this is wishful thinking. No matter what history tells you this has nothing to do with the facts on the ground today. Many southerners especially from smaller and marginalised tribes i.e non Dinka, have already taken up arms and are rebelling against the dominated Dinka GOSS. Just because it is masked in the media does not mean it does not exist, and blaming the North or NCP does not make it go away.
    The other thing our dear author seems to forget that political stability depends on economic and social security. Till today there is no governance in South Sudan, no infrastructure, schools, hospitals, government buildings, paved roads or even a tax system. The GOSS has already wasted more than $6 Billion in the last 5 years either on military spending or sending it abroad to the US, Australia and UK on government officials, their families and luxury real estate.

    The GOSS relies almost completely on oil revenue that the government of Sudan gives it. The North controls the infrastructure, production, export and sale of oil. The UN estimates 50% of South Sudan’s population will need food assistance and repeated failures in agricultural schemes, unpredictable rain and lack of education and technology means things can only get worse. The South is expecting an influx of 3 million Southerners to return before the referendum which will add more strain to the situation. Being patriotic and passionate about an independent South is one thing, but you need to be pragmatic and realistic. Unless the issues are tackled the South will be another Somalia by this time next year and those same 3 million will return to the North again.

  • murlescrewed

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    This just goes to show that the so-called Russian envoy lacks the knowledge of South Sudan. South Sudan and Somalia are very different places with unique characteristics. Somalia is not able to function because Somalis have more allegiance to their own clan than the country. South is different because it is a country of people who respect laws.

  • Acid

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    Mikhail Margelov!!

    Russian is not different with Somalia either; so please don’t worry about South Sudan but start worrying about Russian and hers countless rivals!!

  • Timdor

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    Prophet of Dooms,stop from bewitching Southern Sudan into what you called New Somalia.

    You should learn from lies that you made during census and elections but nothing of such case has ever happen though you have encourage George Athor to start his Somalis activities but rebellion is not even felt in one county within Jonglei or Upper Nile states.You might want to celebrate about the LRA activities but let me assure you that,they government will bring the issue of LRA into an end once we become a nation with our own resources.

    Those who think that South is Not capable,just see the way we voted for the first time,casting 12 votes in one time in one day at the same time…..Just tell me,which part of the world such voting was done? But we manage to do it for the first time in history and it was peaceful.

    Your ill-intention wishes will be undermined by God.


  • Akot Deng
    Akot Deng

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    what is the comparion Between Southern Sudan AND Somalia is it Letter ” S ” If so we shall Rename our independence state as new Sudan, otherwise these are the different country with different culture and different human spiecies and political background so i don,t see a reason that Russia should worried about the indenpendent of the South,

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    To: Unworthy Diplomat
    There is an African saying which says, “If you bend down to look at someone buttocks, mind you someone is also looking at your buttocks” It is bewitching that a high profile personality is siding with the interest of their allies and forgetting his duty as stipulated in the diplomatic code of conduct. We, South Sudanese are God fearing people who know our destiny and that is why we offered 2.5 million people. No any other diplomat under the sun or above the sky to coach as about our failures. See how blindfolded the diplomat is, Sudan currently united has failed very tremendously and miserably b’se currently NISS is suppressing any form of descend by confiscating personnal property, detaining opponents incommunicado, lashing of women wearing trousers, beating innocents women brewing alcohol, not even talking of the worst atrocities of rape, kidnapping, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Darfur by the current government whom he protrays to be the successful government.
    Shame on you Mr. Mikhail Margelov for you left the scare on your friend’s eyes and you talk of the other guy’s scare. God will judge us according to what we say, so say what you know but don’t just mislead the world to believe in your dirty game of bribe me to say this and that. Shame, shame on you. South Sudan will prevail with or without your propanganda

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    Hahahah- Funny politics from a Russian. Do you know Mikial, because South Sudan is not a Somalia it did capture Russian Pilots pouring Mass AK 47s into South Sudan. Russains should know that Southern Sudan is not Darfur or other parts of northern Sudan (the real and present Somalia of the Sudan) where they (+Chinese) can pour any weapon, and by that they contribute in making Genocides in the north sudan. Southern Sudan has proved itself to the world in five years and now has an elected president. Is this Somalia mr Mikhail? Southern Sudan is now better by far than some independent counties in Africa (with Somalia excluded and is nothing to be compared to South Sudan), and that is before its independent. I think the world should not be confused by the liars of Nothern Sudan.

  • Kur

    Russia warns from new Somalia in South Sudan
    Shut up. We can’t be intimidated by the prophets of doom. We will prove all of you wrong.


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