Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s NCP says Ethiopia meeting on Abyei must remove injustices against Misseriya

October 3, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) today expressed hope that the meeting currently underway on Abyei would alleviate the injustices inflicted against the Arab Misseriya tribe.

Qutbi Al-Mahdi the secretary for organizations at the National Congress Party (NCP) - (Al-Jazeera TV)
Qutbi Al-Mahdi the secretary for organizations at the National Congress Party (NCP) – (Al-Jazeera TV)
Delegations from the NCP and the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) are meeting in Addis Ababa seeking to break the deadlock on demarcating the borders of the oil-rich region, establishing the referendum commission and determining who would be eligible for voting.

The borders of Abyei were redrawn by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) after the NCP & SPLM agreed to refer the matter to it last year. However, the technical commission mandated with demarcating the borders on the ground have yet to start the process because of threats levelled by the Arab Misseriya tribe who objected to the PCA ruling.

The tribunal ceded key oilfields to north Sudan but gave the South most of the land including Abyei town which has huge areas of fertile land and one significant oilfield.

The SPLM in control of the South has interpreted the ruling as meaning that the cattle-herding Misseriya tribe have no right to vote in areas assigned by the PCA to the Dinka Ngok. However, the Misseriya vowed not to allow the vote to take place even if they have to resort to force unless they are allowed to participate.

Qutbi Al-Mahdi the secretary for organizations at the NCP was quoted by Sudan state media as saying that the Arab Misseriya tribe were exposed to plenty of injustices and suppression of their rights as a result of the report by the Abyei Boundary Commission (ABC) headed by Donald Patterson and the PCA ruling afterwards.

Al-Mahdi said that what is required of the Ethiopia meeting is finding a mutual understanding and achieving a just peace for the people of the region that would not be at their expense.

This week, the U.S. revealed that both the North and the South held meeting on the issue of Abyei on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Washington indicated that they are inching closer to sealing a deal during their discussions in Ethiopia.

“[W]e would expect that the parties should come to the meeting prepared to reach an agreement on Abyei” U.S. State Department spokesperson Phillip J. Crowley told reporters.

Crowley said that the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke to Sudan’s 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha and Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi ahead of Sunday’s talks. Zenawi pledged to Clinton that he would do “everything he could to encourage the parties to reach an agreement on Abyei,” Crowley said.

“We are very conscious of the fact that we have just about 100 days remaining (before the referendum), and Abyei is one of the central issues that has to be resolved before we can hope for a successful referendum early in 2011,” he said.

The U.S. top diplomat urged Khartoum “to come to Addis Ababa on Sunday prepared to negotiate and to make sure that the negotiating team will have specific authority to reach agreement on Abyei,” Crowley said.

The Obama administration’s special envoy for Sudan, Scott Gration, and Ambassador Princeton Lyman, a veteran U.S. diplomat recently drafted to help mediate the talks, will also participate in the Addis Ababa discussions, Crowley said.

A proposal put forward by the U.S. suggests that only Dinka Ngok will vote in the referendum as only those who resided continuously over the last year will be eligible to register. Furthermore, the oil produced in the region will be shared between the two sides.

The initiative also states that the Abyei referendum commission should be established no later than October 4th.



  • telfajbago

    Sudan’s NCP says Ethiopia meeting on Abyei must remove injustices against Misseriya
    Iam sure Qutbi has never read the CPA.According to the CPA Misseriyya have no right to vote,then which injustices Qutbi speaking a bout or does he mean to renegotiate the CPA for the sake of pleasing his militias?That will not happpen.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Sudan’s NCP says Ethiopia meeting on Abyei must remove injustices against Misseriya
    The good language is that they (Misseriya) are clearly Arab. And what connection do they have with Dinka Ngok which are they owners of Abyei. If those Arab Misseriya are ask, I am sure they will not define the real meaning of ABYEI. But if NCP wants to take it as the opportunity to complicate the Abyei referudom, than they shouldn’t joke. Even the whole world perceives what NCP is doing and they Arab(NCP Misseriya) will not forget that Abyei is Deng Kuol Arop land and it doesn’t have link with Misseriya which are normads. NCP can’t use them as tools for Dinka Ngok.

  • Mr Point
    Mr Point

    Sudan’s NCP says Ethiopia meeting on Abyei must remove injustices against Misseriya
    It is quite simple. If they are not resident all year round in Abyei then they can’t vote. The Registration process must exclude from voting anyone who is only an occasional visitor to the area.

    What injustices have been done to the Misseriya? Their grazing rights are guaranteed so long as they do not disturb the peace.

    Think instead of what injustices have been done in the Abyei area by Misseriya militias. REcall Dau Mony Tuch, the schoolteacher who was tortured for 3 days to death in 2008.

  • Adam

    Sudan’s NCP says Ethiopia meeting on Abyei must remove injustices against Misseriya
    Dear Southerners

    You see guys! Both NCP and SPLA/M were stupid in the first place not to include the chiefs of Dinka Ngok and Misseriya in the CPA talks. Both tribes are now victims of the stray policies and tactics of the two devils.

    The logic and peaceful solution is to let the tribe leaders solve their differences as they have been for decades. NCP and SPLA/M should accept their ruling – not the other way around if a peaceful solution is to be reached. I know that there are representatives of both tribes in Ethiopia meetings. I hope the two political enemies will let the chiefs alone to work out a solution. I know chiefs embraces many ethics and co-existence both NCP and SPLA/M lack and will never have.

    Let intruders to who created the problem keep their differences away from these tribes.

    The same should be done to resolve territory differences among the tribes of the South. The danger in south-south tribal issues are more serious than the ones between Misseriya and Dinka Ngok.

    Down down with NCP and SPLA/M blood-seekers.

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas City


    Sudan’s NCP says Ethiopia meeting on Abyei must remove injustices against Misseriya
    I don’t like people to give size to what so called Messria who are Nigerian orgin. These people say that the land of Abyei belong to them since British colony and Dinka were there since God created them. Now who owns the land?????????????

  • stephen

    Sudan’s NCP says Ethiopia meeting on Abyei must remove injustices against Misseriya
    I think the CPA has made it clear that Dinka ngok are the right people to vote, massiriya should make good relationship with Dinka ngok rather than decieve by NCP, and PCA has given messiriya their right what is wrong with them, otherwise they will lost their righ if they wanted to use fprce

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