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Sudan Tribune

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UNSG appoints ex-Tanzanian president to head Sudan referendum panel

September 21, 2010 (WASHINGTON) – The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today tapped the former Tanzanian president Benjamin Mkapato to lead a panel that will monitor the South Sudan and Abyei referendum that is due early next year.

Tanzania's former president Benjamin Mkapa (Reuters)
Tanzania’s former president Benjamin Mkapa (Reuters)
Mkapato will be joined by the former Portuguese foreign minister Antonio Monteiro and former Nepalese election commission chairman Bhojraj Pokharel.

Under a 2005 peace agreement, South Sudan is due in January to vote in a referendum on independence and most observers expect southerners to overwhelmingly back full independence.

Another referendum will take place simultaneously in the contested oil-rich region of Abyei, where residents will have to decide whether they want to be part of north or south Sudan.

The request for the monitoring commission was made by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan people Liberation Movement (SPLM) this year.

“The Panel will make periodic visits to Sudan through the scheduled holding of the referenda in January 2011. Panel members will engage with all relevant actors, including the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the referendum commissions, civil society and observer groups. The Panel will follow key referenda processes, as well as the political and security situation. In addition to reporting to the Secretary-General on the conduct of the referenda, the Panel will work directly to enhance confidence in the process by encouraging the Parties and the relevant authorities to take corrective measures to resolve any significant problems or disputes that may arise,” said a statement released by the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

The Spokesperson noted that the panel “is independent of the United Nations Mission in Sudan’s substantial programme of technical, logistical and security assistance for the two referenda”.

Also in New York, the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Sudan 2nd Vice president Ali Osman Taha to discuss the referendum preparations ahead of a U.N. meeting on Sudan that will be attended by president Barack Obama.

Clinton laid out to VP Taha the steps needed to be taken by Khartoum for normalized ties.

“The secretary made clear that the door to improved relations with the United States … will open depending on Khartoum’s cooperation,” U.S. State Department spokesperson Philip J. Crowley said.

The United States has intensified its diplomatic engagement with South Sudan and the northern government in Khartoum and offered both sides last week a new package of incentives to reach a deal, balanced by the threat of new punitive measures including sanctions if progress stalls.

“Vice President Taha was very direct: there are some things that Sudan wants to get out of its future relations with the United States,” Crowley said of the meeting.

“I think there was a very good understanding of the opportunities but also the consequences and the importance of Khartoum demonstrating its commitment” to the 2005 peace agreement,” he added.

Crowley said that Taha reiterated Khartoum’s commitment to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement which the VP has personally helped seal five years ago in Kenya.

The U.S. top diplomat also met today with Libyan and Qatari foreign ministers for talks on a wide range of issues including Sudan.



  • Biden Osire
    Biden Osire

    UNSG appoints ex-Tanzanian president to head Sudan referendum panel
    It is now time and clear to the point that all including doubting Thomas of jallaba in the north have seen and heard that there is no alternative for them but to let the Southerners go in peace for a new state. Welcome south Sudan and be calm you have been overwhomly supported by international bodies.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    UNSG appoints ex-Tanzanian president to head Sudan referendum panel
    The asignment given to the three countries by the UNSG will help alot although the days left for South Sudan Referendum are very few.NCP are not trusted parthner in keeping promises,but this time the whole world will witness by themselves between SPLM & NCP who is very disturbance in listening.
    For South Sudanese this Referendum voting will be peacefully,fear and very transparent,because we southerners want cross the Nile to the promise Land By Joshua ie Salva Kiir Mayardit.


  • Samir mahmoud
    Samir mahmoud

    UNSG appoints ex-Tanzanian president to head Sudan referendum panel
    Tanzania is an interested party and cannot possibly be an impartial head of such a mission,and Tanzania’s history in Africa is very checkered,since it’s support of Biafra,in Nigeria and its maneuvers against the creation of the OAU.

  • Akolde Nhiak Jinub
    Akolde Nhiak Jinub

    UNSG appoints ex-Tanzanian president to head Sudan referendum panel
    Samir Mohammed,

    It is just a matter of months to end this topic of South n North pin and string relationship.

    We, South Sudanese have had suffered enough and we need rest like any other human beings on this planet.

    Wars n wars, that we fought basically for identity, political recognition, economic development, a secular country where religion is separated from state affairs. However, Khartoum has ended as the most volatile, safe haven for the world’s MOST extremists, Radicalists, fundamentalists and Fanatic Islamists, in which we can’t be party to it.

    If there are problems in Somalia, Khartoum is party to it, if there are problems in Palestine, Khartoum is party to it, if there are problems in Nigeria, Khartoum is party to it, if there are problems in Iraq, Khartoum is party to it. Etc etc..

    We don’t want to share this partistic involvement in all world Countries’ problems. US has a right to even saction Khartoum than what is there now, as state sponsor to terrorism.

    Akolde, Rumbek

  • Marial Mangar Akol
    Marial Mangar Akol

    UNSG appoints ex-Tanzanian president to head Sudan referendum panel

    Dear readers,

    Tanzanian were the friend of Southerners unless if they blindfold by AL Bashire that will be the problem but we are not fear for we are ready.

    International community should honored the right of Southerners to express their opinion regarding their political relationship. This will be a historical moment as is the first time in fifty four yearsin which theSudan go its independentfrom colonial rule. They should honored General Miles promise of democracy and be willing to discuss directly with the people of Puerto Rico their opinion and finally end this type of slavery which is colonization.

    Southerners MUST forget money that temptations from the NCP dirty tricks snares, and redirection for better fortune, there is only way how Southernrs can change for future better fates? The right answer is vote to past REFERENDUM of civil rights or self-determinations Southern Sudanese homeland freedom independent that 100+ nations had done and declared independent since all along.

    So Essentially, the right to self-determination is the right of a people to determine its own destiny. In particular, the principle allows a people to choose its own political status and to determine its own form of economic, cultural and social development. Exercise of this right can result in a variety of different outcomes ranging from political independence through to full integration within a state. The importance lies in the right of choice, so that the outcome of a people’s choice should not affect the existence of the right to make a choice. In practice, however, the possible outcome of an exercise of self-determination will often determine the attitude of governments towards the actual claim by a people or nation. Thus, while claims to cultural autonomy may be more readily recognized by states, claims to independence are more likely to be rejected by them. Nevertheless, the right to self-determination is recognized in international law as a right of process (not of outcome) belonging to peoples and not to states or governments.

  • telfajbago

    UNSG appoints ex-Tanzanian president to head Sudan referendum panel
    A courageous step on the right direction. The referendum of South Sudan needs full attention of International body as Khartoum is adamant to renege the CPA by denying people of South Sudan exercise their God-given right of self-determination. Mkapato, has to know that, a lot of temptations and pressure will cross his road as the regime and its allays are a accustomed to buying the conscience of those dealing with issues of peace and stability in Sudan; but people of South Sudan have a bright hope that his Excellency will put his experience and statesmanship into good use. And always remember, people of South Sudan fought for the African cause in Sudan for two decades and now wants to see their independent State; where marginalization, slavery and sucking the resources of their land dry to benefit Arabs will be stories of the past.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    UNSG appoints ex-Tanzanian president to head Sudan referendum panel
    Any way he is welcome.

    The worry is whether he is aware of the Arab tactics of lies and delayings.

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