Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Darfur’s JEM leader fires political affairs secretary

August 29, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) today announced that it sacked its secretary for political affairs Adam Ali Shoggar from his position following reports about rifts within the leadership of the rebel group.

A fighter from the Justice and Equality Movement (Reuters)
A fighter from the Justice and Equality Movement (Reuters)
In a short statement released today, JEM Chairman Khalil Ibrahim issued a decision relieving Shoggar from his duties in the rebel group. He also directed the “judicial authorities” in the movement to open “a criminal case” and to prosecute him.

Shoggar, a former rebel commander of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Minni Minnawi, was one of the rebel chiefs that formed a coalition sponsored by the former African Union (AU)-United Nations (UN) envoys in Juba more than two years ago.

But three months later he left the United Resistance Front (URF) and joined JEM in early 2009.

JEM signed a framework agreement in February this year, only to move out of the talks months later accusing Khartoum government of breaching the cessation of hostility deal.

After the rapprochement between Chad and Sudan, Ndjamena also barred JEM leader from crossing to Darfur and Libya, where he is now, accepted to host him.

In a press statement disseminated by JEM two days ago the traditional leader of Dar Tur, one of the Zaghawa sections, accused Shoggar of signing a deal with the Sudanese security service pledging to ink a peace agreement with the government in the name of the ethnic group, Tur.

For his part Shoggar, in statements attributed to him by the pro-government news service, SMC, said he had been accused by some leadership members of working to replace Khalil Ibrahim and to create a new group.

Sudan recently claimed that the Ugandan government is supporting the rebel group and training some of its military elements. The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) further pointed fingers at the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) governing the South which is accused of coordinating with JEM and Kampala in this regard.

Nonetheless JEM played down the accusations.

The peace talks in Doha between the government and the rebel Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) are expected to resume during the next month. The UN chief Ban Ki-Moon called this month on the other rebel groups (JEM and SLM led by Abel Wahid Al-Nur to join the political process to end the seven-year conflict in Darfur.


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