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Sudan Tribune

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Northern Bahr el Ghazal invites foreign investments

September 25, 2010 (MALAKAL) –The government of Northern Bahr el Ghazal on this week called for investment in the area to increase mutual benefits and accelerate socio-economic development of the war emerging region of southern Sudan.

This came following a gubernatorial visit of Governor Malong Awan to India, where he held number of important meetings with both private and government companies which expressed readiness to come to invest in the area, especially in business opportunities.

During a series of visits to Uganda and Kenya in June and July, Governor Awan called on the two neighboring countries to support Southern Sudan, particularly Northern Bahr el Ghazal which appears to have been abandoned by her traditional allies.

He said it was time people of Southern Sudan and the rest of neighboring countries take advantage of bilateral ties to impact positively on their economies and fast track the emergence of the region as an economic giant.

According to a document with details of the gubernatorial visits to foreign countries seen by Sudan Tribune, Governor Awan had blazed the trail in development, and threw an open arm to foreign investors to maximize their investment in Southern Sudan’s economy, especially Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

Governor Awan, who spent nearly three months out of office, was accompanied by powerful business minded personalities.

During his visit the governor has appealed for a three billion dollar loan for the development of Aweil rice scheme and ancillary sectors, in addition to an estimated 260 million dollar for road projects, as well as another loan of $150 million for improvement of education sector and governance projects.

Relations between South Sudan and India quickly pick up after the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement which ended one of the longest civil wars on the African soil in 2005, between the two regions of north and south, and have been strengthened further in recent times with the growing friendly ties between the two sides.

Five years on, the two governments are getting closer for deeper collaboration, and the Southern Sudan President Salva Kiir has already commended India for establishing its direct ties with the region “at a time when many nations would not have anything to do with it.”

“Our India brothers were part of the nations that stood behind us and showed that they cared during our struggle, for they were running business in the SPLA controlled areas during war,” the document quoted Governor Awan as saying in meeting he held in India attracting applause from the audience.

Awan reiterated that his administration would in no way sway from the “SPLM vision to transform rural areas into modern towns to reduce movement of people to urban areas” and the mandate to transform the lives of people of Northern Bahr el Ghazal as it invested in people, built a viable economy and ran an open, honest and transparent government.

He added that government would create the enabling environment for the growth of private business and investment in the state to improve economy.

Ronald Ruay Deng Maker, a State Minister of Finance, Trade and Industry, spoke last month, of the numerous investment opportunities in the state, singling out the need for developing Aweil rice scheme as an area worth exploring.

Security in the area is relatively stable and favorable for investment by foreign companies. There are no inter-communal conflicts in territorial boundaries of Northern Bahr el Ghazal. “There is adequate security,” stressed minister Maker.



  • [email protected]

    Northern Bahr el Ghazal invites foreign investments
    This son of a bitch ( Malong) pretends him self he went to India looking for investors, that’s a big lie. He was taking (stealing) state money to India. We not be teasing like that stupid ass, we are not kids dummy ass. you never do good a job to the people of Mading Aweil than doing a good job to your too many wives and your master (salva Kiir) the one you mortify every month with million of Sudanses pounds of mading Aweil’s money. you think you rounded by many fortunetellers who are misleading that one day you will be a king. Never at all, all eyes of poor Aweilians are on you, and they will cast you to death soon. Angst Voices of many people, their gods will listen. You can’t be continue stealing money every year with another new thief, Abuk Abuk (Deputy Gorvernor ) with eighteen wives, Jesus Christ, HELPS PEOPLE OF MADING AWEIL

  • Adam

    Northern Bahr el Ghazal invites foreign investments
    Dear Southerners

    There will be no time or favorite conditions for development starting from now on. All gestures reveal that the doomsday is almost here. There will be no stupid foreign investors in all Sudan, especially in the South – only international Intelligence Agents. The SPLA/M and NCP were selfish and short-sighted. They were arrogant and corrupt. The SPLA/M wasted the time and provisions of the CPA in unnecessary disputes and political blunders and ethnic preference. The NCP, as the SPLA/M, excluded all other parties right from the beginning to the end. They both worked for narrow political and financial benefits for their parties and families.

    There will be wars all over the place starting with Abyei, Unity, B. Ghazal and the great Equatoria. Then, the scene will be pretty nasty. Poverty, disease and ignorance will increase to unprecedented limits. People will be forced to leave the South to new refugee concentration camps. Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya will suffer no less. Unrest will be the dominant characteristic of the coming decades – thanks to SPLA/M and many thanks to NCP.

    CPA provided attractive unity for sure. We Southerners are in control of all the South and sharing the power in the North (30% and more). We are getting 50% of the national oil revenues. The situations has been improving all over Sudan though slowly. But SPLA/M failed to grasp the historical opportunity and they will lead us, the Southerners, to be the 10th class citizens in the illusion and fake South State of the (stray) Dinka boys. Oh! they even spoiled sacred places of other tribes and stole ancestral pastures all over the South. I am so sorry to say that, Southerners (all of them including the great Dinka tribe) failed to stop the tyrant, corrupted and twist minded children who have been blared by foreign interests.

    History will be a witness to the great Armageddon of the South Sudan. However, the motherland is able and fertile to give birth to patriots and warriors who will fight to correct the situation and eradicate the corrupted and spoiled current leadership of the GoSS.

    O Southerners Unite. Overthrow the tyrant SPLA/M.
    O Northerners Unite. Overthrow the tyrant NCP.
    O People of Sudan stay alert.

    Adan Milawaki, Kansas City

  • Kenyang

    Northern Bahr el Ghazal invites foreign investments
    Total idiot, even GoSS can’t ask for 3 billions dollar loan at this hour…. It was a mistake that Dau Aturjong is not the governor.

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