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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity

October 12, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir appeared to be making a last-ditch attempt to avert the likely breakaway of the South at the referendum due to take place in less than a 100 days.

Bashir_10122010.jpgAnother self-determination vote is supposed to take place in the North-South border region of Abyei in which its residents will decide whether they want to be part of the North or an independent South.

But a deadlock over the composition of Abyei’s referendum’s electoral commission, eligibility of voters and demarcating the borders means it is unlikely to happen on time, if at all.

Bashir outlined several incentives he is prepared to offer Southerners should they vote for unity in the referendum set for January 9, 2011 as provided for in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the National Congress Party (NCP) and Sudan people Liberation Movement (SPLM) more than five years ago.

“With regards to security arrangements, we are fully prepared to conduct a joint review that complements what has been achieved, and enable the government institutions in the south to handle security responsibilities in the entire region. We will work on developing what was outlined in the [CPA] agreement on the responsibilities of the SPLA [a body] which is an integral component of the national army, in order to enhance mutual cooperation, and to enable the optimal distribution of the tasks to defend the homeland and protecting the national security,” the Sudanese leader said before the parliament at the commencement of its second legislative session.

“As for the wealth sharing, we are ready to embrace the development of programs and projects adopted by the Unity Support Fund, in the areas of education, health, electricity, infrastructure, agricultural projects and manufacturing, until it reaches a level comparable to services provided in other states of Sudan,” Bashir added.

The Sudanese president said that the government will seek funding for these projects from the national budget, grants or loans “even if it exceeded 100% of the oil revenue”.

Under the CPA, the north and south are to split proceeds from oil produced in the South equally. The SPLM in control of the South has persistently accused the North of paying them less than the 50% stipulated in the peace accord.

Bashir’s speech also promised to seek a new formula for power sharing “on a national level….in order to expand participation of citizens, and people of the South in particular to build the big nation”.

Tensions in Sudan has reached its peak this month after South Sudan president and chairman of the SPLM Salva Kiir declared that he will not vote for Sudan’s unity since the north has failed to make unity attractive during the last five years. The Sudanese president slammed these remarks saying it violates the CPA which said that both northern and southern leaders should try to make unity “attractive” to southerners.

Today, the Sudanese president stressed that his government is not willing to accept anything short of unity in the referendum.

“I reiterate that we, granted our unequivocal commitment to the referendum, do not acquiesce an alternative to the unity of Sudan and we do not see anything other [than unity] as protector to preserve our land from fragmentation and loss,” Bashir emphasized, without specifying his reaction in case of a “yes” vote in the south’s referendum.

“The pure blood of our martyrs did not flow on the soil of our beloved south, to water the tree of unity, nor were we patient in tough dialogue and negotiations, a number of years, for the final scene to be splitting of the land and say goodbye to our brothers. Everyone knows that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, it approved the referendum, only because it is a guaranteed right, and a usual methodology, but every word in the chapters of the agreement was carrying the promises of unity, starting with the cessation of bloodshed, and then commitment to the rights, and sharing of the fruits of power and wealth, and normalization of the citizens’ relations as they move between the two halves of a single home without hindrance or fear,” he added.

Bashir underscored that Southerners are likely to pick unity if the referendum is conducted in “fair and free manner”.

“Sound logic leads the south to unity,” the president said.

However, he warned that the stalled demarcation of the North-South borders is a “decisive factor” in conducting a fair and transparent referendum.

Last month, the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that her country is working hard with international partners to defuse “a ticking time bomb” in Sudan ahead of the referendum describing the split of South Sudan as inevitable.

Clinton suggested that North Sudan has not interest in letting the South go and lose 80% of the oil revenue.

But the Sudanese president told lawmakers today that the government has put a plan in place that will prevent any economic setback that would result from the South’s secession which includes more oil exploration and crafting a new law to encourage investors.



  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    The basic and simple question to throw to NCP and Northern Sudanese in general is; If the the government in Khartoum has violated portions of the CPA, what could really make “President” Omar Bashir abide by the nonsense and empty pledges to Southern Sudan in relation to power and wealth division between the North and the South Sudan in case Sudan remain united in 2011?

    The following quotations by Bashir are a waste of words as the citizens of Southern Sudan have already decided as political destiny no mater how instransigent and unwilling Northern Sudan future reaction would be.

    “With regards to security arrangements, we are fully prepared to conduct a joint review that complements what has been achieved, and enable the government institutions in the south to handle security responsibilities in the entire region. We will work on developing what was outlined in the [CPA] agreement on the responsibilities of the SPLA [a body] which is an integral component of the national army, in order to enhance mutual cooperation, and to enable the optimal distribution of the tasks to defend the homeland and protecting the national security,” the Sudanese leader said before the parliament at the commencement of its second legislative session.

    “As for the wealth sharing, we are ready to embrace the development of programs and projects adopted by the Unity Support Fund, in the areas of education, health, electricity, infrastructure, agricultural projects and manufacturing, until it reaches a level comparable to services provided in other states of Sudan,”

    Young Nation is a student of BA in International Relations/Political Science at The University of Queensland, Australia

  • true boy
    true boy

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    Dog bark after hyena left.

    Bashir is now start crying about fade unity after relying that southerners are almost to reach the final destiny [separation].

    By now things like what you are saying are beyond hearing/scope, don,t waste your time,leave alone southerners,they are not even resemblance to you in any mean,shape,colour and even in blood.
    they are your enemy, the worst of all the government faces in Sudan to southerners is yours.

    bye bye

    !!!!enough is enough!!!!

  • Kur

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    Well, well I hope the guy is dreaming his last dream. There is nothing short than our freedom as Southern Sudanese. We’re done, sir. War or no war will not change anything.


  • Kur

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    Does this evil man understand the meaning of referendum? If there were one option in the freferendum, why would we even want it after all? Well, you’re doomed forever.


  • The Living Witness
    The Living Witness

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    Bashir just threatened yesterday citing that no any other option other than unity with fierce agony signalling that he was back up by arab league meeitng. what changed his mind tonight to say he will provide series false promises to south sudanese… he even forgot to give upto sharia law, even the dog can pay a deaf year to his asshole stuff.
    We are few days to celebrate our independece.
    Wether its going to rain cats and dogs that day of jan 9,2011, thet vote must go without doubt..

  • Anyang

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    OH! Mr president you are not going to lure or buy our votes this time despite whatever tactical measure you’re keen to exploited.

  • Biliu

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    MR president…thank you, but our self-determination is not for sell, you are trying to renegotiate power and wealth sharing…that’s ok…but there’s nothing you would offered us that we wouldn’t already have, 100% oil revenues and 100% self-governing … those are what referendum will guarantee to the people of the South….sorry Mr president….there’s nothing you can offer.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    Ashame on you Bashir, is it you to give the contradicted border or black original Africans of sudan whom you found in the place will give sympath to you to stay in sudan as whole.

    that persuave toungue of yours is not the key this time. shut up and make no mistake to resist on Southern Sudanese rights. your resistant will make the matters worse. This time Bashir, bear in your mind that no rubish, persuasions, or pampering around and eyes contact is not necessary this time either.


    Lok T. simon

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    Apart from the above!!!!

    Could you please, contributors on this web tell me the latest information about 1- Famous-Logic-Boy, 2-Dinka boy, 3- Busta 2, 4-Tobosa boy Southerner,-5-James, 6 Gatwech and others who were well notorious on this web?
    I meant, i miss them indeed.

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    Mr.Omer why you crying about the unity ,and we are together with you before and done nothing about the southerns.you kill us for so many yaers , no no for unity yes yes seperation
    by AMEN

  • Odongi Ayahu
    Odongi Ayahu

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    No sane human being will listen to Beshir’s trivial promises and illogical words full of deceit. He was the head of state who pleaded to give unity a chance in Machakos. Six years of so nothing but dishonoring wealth sharing agreement by releasing only 24% of oil share, non transfer of Abyei oil share now in dept with huge arrears left unresolved, dishonoring the borders of Southern Sudan as stood in 1956, our women continues flogging and arrest because of sharia in the capital, non implementation of employment of Southern Sudanese in civil service of national government, occupation of the oil areas by the national troops, unable to initiate a single project for the development of the South, unable to implement referendum process on southern Sudan and Abyei etc. who are these Arabs to talk to?

    The Southerners Omar deceiving are the generations of 25th centaury not the chiefs and clerks of the 40th and 50s

  • 1-1

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    please Bashir,

    there is no time for your implementation you had mention at the last stage to referendum and we Southerners are not very fool enough to listen back to you for fake and false promised that you mentioned and on the issue of Misseriyah they are part of Abyei and they will get no right for voting in abyei referedum and even if they vote, they will not make Abyei to part of North otherwise if they failed to be part of North, Misseriyah shall not get way to North, so pliz don,t mind for more unity time has come and we are ready for any violation to come.

    Dhal Dhal Maker

    University Student Kampala

  • stephen

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    Crazy president Bashir, you should accept our choice where have you been since last six year, why don;t you made south sudan paradise within the last six year, separation is the only future of south sudanese citizen choice, the type of unity that you wanted we don’t like it, it unity of resources not of the national interest.

  • jateny

    Sudanese president seeks to lure Southerners into voting for unity
    This latest change of tone from the president in appealing to Southerners to vote unity comes Jan 9th 2011 maybe too little too late.

    In his 13th Oct.2010 parliamentary address, the president Omer Al-Bashir reinvented himself as a diplomatic leader, he claimed he has what it take to follow through the CPA, and take on board a Unity Support Fund recommendation in fast tracking education, health and infrastructure level in the South.

    However the president could not completely back away from his military position. He blatantly voiced his adamant in accepting any thing less than unity vote from this exercise. He went on to mention his interest in making borders demarcation difficult should Southerners choose otherwise.

    The president also tried his best to distant himself from history, the history his government played so much part of making southern Sudan a failing state. But Mr Bashir couldn’t quite hide the double standards in his address; one in which he is appealing for free and fair voting for the fate of the South and the other where force is not completely off the table if the outcome is none other than unity.

    In conclusion, the situation is catch 22 for president, the Southerners have decided and it seems neither intimidation nor ironic diplomacy will give them a change of heart.

    Deng Ateny

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