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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s government to hold referendum on time despite call for secession – FM

October 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan’s foreign minister told the visiting U.N. Security Council delegation that his government is committed to holding the referendum on southern Sudan self-determination on time despite calls for secession.

Ambassador to the UN Mark Lyall Grant of the UK (L) attends a meeting with Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti (R) in Khartoum on October 9, 2010 on the last day of an official visit to Sudan by UN Security Council ambassadors. (AFP)
Ambassador to the UN Mark Lyall Grant of the UK (L) attends a meeting with Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti (R) in Khartoum on October 9, 2010 on the last day of an official visit to Sudan by UN Security Council ambassadors. (AFP)
The UN delegation met today with the Southern Sudan referendum Commission, foreign minister Ali Ahmed Karti and Vice President Ali Osman Taha. Khartoum meetings come after a series of meetings in Juba with southern Sudan government officials and in El-Fasher with North Darfur government and UNAMID.

Karti told the 15 Ambassadors and representatives that his government is is committed to hold the referenda in spite of the clear breaches of the 2005 peace agreement by some parties who call for secession, even before the referendum, he said alluding to Salva Kiir statements in favor of southern Sudan independence.

“We want southern Sudanese to exercise their right in the upcoming referendum in a free and transparent atmosphere,” Karti said, adding “We will abide by the outcome of the referendum if it was run in a transparent manner, and this is our condition for the recognition of its result”.

The minister went to say that “The peace agreement needs more than ever to peaceful environment and cannot be implemented in an atmosphere of excitement and incitement”.

He further added “We do not want the return of atmosphere of war to again and we hope the support of the Security Council members “.

The referendum scheduled to take place in January next year is the last step in the shaky implementation of the peace agreement. However talks between the two peace partners are deadlocked over border demarcation, Abyei, Sudan’s debit and nationality.

Considered as post-referendum measures, the SPLM says they should not impede the organization of the vote on southern Sudan independence, but the National Congress Party (NCP) stresses on the need to settle these issues before to proceed.

The two parties also trade accusation over the transparency and credibility of the vote. The NCP says the SPLM intimidates unity supporters while the SPLM cast doubts on the credibility of the process in northern Sudan.

British Ambassador to the United Nations Mark Lyall Grant told reporters the timetable for the referenda was “very tight” but “doable” if the two parties meet their promises.

Mark Lyall stated on Thursday that the First Vice President and head of southern Sudan government had told them that “if there was a huge delay by the NCP, then they reserve the right to hold their own referendum.”



  • murlescrewed

    Sudan’s government to hold referendum on time despite call for secession – FM
    What are the criteria for a transparent referenda? The NCP is going to refuse granting recognition even if it’s fair because their criteria are skewed in favor of unity.

  • The Living Witness
    The Living Witness

    Sudan’s government to hold referendum on time despite call for secession – FM
    This is not so easy this time for Khartoum to deal with us, we have all forms of options such as UDI, private referendum excluding them and of course bullets flames where necessary. all are forms of freedom expression.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Sudan’s government to hold referendum on time despite call for secession – FM
    I some times wondered what kind of a party is the NCP on this world? look here ladies and gentlemen, they are blaming the SPLM of not allowing campaigners for unity, and I never heard of people being beaten or arrested in the South for campaigning for unity.
    But if you can imagine what happened yesterday on Saturday here in Khartoum, South Sudanese who were matching peacefully on the street were seriously beaten and arrested by the police and their die-heart Northerners just because they were matching peaceful to exercise their rights for freedom. What freedom is the motherfucken NCP is talking about? Anyway, many options are on the table, should they refused to conduct referendum on time, we will conduct it in the South or else declare independence, nothing wrong with all these.

    God is with us

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