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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM

October 14, 2010 (JUBA) – A senior army general previously incorporated into the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), has arrived in Juba for the first time since 2006 to announce that he is joining the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), which controls the South of the country.

Tanginye.jpgGabriel Tangginya who has been accused of inciting violence against the semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS), announced his defection to the ex-Southern rebel group on Thursday after meetings with GoSS President Salva Kiir.

The surprise move followed last week’s amnesty extended by Kiir to Tangginya and other armed groups (OAGs) operating in south Sudan.

Dressed in a gray shirt, Tangginya pledged full commitment to the SPLM leadership, and urged southerners to work together for a common goal. He was accompanied by five of his aides.

Shortly after Tangginya’s arrival at Juba International Airport from Khartoum he visited the SPLA General Headquarters at Bilpam, about two miles away from Juba town, in an army convoy amidst tight security.

He held a press conference at the airport in which he informed the press that he was responding to the call by Kiir, and called on all the other armed groups to reconcile themselves with his government.

Kiir and Tangginya, hugged each other in a meeting at the Presidents office in a sign of reconciliation.

The former defector told journalists in Juba that he was impressed with the progress made by the southern government in the last five years since the north-south peace agreement.

According to Tangginya, troops loyal to him will soon be integrated into the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) – the former rebels who are now the official southern army.

However, he said that they are still in dialogue with GOSS/SPLA on how they can work together but stressed that he will not return to Khartoum.

His defection comes just days after another senior member of the NCP political bureau joined the SPLM together with other key figures from the Khartoum-based party headed by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Alison Magaya, who previously served in various capacities within the Government of National Unity (GoNU), told journalists that he and others joined the NCP for a mission and that it has now been fulfilled.

Tangginya told the leaders of the southern political parties present that southern Sudanese needed to be united to face the challenges ahead in the referendum process for the common destiny of the region.

He underscored that the exercise of self-determination in the referendum by the people of southern Sudan should be conducted in an atmosphere of unity among the people so that it is not violated by Khartoum.

He also commended President Kiir for his declared amnesty to all the armed groups, assuring that all the other senior officers who have remained behind were in the process of reconciling themselves with the southern government.

Tangginye, who hails from Jonglei state like Gen. George Athor Deng, another rebelled senior SPLA officer, told the conference that both Gen. Athor and Gen. Gordon Koang Chol, had already voiced their readiness to come to Juba and rejoin the political system.

He said he was sent ahead to prepare the ground for their imminent arrival to Juba, adding that a committee has been set up between the SPLA and the OAGs for that purpose.

The former renegade who was accused twice of causing violence in Malakal town in 2006 and 2008, which left over 300 people dead, said his group was ready to leave behind all past differences and focus on the soon to be determined destiny of southern Sudan.

The leadership of GoSS has stepped up the effort to reconcile with all the southern Sudanese political parties and armed groups. It is aiming to create a unified voice for a secure, free, fair and transparent conduct of the referendum on independence of the region.

The recent surfacing of defected generals comes at a time when all the leaders of the Southern Sudan political parties as well as Southern Sudanese leaders in northern political parties converged in Juba to reach a consensus on the future of the region.

Around 25 political parties have taken part in the conference which was called for by the President, Salva Kiir, in what many observers described as the second most important gathering to that of Juba Convention of 1947.

A day before the convening of the all-party conference, the chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC), Lam Akol, met with with President Kiir, his rival during the April elections.

Akol said it was important to leave behind all the political differences and focus on achieving the destiny of the people of southern Sudan.

Chaired by the Vice President and SPLM Deputy Chairman, Riek Machar , the leaders of the 25 political parties at the conference on Wednesday and Thursday deliberated on their respective position papers.

The debates that follow may continue until Friday or Saturday, from which resolutions and recommendations shall be drawn as a political consensus on the referendum and post-referendum issues.



  • Gatwech

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    South Sudan (Wec Deang) oyeee!

    Bravo President Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit and Gen. Gabriel Tanginye,

    I congratulate the GOSS leadership for wise strategic thinking and working hard this time to unite all the political forces as well as other armed groups before the referendum. Don’t give any chance to NCP to divide our people this time. Unite our people to face the very NCP’s northern government.

    I congratulate Gen. Tanginye for his wise words and assurance that Gen. Gordon Kong and Gen. George Athor plus the rest of their officers and men are also ready to go to Juba any time from now.

    Well, it looks like Prophet Ngundeng Bong’s prophecies which he prophesied more than 100 years ago are coming to fulfillment when he predicted that in the last days when South Sudan independence is near he would reunite “all the islands of South Sudanese.”

    For those of you who did not follow the songs of prophecies by Ngundeng in Nuer language he predicted the unity by saying “maate dhuooli kun diaal.” ‘Dhuooli’in Nuer translates ‘Islands’ in English but it was just a parable because Ngundeng did not mean physical Islands as such. By Islands he meant political parties or factions.

    And he continued that ‘cia ben pal gaat ka diaal enga bi nga ngico cang ni Ngok bi ke toang cuare dual ke beeri marol.’ In English it says “You have all come together and pray all my children, who will know who is who, even Ngok will be part of the building, don’t be afraid of the flags of the North.”

    So this is now happening exactly in the last days around the referendum on the breakup of Sudan as Ngundeng predicted.

    However, be prepared also for something else which Ngundeng also predicted to happen which I don’t want to monger about.

    Those who will try to resist the unity of the people of the South or separation of the South from the North will never succeed. It is a miraculous move by South Sudanese leaders in their hearts whispered to them by God to reunite this time and achieve their predestined destiny by God, which is the independence of South Sudan.

    Long live the vision of self-determination!
    Long live South Sudan independence!
    Victory is certain on 9th January 2011!


    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    Welcome back home men. East orwest home is best!!!!!!!!!!!

  • murlescrewed

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    I bet there is something more sinister about this sudden defection to the SPLM. Is it part of an elaborate plan by the NCP security apparatus to encourage fake defections and destroy South from within using their own paid agents? I hope the SPLA is vigilant against such ill-intentioned plan.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    Dear President Kiir,

    Thank you very much Mr. President for your pure and humble heart. my sincere advice to you, although I’m not your political advisor is that, Forgive all the enemies of Southern Sudan but never forget the horrible acts of wanton they have inflicted on our innocent people including members of SPLM/SPLA before and after the signing of Sudan’s CPA. They have now realize what the SPLM/SPLA genuine business of liberating South Sudan from it traditional enemies.

    I mean to say that, they must be held accountable for all countless human rights violations they have done to our civilians. All I’m advocating is justice must be serve. The blood of our people must be washed out of their hands one by one.

    Young Nation is an Arts Student at The University Of Queensland, Australia

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    Dear Southerners.

    The surprise visit of Gen. Tanginya can make every southerners to feel that there is abit of peace in the southern Sudan especaily in Upper Nile & Jonglei States.
    If Gen. Tanginya come in faith following amnesty given by GoSS President Gen.H.E Maryadit is fine.But my question is How much can we trust in Gen.Tanginya this should be an answer to every one of us.And my advice to Gen Tanginya Plus the a companying officers with him to Juba yesterday on SSTV,please think twice for this new southerners generation which are coming now,join hands with your president H.E Maryadit to finish the remaining implementation of the CPA.God Bless you All.


  • Biliu

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    This Southern party’s conference in Juba has shaken the hell out of the NCP in particular and amongst all Northern parties in general…..why…because it’s significant and vital, South need to be united to meet the challenges will emerge before and after the referendum ……bravo, Mr President (Salva Kiir) at least this will block the way in front of those blotting day and night to make dissension among the Southerners.

  • Logwanga

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    Look at this illiteracy rising his hand as if he is coming from compaign trial,how can he killed 300 people from his own people with out repercussion for his deed,i sometimes think killing has been unconditionally legal norm in southern sudan.it is not deviance anymore to kill your brother or sister.it has become normal, Gabriel Tangginya would have feel his mistake he did in 2006.anyway i thank our belove president for his wise decision, nobody like you Kiir mayardit all those pretenting to be patriotic are there just only for economic reason,believe me if war break-up today few individual will remain firm with you,more will go back for green pasture.

  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    A prodigal son who returns home is better than he that never return and seek forgiveness – Gen. Tang. had probably learn that Khartoum gov’t is “too deformed for any reforms,” and that he will never feel at home at Khartoum no matter how much money given him. You are wise brother- you need to make public apology though for the lives you had wasted in S. Sudan.

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    This is the best move than ever before!!! NCP is just facing imminent defeat. Thanks to General Tangginya, Athor Deng and rest of our brothers who are on the way to join their brothers.

    Together, we shall all shame the devil in Khartoum. Our decision on referendum will shape our children’s future. Thanks again Tangginya.

    You are true Southerner, there is time for everything, now is reconciliation and peace time.

    Southerners Oyeeeeee, South Sudan belongs to all Southerners regardless of your own party.

    Ajak Butrus.

  • telfajbago

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    Great and unprecedented achievement in the history of South Sudan; for a long time Jallaba had the notion that by oil money they can by the conscience of Southerners but these defections proves that Southerners out- smarted Jallaba this time. Thanks to the wisdom of Kiir’s leadership. Now I do not have fear that you will take the people of South Sudan to the Promised Land.

  • Isaac

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    Welcome back General Tanginye

    Make sure your forces will not be all officers like the one of Gen Matip. they are now confusing the SPLA Army for they are not qualified officers.

    i have seen things are getting tough….that is why he is running back to SPLM.

    He sould be carefully watched,,,,



    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    This is a ridiculous event!. Southern Sudan is like a prostitute house were anyone can come and meet with her in-loves one and gone away. In a little while of the riot which took out in the City of Malakal about Gabriel Tanginye who was accused of empowering the move of the Northern Sudan Government, today it has appeared that Tanginye is the worthy General to be incorporated in the line of Southern Sudan Generals.

    In this point, what is the different between Tanginye and General George Athor Deng who defected in an April Election between his State-mate General Kuol Minyang Juuk? If Tanyinye is incorporated and welcome by Salva Kiir Miyardit, then Salva Kiir Miyardit is just respecting or dealing with the one whom he afraid. I valued this Government of Southern Sudan as a Government under no rule or constitutions. What motivated Salva Kiir Miyardit to accept Tanginye as one of the General in the SPLA? Salva Kiir Miyardit think that he will take this resposibility of being a Southern Sudan President, but in later date, he will no hold it anymore.

    It is true and event itself can tell that it is time for the Rebels who defected from the SPLM/SPLA to rule. If anyone doubt about this, then take example of Dr.Riek Machar Teny, He was a rebel and now he is a Vice President of Southern. James Gatdet Yak was a rebel and now he is One of General in the SPLA. Paulino Matiip Nhial was one of the rebel and now he is one of the Deputy Chief of Staff in the SPLA. There are so many more just to mention. So in this way, it mean that those General of the SPLA who fought are now become useless in eyes of Salva Kiiir Mayardit.

    Now I agree that whoever rebel in the SPLM/SPLA is right to do it so because this Government of Southern Sudan is just like three year-old-babies who are left to take care of each other. This is exactly what is happening here in the Administration of Salva Kiir Miyardit. Those thirst-hearted Nuer people who drink the blood of the insant people are now the people who are enjoying the fruit of the CPA. Shame on this Community so call Nuer and including Salva Kiir Miyardit himself. Today, I do really understand the history from DINKA which said in DINKA language that ” Akoon ha ye roor nook ku nah le ke bi diar ben thaal”. In Nuer language, it is said that “Guor la naak ke je heh wuni ke ba thaal maani. That is what happening now. Dinka fought with Arabs, Equatorian and Nuer, but now Nuer are enjoying it. Shame and shame.

    By Augustino Deng. Jiech la mer from Tharpam.


    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    Hey Idiot Gatwech,

    Forget about telling us Ngundeng Bong. Who is Ngundeng Bong? What Ngundeng Bong tell to Nuer People was that all Nuer people will rebel in everything and they will be the Fouth class not even third, Second nor First.

  • wisdom for us
    wisdom for us

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    congretulation People of south Sudan, you are now on the safest side, Gen Gabriel has done the right thing to come back to our land of south Sudan, no one has the right to prevent you to come because you have contributed to today’s south sudan

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Gen. Tanginye becomes latest southern figure to defect to SPLM
    Great Move!
    If others can unite why not us?

    Now sharing of responsibilities is highly needed, should not be only attached to SPLA’s Politicians alone, who ever is eligible to form his party under South Sudan Political Parties Act should be allowed and could not be terrorized by SPLA’S gun barrel.
    Thank for those who joined if they have joined in good faith.

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