Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Armed men ambush peacekeepers and aid workers in Darfur – UNAMID

October 6, 2010 (KHARTOUM° — Gunmen opened fire on a patrol of peacekeepers Tuesday in North Darfur but nobody was harmed, the hybrid operation said today.

An African Union-U.N. soldier stands in front of an old African Union APC during a patrol in West Darfur in El-Geneina February 19, 2008. (photo UN)
An African Union-U.N. soldier stands in front of an old African Union APC during a patrol in West Darfur in El-Geneina February 19, 2008. (photo UN)
The ambush occurred 16 km south west of Kutum, North Darfur when a group of seven armed men opened fire on the patrol which was escorting a water tanker.

The assailants ran away when the UNAMID peacekeepers returned fire, the hybrid mission said.

Also no UNAMID soldier was injured during the attack only two tires of an Armoured Personnel Carrier were damaged by bullets, the mission said.

Darfur peacekeepers are often attacked by armed men or kidnapped. The violence of the members of the UN biggest operation forced the UN chief Ban Ki-Moon to voice concerns over killing and abduction of the hybrid force and the aid workers in the restive region.

The peacekeepers, who are supposed to cover an area the size of France today said also they are investigating an attack on four Sudanese aid workers belonging to an international NGO.

The ambush took place on October 4 by two gunmen in Gandi area, 45 km west of Nyala, South Darfur. The attacker robbed the personal stuff of the workers and tried to carjack their vehicle but nobody was injured.


1 Comment


    Armed men ambush peacekeepers and aid workers in Darfur – UNAMID
    Its the NCP to show to the visiting Security Council Memebers that they are bad boys. I am afraid they may think to abduct the visiting memebers if proper Security is not provided for the. Its because NCP is divided among itself, some express Bashir views and some others Taha.

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