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Sudan Tribune

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Six people killed in fresh attacks on another camp in Darfur – IDPs

September 4, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) said today that government militias in the region have attacked another settlement killing six people and wounded 28 others.

A woman stands near a makeshift tent at Sakale Wali IDPs camp in the South Darfur town of Nyala May 29, 2010. (Reuters)
A woman stands near a makeshift tent at Sakale Wali IDPs camp in the South Darfur town of Nyala May 29, 2010. (Reuters)
The report comes less than twenty four hours following the killing over seventy people in Tabra village, in the northern part of Jebel Marra, located in north Darfur state.

Sudanese government denied the attack in Tabra and accused the Sudan Liberation Army led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (SLA-AW) of attacking its troops in the region but the rebels dismissed the attack saying such statements aim to cover atrocities against civilians.

“Since Saturday at midnight militiamen attacked Al-Hamidiya camp, near Zalingei in West Darfur state killing six IDPs,” a resident who declined to be identified told Sudan Tribune. He added the attackers are camping now at some kilometers from the camp and they expect new assaults at any time.

He further regretted that sluggish reaction of the UNAMID peacekeepers to their calls. “We called the hybrid forces to intervene and protect the civilians but they just arrived three hours after the end of the attack at 03:00 pm,” he said.

He further said they refused to allow them and the Red Cross workers to take the injured IDPs because the Sudanese government arrests the wounded once they are transported to the hospitals.

The United Nations estimates that 2.7 million people fled their homeland and live now in IDPs or refugee camps. The International Criminal Court (ICC) added genocide charges against President Omer Al-Bashir who faces counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

UNAMID confirmed the attack but said ignoring the identity of the assailants.

“We don’t know who was behind it,” said UNAMID spokesman Chris Cycmanick in statements to Reuters.

Speaking to the government sponsored SMC, Zalingeigi commissioner Abdalla Mohamed El-Amin accused the SLA fighters loyal to Abdel Wahid Al-Nur of attacking the residents. He added the latter are favorable to the peace process.

But the SLA spokesperson Abdel Rahman Nimir dismissed the accusations saying Khartoum tries to misinform the public opinion and mislead the international community.

“We urge an international investigation over these attacks to determine who is behind these attacks,” he said. “We have tangible evidences to prove government responsibility of these atrocities against civilians,” he added.

The rebel official also urged the international agencies to provide the needed humanitarian assistance to the affected people.

SLA-AW rebels are not part of the peace process held in Doha. The rebel group demands the disarmament of the government militias and return of displaced people to their homeland. Last July Al-Nur met in Paris with the Qatari state minister for foreign affairs and the Joint Chief Mediator and pledged to join the peace process.

The Sudanese government adopted recently a new strategy aiming to resettle the IDPs and to establish recovery and development projects. But the move is criticized by the rebels who accuse the government of working to close the IDPs camps and committing further atrocities against them.



  • telfajbago

    Six people killed in fresh attacks on another camp in Darfur – IDPs
    It’s Ghazi’s plan of peace from within and completion of the last part of genocide working in Darfur by using different scenarios. yesterday through attacking the market of Tabra and today launching direct attacks on the IDPs of Hamidiyya camp;dispute the hollow cry of “never again”. The attack on Al-Hamidiyya IDP camp was implemented under direct orders of Awaad Hassan Awaad the head of the Commission in Zalingei and Ismail Sakein his deputy in presence of Mohammed Yousif Abdalla,Farah Mustafa and ja’far Abdul Hakam in Zalingei to give Awaad incentives to accelerate the plan of dismantling Al-Hamidiyya IDP camp.


    Six people killed in fresh attacks on another camp in Darfur – IDPs
    The meeting to plan the attack of the camps in Zalingi was held in the house the house of Faki Salieh Sileet in Hai Al Mohafezeen in Zanling in the presnece of the commissioner Abdalla Mohamed El-Amin, the police commissioner in zalingi and head of Sudan National Security. After they agrred they moved to Wadi Arebu to collect their forces.

    Its very stupid statements from what so called UNAMID spokesman Chris Cycmanic both on Zalingi and Tebera attacks. The both statements of this person shows that there is something missing. UNAMID became weak to the extend that they wait Gmabari to talk to his friend to give them ok to move and aslo written draft of statement from Sudan National Security. On Tebera Killings the statement of the spokesperson of UNAMAID was a carpon copy of the of Sudan Military spokesperson.

    I urge Darfurians to pressure the UN to pull out UNAMAID from Darfur because its legalizing thier killings by being third party alining with their enemy. If UNAMAID was not there people of Darfur had no option either to kill or be killed, but to day the are legaly killed on the eyes of the UN beside that accused of being trouble makers. What a pitty; empty hand is accused of killing a person handgranades????

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