Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes

September 30, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – A senior Sudanese official today called on the country’s youth and students to prepare for war to defend the country against challenges facing the nation if the southern Sudan secedes, the pro-government Akhir Lahza newspaper reported on Thursday.

Mustafa_Ismail1.jpgSpeaking at a meeting with local political leaders in Kassala, North-eastern Sudan, presidential adviser Mustafa Osman Ismail urged all those who are able to carry arms to mobilize in order to protect the country against challenges in the event of the South’s split.

“We are peace lovers and we are working for it,” Ismail said. “We hold the olive branch in the same hand that carries a weapon. For those who come to us with peace we will extend the hand that carries the olive branch and for those who want to stab us in the back we will confront him face to face.”

Ismail, who is also the foreign relations secretary at the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), also lashed out at the West and the international community accusing it of “injustice” and “aggression”, pointing to the collapse of moral values there.

The remarks by the Sudanese official reflects heightened tensions ahead of the South Sudan referendum scheduled for early next year.

This week the Sudanese Youth and Sports minister Haj Magid Siwar, who is also the mobilization secretary at the NCP, said that the North will not recognize the outcome of the referendum unless the Southern army redeploys to the 1956 borders and if the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) allows campaigning for unity.

Also last weekend, the Sudanese information minister Kamal Obeid warned that Southerners living in the North will immediately lose citizenship rights if the South votes for independence.

“They will not enjoy citizenship rights, jobs or benefits, they will not be allowed to buy or sell in Khartoum market and they will not treated in hospitals,” Obeid said in statements carried by public radio.

“We will not even give them a needle in the hospital,” he added.

The referendum process is already behind schedule and the international community fears that the delay would prompt the South to unilaterally declare independence sparking a new conflict.

Voter registration has not started and may now not be ready on time for a January 9 vote. The north-south border have yet to be demarcated.

Some diplomats suspect President Omer Hassan al-Bashir has been deliberately dragging his feet over the referendums.

Obama has offered the northern government in Khartoum the possibility of improved ties with the United States if it works to bring peace to Sudan and ensure a timely and credible referendum.

Self-determination votes in southern Sudan and the small region of Abyei are slated for January 9. They are part of a 2005 peace accord which ended two decades of civil war in the south in which two million people died.




    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Wau what a fullfilment of a prophecy. Two years back I said these guy will never leave the South of Sudan or nay part of Sudan to go for good. Its simply because a greedy child when the mam pulled the breast out of his mouth, he or she immedtately start to cry and getting ready to fight.

    But here it worth to mention US Envoy to Sudan Gration who failed to understand Mustafa Ismail gave him smile and made fool out of him. The white teeth shown for America were those of fox. War is there now whether anybody like it or not Including those who give cookies or smiles.

  • Anyang

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Threats will not bear fruits at all.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Mr. adviser,

    War does not make us vomits we Southern Sudanese nor do we carries babies in our stomachs. All forms of intimidation are too late Mr. Adviser. Southerners are well prepared and ready too than ever before for any war. What we are waiting for is who will beat the drum first.
    There is nothing new to us if war started. Today’s SPLA is not like yesterday one, be informed.

  • Biliu

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Thunder storms, and hysterical waves, that’s what they are all about now, NCP never wanted a vital peace in Sudan, but this not gonna be southerners war alone ..wait and you will see.!


    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    This is just a selfish political call for war. Ismail must start war mobilization with his Children..not calling for Arab youth to prepare for war. As if South has no youth to defend, we ‘re more prepared for any eventuality so as not to compromise our final walk to independency……

  • Grader

    Attractive Unity?

    This is the attractive Unity option the North wants. Wat a joke?

  • Blair

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    The bad news is that folks who don’t go to the battlefield in the NCP camp are the ones beating the drums of war thus, It would have make sense if the announcement came from a ground soldiers or commanders who had tasted the first round of firing of the Black Warriors in the jungle of the South. Populace in the SOUTH who would loved to to live in a united Sudan where freedom, peace, justice, equality, transparency and accountability prevailed. A country whereby sharia is not the law of the land, but your power-greedy regime that is “too deformed to reform” is compelling the Southern population to opt for its own state.

    However, be warns that it would be wise to let the South go in peace otherwise, the war you’re mobilizing the youths for will be ugly on your side and the consequences will be enormous and bring your regime to its knee.So please do NOT wake up the sleeping beast!


  • telfajbago

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    The statement of Mustafa Osman Ismail is slap on the faces of those nurtured hopes and dreams to achieve peace and stability with war-minded radical Islamic Jihadists of Khartoum. The statement is also implicit message to the U.S Presidential envoy Gration a long with his soft-liners colleagues in President Obama’s Administration “to hell with your incentives and we are not going to leave the South secede at any cost”. I believe that, now the die of Khartoum’s Islamist to take the Country back to square one was totally cast. I have stated several times that, the Taliban –like regime of Khartoum who invited all sorts of troubles on Sudanese people including genocide in South Sudan, Nuba Mountain and more viciously in Darfur ,human rights abuses in every corner of the Country; is an existential threats not only to Sudan, but also to the regional peace and stability. Thus the only way to bring a lasting peace to Sudan is to break the backbone of Khartoum’s filtering military force or else the world will continue paying the receipts of Khartoum’s mismanagement to the Country.

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Haaahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes. Funny we Southern Sudanese Youth for Separation are ready to defend our Beloved South Sudan with any devil aggression and any intimidation should not bother us here in the South Sudan. do not hurry mustafa you should fight the final war you the northern do not mobilise the East or West, it is between us Southern Sudan and Northern Sudan war. Darfur, Nuba Mt, and Southern Blue Nile has gone haahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ncp want to commit sucide while clock is ticking down.

    Let me assure ncp that the South Sudan is ready whether by ballot or bullet what ever you choose mustafa you are a good adviser for bashir and the South has gone too due to your stipud thinking since 1947 till now. what unity you are talking about?, unity with sharia law and Sudan as arab country. Goooo to hell with that dirty unity.

    Caution to GOSS/SSLA be in Alert every minute monitoring the move of ncp, SOUTH SUDAN YOUTH FOR SEPARATION is ready to defend their mothers, sisters,sons,daughters etc the whole Southern Sudan territory of 1956 from any external aggression. Just only need Green light from Goss/SSLA when ever necessary when clock tick to zero. We will teach them lesson that they will never again forget while the South is a Separate Country, woe to the foe of South!!!!. For every action there is equal and opposite reaction theory should be applied very soon.

    Remember Mazlum Battalion

  • Achuil Manyuat Tong
    Achuil Manyuat Tong

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    The north should not think this is still 90th .it is completely a different time with many changes in place .
    If they prepared for war, we shall deal with them accordingly .
    They should remmeber that this obese children and women in khartoum shall be part of this coming war unless they are evacuated immediaely to Saudia and many other Arab countries ,they will smell it.
    I am happy with the way they are revealing thier position to know by every indidvidual so that we prepare for final clashe.
    No fear and No surrender
    Sudan is land for Black people
    We shall defend it when ever needed.

  • Akuma

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Presidential Advisor Mr. Mustafa Osman Ismail! Your dream is a day dream. If Sudan government of Your president Omar Hassan Ahmed El-Bashir doesn’t defeat Southerners in 1980’s til comprehensive peace agreement reach then there is no any chance where Northern Sudan governemnt would overcome Southerners again.

    Southern Sudan people had form theri government whereby they could have their support internationally and regional organisation. Where do you think Southern Sudan would be defeat if they can run their affairs independently.

    Who never test the bitter of this war, yeah Southern Sudan would not said yes or no, but the response will be seen after war.

    Southerners are seperated right now but they will be in Sudan when time for come. Southern Sudan independent would mean lots to all planets regardless of what will happen.

    Many people have lost theri lives because of beautiful land of Sudan, if any one would like to be responsible to chase Southerners away in it, then we will all see the consequences after the first bullet has been fired.

    Remember, Darfur, East Sudan were among during civil war you heard of, but at this time, you are left alone. No other support where you could defeat Southerners again.

    Saddam Hussein of Iraq is no more existing to give you support or Arab Countries.

    Sanctions and Indictment of your Husband President Omar by International Criminal Court (ICC) due to atrocities and genocide being commited in Darfur may not allow you to prepared for war.

    So remember to prepared for war while you know where to live after war, because Southern Sudanese people are very eager to achieving their Southern Sudan country by the beginning of next year.

    Yeah, keeping prepared for war, and Southerners are ready for it. Who never test the bitter of war from both side.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Thank Ismail I have no doubt that you are friendly to Southerners because the message you had wired out in all the websites shows that you want to awake up certain cliques who are still believe that Northerners are our brothers therefore stretching up your musscle to your brothers is malevolent totally.

    We will invoke from God to consolidated our hearts to deserves this plight to fight to the death in our soil however what make it bad to the Arabs if we break away to form our fate do Arabs have desire affair on us if so we don,t suit this interests with them anymore.

    So I would like to inform these two mauntains, the Mauntain of great Nubia and Mauntain of Marra in western Darfur to clutching their hands with their Brothers in the South to protect their kids and the water of their herds if war is now at the pitch.


  • Akuma

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Presidential Advisor Mr. Mustafa Osman Ismail! Your dream is a day dream. If Sudan government of Your president Omar Hassan Ahmed El-Bashir doesn’t defeat Southerners in 1980’s til comprehensive peace agreement reach then there is no any chance where Northern Sudan governemnt would overcome Southerners again.

    Southern Sudan people had form theri government whereby they could have their support internationally and regional organisation. Where do you think Southern Sudan would be defeat if they can run their affairs independently.

    Who never test the bitter of this war, yeah Southern Sudan would not said yes or no, but the response will be seen after war.

    Southerners are seperated right now but they will be in Sudan when time for come. Southern Sudan independent would mean lots to all planets regardless of what will happen.

    Many people have lost theri lives because of beautiful land of Sudan, if any one would like to be responsible to chase Southerners away in it, then we will all see the consequences after the first bullet has been fired.

    Remember, Darfur, East Sudan were among during civil war you heard of, but at this time, you are left alone. No other support where you could defeat Southerners again.

    Saddam Hussein of Iraq is no more existing to give you support or Arab Countries.

    Sanctions and Indictment of your Husband President Omar by International Criminal Court (ICC) due to atrocities and genocide being commited in Darfur may not allow you to prepared for war.

    So remember to prepared for war while you know where to live after war, because Southern Sudanese people are very eager to achieving their Southern Sudan country by the beginning of next year.

    Yeah, keeping prepared for war, and Southerners are ready for it. Who never test the bitter of war from both side.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Chuanga-enoor.

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Thats a very good message for South Sudanese to prepare for war against the message of Osman Mustafa Ismael the presidential advisor, its a very good message mr. Ismael, we as South Sudanese have not abundant the concept of war in our mind You are our potential enemy,you have blindfold South Sudanese for long time,no is the time to make change for real democracy here in Sudan as Martin Luther said in 1956, Unity is not by force or giving pressures to South Sudanese people to vote for unity we will not and will always say no to fake unity of this country Sudan must divide either you like it or not.

    We have to divide this country so that we as South Sudanese have to remember for decades our fallen heroes and our martyrs, no room for unity here the South bro we are ready for your wishes Mr Osman, we are not Southerners of 1956-1975 we are Southerners of 1997-2010. We will create a new country and leave it for our children to come and flourish it with their heritage from their missing parents. Though u mobilized the Bagarra to come and distabilized the South we will eradicate them on spot.

  • Akolde Nhiak Jinub
    Akolde Nhiak Jinub

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Mustafa Osman Ismail, I wish you take up your AK 47 and fire your first bullets at Southerners. Talk, talk, talk and when time comes for the action, you will be the first to run away.

    I would like all northerners not to listen to NCP’s extremists, Islamic fundamentalists, for these NCP’s guys are dragging them into unthinkable bloodshed or a total collapse of Khartoum or central Sudan.

    War before, but this other war will be more devastating to central Sudan than perpellities as is believed by NCP stooges.

    I am calling upon Sudanese at corners that this is going to be an opportunity to take what each one in Sudan wants.
    darfur to fight for its territory, Eastern Sudan, to get what they have been fighting before and of course South Sudan.

    So where will the Sudan that the NCP stooges claim to mobilize youths and to protect be?? South is very capable of defending itself and territory even for hundred years.
    Think about this.


  • Spla Commando
    Spla Commando

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Mr. Mustafa,

    Do you think that our guns in the South do produce water? …be rather assured that, it is the same bullet you have that is bloated in our guns. try this time around and the first bullet will be fired in Khartoum. we are going to burn Khartoum down.

    Threats won’t be telerated by Southern Youth any more.we are ready to fight to a bitter end………………….

    Spla Commando

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Dear Reader,
    It is clear now that those advisors for Bashir since they war time that is how they advised him to kill many innocent people of Sudan. So, let them not joke with these referunda, otherwise they will be in trouble. And they will not any longer be advisors for him.
    Southerners Unite!!!! We are going and can’t be called abeet (slaves) again.
    THIS IS OUR FINAL JOURNEY TO PROMISED LAND by all means. And lets not listen to their(Arab) nonsence. God help us!!!!!!

  • Jamjamez

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Gentlement, we know that these comments are a results of frustration and their own failure of foreseeing a good future. What I mean is, People like this man, Mustafa depends on the south for their daily life and if the south go, It mean their life is over. There is nothing that is economical in the north if not the south Oil.
    Why he is wrong?
    The NCP uses the same tactical of mobilizing Youth in Darfur to fight the south however, the Youth in the north today support the government in the day but settle into their true self in the night and they know that being kill in the south is not what they want. This policy is not going to be successful this time. Plus we in the south are ready to defend what is ours. This time, Its not going to be the way it used to be but its going to be a real war that engulf the whole nation and not the south alone the way it used to be. They will feel the bomb drops at their doorsteps in Khartuom this time.

    So ladies and gentlement there is no fear at all. Last week the US was asking the south to help, quote! “HELP” the north because without south, the North is going to collaps economically. They asked for 20% of the oil share to be given to the north. This is last week news, right here in NY.

    So Mustafa, you don’t even have Olive branch to carry or gun to defend for long, you better think of feeding your hungry nation. Plus, the general public in the north is not happy with the goverment leave alone going to the war with the north.

  • thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny
    thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Khatoumers are beating drums of war,but who knows who will win the war Where exactly is the Almighty to look into these mess?.What sin did the black people committed for putting them into hell of fire while another hell is wating them in Hell,God must change His mind and avoid a third round of bloodshed in this country.Our leaders must change for the sake of poor civilians in this land.

  • Kur

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Who is fighting with this guy? You’re asking for war but you will not forget its consequences this time round. It will be hot enough to burn dirty fingures.


  • ater kuot ater
    ater kuot ater

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    put in main that,we southernes we are the peace lovers and we respect the right of everybody,but you should respect the law,we are are not in old sudan any more we are in new sudan,the sudan of freedom,peace and equality to all.
    let,s see what the nation will decieded,and if it,s war we also know eacth other,because you are still in old sudan,the sudan of darkness that why you know nothing about the outside world,sorry for mr fool minister.

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    Southerners have stressed to IGAD and International community all the time that Arabs are on for hidden Agenda!!! Not a real Unity as they falsely chant. Here it comes!!! Their true intention is revealed by no other than Presidential Adviser. Now what’s next?

    It is now high time for Kiir and his cabinet to take this revelation seriously, it isn’t a mere joke. It holds water!! If Arabs didn’t do away with Southerners’ aspiration during bush era, what would make them this time defeat Southerners at a time we are all united then before?

    It is time to put in place contingencies plans if they (Arabs) at all dare to strike what would be SPLM/SPLA responds? These are plans to draw right now!!!

    Excessive drinking and chilling-out in Juba and neighboring Countries by the GOSS heavy weight personnel must be given a break. Our trust is on SPLM/SPLA to deliver and put a full stop to what they took us to the bush for, and as a result, two million lives were lost.


  • 1-1

    Presidential adviser says Sudanese must prepare for war when the south secedes
    of course Mr Adviser that,s what is going to happen in south Sudan to aware and mobilized people about war that you talked of, of which no one can failed to defend his country and for us we southerners there is no need even to mobilized people it is what is in plan to defend our selves as nation.

    Dhal Dhal Maker

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