Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Diaspora contribution shouldn’t go unnoticed

By Butrus Ajak

September 1, 2010 — While many perspectives took the centre stage condemning Dr. Lualdit Achuek choice of Unity over separation. Besides, Dr. Lualdit should be informed as well to swallow his scornful message over South Sudanese in Diaspora. This article will accentuate the contribution we Southerners in Diaspora shoulder on South Sudan issues, albeit article can’t reveal out the exact amount of $$$$$ given to South Sudan Government, we are always there to pay our share. Dr. Garang knew we still his comrade though reside in the West, that why he coiled the below term (Seventh Front) to acknowledge our contributions in the struggle and the prosperity of South Sudan if it becomes independent.

Dr, Lualdit Achuek may be entitled to his opinion as Isaiah Abraham wrote in his article. However, Lualdit belittlement on the South Sudanese in Diaspora shouldn’t go unchallenged. Though I haven’t done substantial and considerable research on those who wrote balkanization articles about the Sudan, which were boldly condemned by Dr. Lual, I have found 80% are lost-boys and lost-girls of South Sudan. Most of them forgo their young live to the movement (SPLA/SPLM). This author included, I left my Mum and Dad when I was Seven years old for Ethiopia and had never seen them. These boys were kept in concentration camps those days, they were nurtured and those who did grow into adulthood were normally recruited into South Sudan army, and if at all Dr. Lualdit Achuek might have heard of Dr. Majak’s Agot battalion, then they were part of these lost-boys who ended up in the West. They have lost a considerable number of their colleague whether to SPLA War on itself or SPLA War on NIF.

Another crucial point worth noting is the outstanding role and commitment the Southerners in Diaspora played in making international community inclusively aware of the type of War being fought in the Sudan. You won’t believe it but, many people in the West never knew our peoples’ suffering in the hand of thuggish regime. These boys made it crystal clear to them. No doubt it was known to few top government officials but common people weren’t aware. Now most of them got it and now standing with us, some pressured their government to send delegates in time of Referendum to make sure it is fair and free from rigging. The lost-boys and lost-girls acted as South Sudan ambassadors, is that not a great job? And needless to say, if at all Jallaba decides to backslide into War with South, I tell you, it won’t be like those Wars of 80s and 90s, the boys and girls will be a ready helping hand. We may still be sitting before air-conditioning as claimed by Lualdit but, our material support would be felt by Jallaba. We may not be scarifying souls and blood like our brothers on the ground but we will stand with them.

The above insinuation could in some cases be refuted but, SPLM delegates who had been paying us visits will definitely tell our continuously loyalty to the movement that has ingratiated most part of our childhood. From reliable source, this Dr. Lualdit who seemed to reprimand lost-boys commentaries didn’t hear a gun shot, let alone taking up arm to liberate his people. Source said he was enjoying air-conditioning the time we were exposed to bitter realities of live. And as per se, we have whatever right to lament and comment on the verdict of Southerners. Most of us are here physically but emotionally and spiritually with you.

In essence, Dr. Lualdit must be informed that viable society can’t be built using factors that divide people, for instance, religion and race just to name a few. These are two topping the list of stereotyping and discriminatory Arabs used to marginalize African. The way they treated us is the thorn in the flesh. Jallaba don’t want Unity!!! They were given ample time (5 years) to prove their sincerity, honesty and transparency over the monies and other dividends and they chose to make Separation attractive by acting oppositely. In this context Southerners shouldn’t be blamed if they go for secession. They were dragged into taking it.

To wrap it up, it’s of vitally imperative if SPLM/SPLA political Bureau should sit down and correct this messy political uncertainty. I surmise anyone can talk politics for the sake of politics but, our people in the village can easily be misled by airing these inconsistencies messages. Most of them believes and relies on intellectual and politician messages and once a revered elder and a big boss in the person of Dr. Lualdit Achuek uttered profusely and dangerously like that, it can send high tide which will ensue in total ambivalence of his disciple too. SPLA/SPLM must come out clean over Unity and Separation so that nobody else can arraign Pagan Amum and other separatists on their stance on Separation.

It’s time to free ourselves from hardnosed and ruthless regime so that our grand and grade grandchildren are once and for all free people the time we will all be gone.

Butrus is an erstwhile red army South Sudanese who reside in Australia; he holds a degree in Business, BBUS (Human Resource Management and Public relations). He can be reached at [email protected]

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