Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip

August 28, 2010 (WASHINGTON) – The Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga was intentionally kept in the dark on plans to admit Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir into the country for the ceremony of signing Kenya’s new constitution, his party said today amid growing divisions in the cabinet on the decision to invite him.

Bashir_Kenya1.jpgThe Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Secretary General Anyang Nyong was quoted by Kenyan newspapers as saying that that the party was unaware that Bashir would be at the event and only realized it when he arrived to join other dignitaries and heads of state at the ceremony.

“We would like to point out to Kenyans and the international community that this was indeed a very unfortunate visit that could put into question the commitment of the government to implement the Constitution of the second republic in letter and spirit,” Nyong told a news conference on Saturday according to Capital FM website.

Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his alleged role in the war crimes that took place in Sudan’s Western region of Darfur. Kenya is an ICC member which means its obligated to execute the arrest warrant and him over to the Hague Tribunal.

On Friday the Kenyan foreign minister Moses Wetangula brushed aside the local and international criticism saying that it was not an African tradition to embarrass or harm guests.

He also recalled the African Union (AU) decisions instructing its members not to arrest Bashir regardless of their obligations.

Wetangula asserted that his country will not allow “anyone to make friends and enemies” for it, revealing that Kibaki himself extended the invitation to Bashir.

But the ODM SG rejected Wetangula’s assertions and said that his party will demand an explanation for the incident from him.

“As we maintain cordial relations with our neighboring countries, we must not forget or disregard our equally important adherence to international conventions and commitments,” Nyong said.

“There was no knowledge on our part as partners in government on an invitation to al Bashir. The Minister for Foreign Affairs must come out clean and give us a very clear explanation of what happened,” he stressed.

He also disclosed that PM Odinga was unaware that Bashir was coming to town.

Odinga’s spokesperson told CNN yesterday that he was “shocked” at al-Bashir’s presence and that his attendance was “out of the blue.”

He also said that he had not spoken to Odinga but described the situation that developed as “impossible.”

The Kenyan Land minister James Orengo also joined other cabinet members such as Deputy Defence Minister David Musila and Fisheries minister Amason Kingi in condemning the visit.

“This is definitely not a good beginning to compound a new Constitution with an act of impunity,” Orengo said adding that besides the explanation, Kenya had to take full responsibility.

“We first have to give an explanation to ourselves because we broke our law that is supreme, besides violating an international agreement that we are a signatory.”

Musila again expressed his shock over the visit.

“We were shocked beyond words when we heard the master of ceremonies announce the arrival of President Bashir at Uhuru Park,” said Musila.

“His name was not on the list of invited guests that we had and some of us had been assured by a government official that Sudan would be represented at the function by President of the South, Mr Salva Kiir.”

The judges of the ICC issued a decision on Friday ordering the court’s registrar to report Kenya’s non-compliance to the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the Assembly of State Parties “in order for them to take any measure they may deem appropriate”.

The UNSC referred the situation in Darfur to the ICC in 2005 under a Chapter VII resolution.

Kenya “has a clear obligation to cooperate” in enforcing arrest warrants, the judges said.

The U.S. president Barack Obama, the European Union (EU) and several international human rights groups slammed Kenya’s hosting of the Sudanese president calling on the authorities there to arrest him.

However, Bashir only stayed in Kenya for a few hours before heading back home.

Sudan’s foreign minister Ali Karti said that “Kenya had invited A-Bashir to the summit in adherence with the African Union’s decision and it had shunned all the calls it received from many quarters and activists who stand behind the ICC and whose hopes were dissipated when Kenya welcomed Al-Bashir, especially that Kenya is a signatory of the ICC membership.”


‘The Standard’ newspaper revealed the details surrounding Bashir’s arrival into Kenya which was cloaked with secrecy to pre-empt any negative reaction.

Sources told the newspaper that as part of the plan, Bashir’s plane landed in Nairobi’s Wilson Airport rather than the traditional Jomo Kenyatta International Airport as Kenya closed its airspace to facilitate President Bashir’s arrival and departure in a well coordinated and guarded operation known only to a few

Wilson Airport is the region’s busiest airport, which had been ordered closed for the whole day on security grounds by authorities.

Bashir had negotiated his security and received guarantees before accepting Kenya’s invitation, the security sources told the newspaper.

Furthermore, only a handful of top Kenyan civil servants from the ministry of foreign affairs, public service and internal security coordinated Bashir’s visit and ensured all other government officials were kept in the dark.


Most Kenyan officials were under the impression that Sudan First Vice President and South Sudan government (GoSS) president Salva Kiir was going to be present at the ceremony as a representative of his country. The Kenyan foreign ministry had confirmed Kiir attendance earlier this week.

The Kenyan Sunday Nation newspaper quoted a Southern official as saying that Kiir was planning to carry out the visit until the last minute and chided Nairobi saying they have humiliated GoSS president.

“Our president was all set to travel to Nairobi for the ceremony and had even sent his advance team, only to be called by President Bashir on Thursday afternoon informing him that he would be in Nairobi. Mr Kiir had no choice but to cancel his trip because protocol does not allow them to travel out of the country at the same time,” said the head of the Southern Sudan referendum campaign, John Andruga Duku.

“We were shocked to see him there. Why did the Kenya government invite our president while knowing very well that they had invited Bashir,” Duku added.



  • Dengtaath

    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    Kenya is a crazy and well corrupt country. No fact will come out in that investigation for sure.

  • Gatwech

    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    Mwai Kibaki is not as strong and brave as former president Daniel Arap Moi was.

    Kibaki is a coward trying to please the criminal Bashir. But he will soon feel the consequence of his action from international community. He will lose respect and even some dealings.

  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    A ceremony at which a man whose teeth and hands drift with the blood of your brothers and sisters is no blessed ceremony! Do it over again Keyna!

    Wal Peter Muoranyar

  • Dack Gatduel
    Dack Gatduel

    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    Kenyan government officials who orchestrate invitation of Albahsir especially Mosses Wutanga the foreign minister rallied by President kibaki are learning the hard way.

    the basic principle that action of inviting and accommodating and internationally wanted have dire consequences. it is like a fiasco. internally, one partner to the government; the orange democratic movement(ODM) are angry and demand clear and convincing explanation because they were kept in the dark of bashir ‘s visit. they want also to distance themselves from what appear to be like a scandal somebody is going to be blamed for it and fired.

    Internationally Kenyan government is in the hot seat, and regionally the governemnt of south sudan is enraged at their counterpart the kenyan governemt because they were invited and than disinvited at 11:55 midnight to make way for Albashir

    What a chaostic situation


    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    Birds of same feathers fly together.Its very true proverb; those invited Bashir are all those wanted by International criminal Court for alleged post-election violence in Kenya where southand of innocnet people were killed.

    Thump Up ODM this statement shows that you on a right track.

  • Manyieldit

    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    This is a good lesson to GOSS, It is good that Kenyan show their position before the referendum. No will doubt Kenyan position in Sudan they are pro-Arab and they Support unity of Sudan. I would like to urge President Kiir to minimize visit to Kenya as Kenya after the new constitution has became not safe for people of South Sudan, specially the GOSS Officials. Element of Arab extremism will now have the right to exercise their Jhad and Islamic fundamentalism under the new constitution which is going to opposite the idea of self-determination of people of South Sudan. Shame on the big Nation who called themselves Brothers of Oboma you and your Oboma will now go to hell as we are going to cast the ballot on the favor of Separation.

    Long Live the people of South Sudan , and the Victory is Certain

  • paul baak anyaar
    paul baak anyaar

    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    Whether Kenyans know it or not, they have joined Al Bashir in gross show of defiance to the ICC warrant of arrest. Kenyans have put their commitment to international conventions and Human Rights protection into a questionable position. In any case I am not surprised that Kibaki did it. Birds of a feather flock together. Kibaki is a little criminal, so it seems to me.

  • Deng Akec Deng Anguii
    Deng Akec Deng Anguii

    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    This has tarnished the image of Kenya

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Kenya’s PM party distances itself from Bashir’s visit as more details emerge on trip
    Please Kenyan you have to respect ICC article of your being a members otherwise you have to withdrew or face some charge of not being respecting the human right laws it is unbelievable you hail the criminal who have been charges with horroble atrocities.


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