Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Western Equatoria governor tells Ambororo pastoralists to leave Zande land

October 8, 2010 (RUMBEK) — The Governor of Western Equatoria state Joseph Bakosoro on Friday ordered Ambororo pastoralists’ to leave the state within days.

Speaking in the state capital Yambio, Governor Bakosoro, defended his decision of expelling Ambororo Yambio saying that “the presence of Ambororo in the area of Western Equatoria state is serious a threat to the residents of Western Equatoria Population”.

James Deng Dimo, an official reporter for south Sudan’s ruling party, the SPLM, based in Western Bahr El Ghazal state, told Sudan Tribune that following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the Ambororo had moved into Western Bahr El Ghazal and Western Equatoria. This movement, with their many cattle, has resulted in the destruction of forests, bee hives, fish stocks, vegetables cultivated by farmers, and the poaching of elephants said Dimo.

The large movement of Ambororo cattle in the farming areas of Western Equatoria has caused disagreement between the nomadic cattle herders and the mainly Zande agriculturalist population.

On 5 October , the Ambororo killed one member of vigilante group, the Arrow Boys, in Nadiangere village according to a member of Nadiangere state parliament Singira Robert.

The governor has asked the Ambororo and their 100,000 cattle to leave Western Equatoria state territory as soon as possible.

On Thursday, governor Bakosoro paid a visit to the United Nation’s office in Yambio to ask the assistance of helicopters to transport back the Ambororo to where they come from. It is not clear how the cattle will be transported.

Bakasoro met Ambororo elders meet at the UN office to discuss the accusations that the Ambororo were responsible for cattle raiding in the state.

The Ambororo said that the main challenge they would face in leaving the area was food shortages along the way.



  • obang

    Western Equatoria governor tells Ambororo pastoralists to leave Zande land
    that is a goopd move by the eatern equatoria governer. I love that.

    if we southern want o make peac amount our southreners we need follow/learn of this great idea of makinig peace to our people. it might not be a good notion to occupier but this is good model. why do we have to occoupy other southereners land while we well indeed know all those occurring is due to the civil war in our country. if you occuppy other tribe land , please try to leave now since their would be consequnces later. other southners think that it’s the right time to take advantage of minority tribe land. those who think like that they are 100% wrong. this is a prmitive thinking. when we have settle government we will time to deal with all those illegal issue in our country.

    who don’t want to be free from oppressor? any one in south sudan? i don’t think so. then if not why do we have to do the smae things that have been don to us.

    thank you all

  • The Living Witness
    The Living Witness

    Western Equatoria governor tells Ambororo pastoralists to leave Zande land
    These seasonal people must be dealt with accrordingly with an iron fist, we shouldn’t be whining all the time at the expense of our land. we are in a time-bomb erra where anything can happen any time.

  • Michael

    Western Equatoria governor tells Ambororo pastoralists to leave Zande land
    Where are these Ambororo pasturalists from?

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