Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state’s referendum sub-committees sworn-in

By Manyang Mayom

October 13, 2010 (RUMBEK) – The chairman of South Sudan Referendum Bureau Justice Chan Reech Madut, has sworn-in the sub-committee members for south Sudan’s referendum on independence due to take place in January.

The new members were sworn-in in the presence of Mabor Makuei, the chairman of Lakes state referendum committee.

The 40 new sub-committee members will be divided equally across Lakes state’s eight counties. Each county will have a referendum chairperson followed by four sub-committee members.

Authorities say that all 40 members of sub-committee were appointed by Lakes state chairman of Referendum committee in consultation with the community.

Reech said that he had come to Lakes state’s capital Rumbek, to swear in the members “so that they could […] prepare to start their work”.

On 14 November, voter registration will begin across south Sudan for those aged 18 and over.

There is concern that if registration numbers are high but turnout in the poll is low the outcome could be invalidated. The referendum law passed in 2009 states that 60% of those registered must cast their ballot in order to the vote to be recognised.

Reech said that voter education was needed to ensure that southern Sudanese, especially young people, act responsible and vote if they have registered.

The issues that occurred during April’s elections should not be repeated he said as the referendum was a matter of “national duty” to decide the countries future.

The South Sudan Referendum Commission, according to its Reech, lacks the transports facilities to carryout it activities across the ten states of southern Sudan.

“There is lack of transport facilities – this work need us to continue to register people even if we do not have car to facilitate referendum members into various counties.”

Lake state is the first southern state to summit their referendum sub-committees list to South Sudan Referendum Bureau office.

Preparations for the vote are well behind schedule. A recent delegation from the UN Security Council described the timelines for the referendum as tight but “doable”.

Issues such as demarcating the north-south border, future oil revenues and citizenship rights have yet to be agreed between the Khartoum-based National Congress Party and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement who have governed the south since a 2005 peace deal.

It is widely anticipated that the south will vote for separation in the poll due to start on January 9, 2011.


1 Comment

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Lakes state’s referendum sub-committees sworn-in
    Congratulations to Lakes State’s chairman of referendum committee for speeding up the formation of committees. I hope the poor conduct style of 2008 census should not repeat itself this time in our State where thousands people were not counted.

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