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Sudan Tribune

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Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan

October 10, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Libyan leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi today warned that the secession of South Sudan will encourage similar tendencies in other parts of the continent but acknowledged that the split is inevitable.

Qadaffi-2.jpgAddressing the one-day Arab-African summit held in Sirte, Gaddafi described Sudan’s likely breakup as a “fever” that will spread throughout Africa.

“Ethnicities [in Africa] will demand independence, linguists [in Africa] will demand independence, tribes [in Africa] will demand independence, this is a dangerous matter. The final word is for the people of the South [Sudan] and the whole world is awaiting this,” the Libyan leader was quoted by the state agency (JANA).

“This is a foregone conclusion, that Sudan might become divided but this is not the important thing. It is imperative that we remain vigilant and keep in mind that this is not the end, this is the beginning .. the beginning of the crack in Africa’s map,” he told the gathering, which was attended by Sudan’s President Omer Hassan al-Bashir.

“We expect what happens to Sudan will happen to Arabs and Sudan will be looked upon as an Arab state that became two countries…….then what prevents the rest of the Arab League States, that each group decides its fate on religious basis or ethnic basis or on a geographical basis?” Gaddafi posed the question.

The long awaited self determination referendum in South Sudan is widely expected to result in the creation of the world’s newest state. It has been promised in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the SPLM and the National Congress Party (NCP) governing the North.

The Arab and African leaders at the summit were reportedly in disagreement over the final resolution on Sudan.

Diplomats who attended the closed session told the Saudi-owned Al-Hayat newspaper said that some African heads of states wanted to include clauses supporting the separation of South Sudan contrary to their Arab peers.

Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni told a visiting United Nations Security Council (UNSC) delegation last week that Kampala is willing to pay any price, including the possibility of a flare-up of insurgency and poor diplomatic relations, to ensure the secession of South Sudan.

According to the ‘East African’ online media website Museveni told the envoys that “Uganda will cope with the fallout from the referendum the way it has coped since 1955 but for a brief 10-year lull.”

In his speech Gaddafi added a qualifier saying that the breakup of states within Africa does not matter as long as it is part of a “United States of Africa”.

“But in general, in terms of ideology, I say that Africa is now [comprised of] 53 state, even if they cracked and became 1,000 states; as long as it is within the African Union or United States of Africa, for me this does not mean anything,” he said.

“Just like the United States of America is now [comprised of] 50 states, if they divided and became 100 states; it remains the United States of America with the same strength, same borders and the same status, although if they merged and became 30 states it remains the United States of America,” Gaddafi added.

The Libyan leader accused Israel of standing behind what is happening in Sudan and that Zionist with imperialist forces are encouraging minorities in other parts of the region to seek their own states.

He further added that African principle of preserving the pre-existing borders would be annulled if South Sudan chooses to secede.

Gaddafi’s ever-changing views on a number African conflicts have generated controversy throughout the years. Last year he made contradictory remarks ranging from total support to independence of South Sudan to warning strongly against it.

Libya along with Ethiopia and People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen were the earliest supporters of the Southern rebellion that broke out in 1983 led by late John Garang who founded the SPLM.

Last March, Gaddafi called for Nigeria to be partitioned between the Christian and Muslim communities to solve its problem of sectarian violence. He proposed that it should follow the model of Pakistan, which was born in 1947 after the Muslim minority of predominantly Hindu India founded their own homeland.

The Nigerian government angered by the remarks at the time , recalled its ambassador to Libya. He was described a “mad man” by Nigeria’s senate leader David Mark.

Gaddafi has been pushing for an African unity government for years, saying it is the only way Africa can develop without Western interference, but many African states say the idea is impractical and would encroach on their sovereignty.

However. several heavyweight states say they cannot be expected to cede sovereignty to any African bloc just decades after they wrested it away from their colonial rulers.




    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    Ha, Haaa, Gadaffi oppressed his people, specially the Tobi balck tribes and now scared these people may rebel against him and ask for self-determination in the near future. In Libya three months ago the houses of Tobi tribes arround out skirts of big cities were removed by bulldozers; with the an excuse of building them new houses. The news was revealed by Amnesty International.


    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    My God! we are not again going to get independent!

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    “We expect what happens to Sudan will happen to Arabs and Sudan will be looked upon as an Arab state that became two countries…….then what prevents the rest of the Arab League States, that each group decides its fate on religious basis or ethnic basis or on a geographical basis?” Said Libyan leader

    Associating Sudan with Arab is one of the fundamental problems that isthreatening the union of Sudan a nation that belong to all Sudanese irregardless of their race and religion. Qadafi needs to be reminded that the utopian ambition of United States of Africa is an illusion if not a day dreaming. No people in the entire African continent are highly aware of Arabs negative intention toward the peace-loving people of Sub Sahara Africa than the people of South Sudan.

    Needless to mention is the fact that the birth of the so-called United States of Africa is a nil occurance if and when the Arabs of North Africa habour the conception that Black Africans are nothing bad tools and objects to be Arabized and Islamized. I mean to say that matual respect is the only way forward than ignorant.

    Young Nation is a student of BA in International Relations/Political Science at The University of Queensland, Australia.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    Gaddafi,the current southern Sudanese are not the same as the one in the past.
    Gaddafi talk on the true and be reminded that the split of southern sudanese is what suspose not to be if your cusin in Khartoum want unity,since the independent of sudan in 1956,how can you compare by yourself Gaddafi the north Sudan & south Sudan in the part of development and infrastructure look like?
    In the long run i want to remind you Gaddafi that,this Arab-Africa summit will not belonger be there,due to no commonalism betweem the Arabs & Africa.
    Please Gaddafi do not deep your nose in any matter which is not pricking yourself,better for you to be silent.

  • Ezekiel Athaya
    Ezekiel Athaya

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    To Sudan tribune readers,

    Gadaffi would better keep quiet because nothing is forcing him to talk in such manner.

    Again gadaffi Should know that Referendum is for South Sudanese and they have decided and nothing would stop us to implement referendum come 9th Jan, 2011 whether by sun shine or rain and “even if it rain with sulphur we shall still come out and vote” said SPLM SG.

    If Gadaffi and others with the same ideology were for the unity of South Sudan, then they should have intervened long time not after after twenty two years of war and CPA. After CPA, they could not work for attarctive unity and now they want to tell us unity when it is too late.

    But why he appears as mad man? and think he is coz no president of the state who can allow his hair in that style shown as if he is ghetto president.

    Finally if this statement is in fivor of arabs in the north then enough is enough and we must go for the idea for us to separate has come while clock is ticking very fast.


  • Akuma

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    Secession of Southern Sudan was not the first being done in Africa if Gaddafi is not deaf and blind. How was Ethiopia and Eritrea split and they were one country? what about Somalia land and Somalia Magadishu the capital? It happen due to msitreatment either politically, economically, culturally or even socially.

    Southern Sudan issue is uncomparison to the rest of the world. IF Sudan government done effectively like other governments without Islamisation or Arabisation the whole country, the country would remain one.

    Remember, Southern Sudan referendum is automatic plans regardless religious or political interference.

    Wake up Gadaffa if were still sleeping, Southern Sudan is a different country by name, leadership styles, logo or even with their different flag.

    Southern Sudan independent Oyee

    Dr. Akuma

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    “We expect what happens to Sudan will happen to Arabs and Sudan will be looked upon as an Arab state that became two countries…….then what prevents the rest of the Arab League States, that each group decides its fate on religious basis or ethnic basis or on a geographical basis?” Gaddafi posed the question.

    Sudan as an arab state that become 2 counties

    mr double face here Africa member there arab league member, the truely African will one day ask those who call the countries that fall in African continent as an arab state and will be the last kick for you the so called arab minorities in Africa continent to return back to arabian peninsula where you eat donkeys. the term Sudan an arab country is the one of the problem that split sudan now in which the mojority African tribe in sudan will not accept. arabs are gone out of mind they just say crude words the do not analyze,their lips are full of fire which can even burn them down, they are the devil of this world, see where arab is found there is problem e.g middle east etc.

  • Kok Achiek Ajith
    Kok Achiek Ajith

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    wow, I am so astonished about Muammar commends on Sudan and also about his frequent Unity of Africa which he had never been putting in action but trying to play a game of mouse and cats everytime he gets an opportunity to air it out. Otherwise Mr Gaddafi, that Unity of Africa and the cracking of Africa as a Continent will not affect anyone as long as those citizens of Africa are enjoying every bit of peace and freedom wherever they will split to.
    Also Yemen has been trying to push for Unity of Sudan when part of Sudan which is South of it is not enjoying the so call (MENA) which is Middle East and North Africa, through either Lavent states and Gulf States, so I think the so call unity or separation are all not bad as long as one enjoy what is reasonable to him/her. So just shot up and leave as a long as you were been trying to eliminate us all.

  • Spla Commando
    Spla Commando

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    To hell with Gaddafi,

    Wether Arab League like it or not South Sudan will separate and will be Sovereign State with its national borders and Army come 9/1/2011.

    No mount of threeats, intimidations and encroachment will make us ( Southeners) change our minds for a United Sudan of fake Unity and misrlues.

    Bye bye United Sudan, Separation Oyee………………!!!!!!!

    Spla Commado

  • mayombo

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    We are not breaking away to disunited the Africa as a nation so Gadify is right to commen that even if we [become 1000 States] we shall still remain one Africa

  • Haak

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    the only question i would like to asked president Gadafi is, do you know that southern sudanese are not part of Arabs nations? anyway, whether you know it or not does it concern southern Sudanese whether the Africa is going to spite it further?
    mind you Darfur is also going it own way, Northern Uganda off LRA too plus marginalized communities in Libya too
    we are tire of cynicism governments

  • bichiok

    Libyan leader warns against split of South Sudan
    I don’t think this old man can even understand himself of what he is saying. His usual long wicked pointless speech embarrasses African leaders because he speak as confused leader.

    Southern Sudan will be fine stay out of . You have done enough damaged on Africa. You can’t row two boats going in opposite direction. You must know where you are. Southern Sudan is ultimate gone as newborn nation.

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