Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state Referendum high committee warns officials and press to act responsibly

By Manyang Mayom

October 7, 2010 (RUMBEK) — The Lakes State Referendum High Committee Chairman Mabor Makuei, has warned against misuse of the law in the coming referendum, saying that conducting the vote legally in the only way to create a new country – South Sudan.

Makuei was addressing the forum of Lakes State Commissioners, Executive Directors, Paramount Chiefs and Senior Government officials on Wednesday at Rumbek Business Complex.

The committee chairman warned against the use of announcements that provoke the public during referendum campaigns by activists, civil social organizations and government officials.

Makuei appealed to the government officials to carry out a responsible campaign, cautioning them against statements that could mislead the public. He also told media houses to acknowledge and use reliable sources in all publications, including the names of those sponsoring the publication.

Authorities or individuals will not be allowed to obstruct the circulation of information, said Makuei. He reaffirmed that the role of the Lakes Referendum High Committee and Southern Sudan Referendum Bureau is only to “determine and announce the manner of information dissemination”. The exercise will be difficult given the plurality of languages and a low communication infrastructure in south Sudan.

Registration of voters for the referendum on the self-determination of Southern Sudan is scheduled to start on 14 November 2010.

Church Prays for Peace

The Diocese of Rumbek Catholic Church is planning to celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary by involving different groups to recite the rosary, praying for peace within the context of the initiative called 101 Days of prayer towards a peaceful referendum in south Sudan.

Sister Maria Gorretti, the prayer committee leader for Rumbek Diocese, said that the prayer service will take place at Holy Family Cathedral from 5:30pm, with different groups leading a decade of the rosary.

On Tuesday, the Catholic Bishop of Rumbek, Caesar Mazzolari, explained the history of the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, saying that it was through the prayer of the rosary that Christians were able to re-conquer the Holy Land in the 15th Centuries, the ancestral land of Jesus Christ.

He said that the faithful recite the prayer of the Rosary, thinking of the life of Jesus, asking for peace to the Sudanese people as they journey towards the referendum.

The 101 Days of prayer is a prayer initiative of Solidarity with Southern Sudan (SSS) with the support of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS).



  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    Lakes state Referendum high committee warns officials and press to act responsibly
    To all in uniforms,

    South Sudan is in your hands and remember”Haba na haba hujaza kibaba”Every little thing you learn will add up to make South Sudan a powerful nation if you put it into action.CUSH nation will be a very powerful nation according to prophet Isaiah.KEEP IT IN YOUR MIND THAT we are not moving backwards but forwards.
    Our problems have been known by the whole world and this does not mean that we stop our constant struggling to make vision a reality.Cush is not yet born and it needs all of us to keep our eyes open day and night.Let us protect the “Unborn Cush” from evil Doctors(North and our traitors) who are encouraging abortion.

    Remember when Jesus was born,he had many enemies and this is the same situation with South Sudan which is now three months away to be born.

  • Abraham Majur Lam
    Abraham Majur Lam

    Lakes state Referendum high committee warns officials and press to act responsibly
    Dear state Journalist we tired of insults from readers of this website as people of Lakes. Try to separate your reports. Take your time since you are full time employed civil servant. Why do you mixed Church Prayer and Referendum State chairman speech together and these were different events. Am sorry if I hurt you but the facts must be told.

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