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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan to organize its own referendum if Khartoum continues to obstruct – Wani

October 17, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Southern Sudan government will organize its own referendum on the independence of the semi-autonomous region if Khartoum obstructs its running as scheduled on January 9, 2011, said the head of Juba parliament.

James Wani Igga
James Wani Igga

The National Congress Party (NCP) government in Khartoum says it is committed to hold the vote on southern Sudan independence as agreed next January. But, it also repeats that this date would only be observed if an agreement on border demarcation, Abyei and Sudan’s debit is reached before.

The first vice-president and head of southern Sudan government Salva Kiir who declared publicly his support for the independence will hold a meeting in Khartoum on Monday with President Omer Al-Bashir and Vice-President Ali Osman Taha to discuss the outstanding issues.

“If the referendum is hampered, southern Sudan has the right to conduct its own referendum under international supervision to decide the future of the region, whether unity or separation, and this is what will happen,” said James Wani Igga the chairman of Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly.

“This is the legal choice for us. It is known that Sudan’s transitional Constitution and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) will end by January 9, 2011, and if the referendum is not conducted it means returning to the first quarter,” he defended this option in an interview with the Chinese Xinhua.

However he ruled out a unilateral declaration of southern Sudan independence from the parliament arguing “This option cannot be taken because it is not legal. I’ m the chairman of the southern Sudan parliament and I’m aware that this procedure is not possible”.

Analysts agree that the 9 January referendum will allow Juba government to get the recognition of the international community, which seemingly is the major concern of the SPLM leadership.

Issues, like the border demarcation or Sudan’s debit can be discussed after the referendum as it was said by SPLM officials including the deputy chairman Riek Machar who is also the vice-president of southern Sudan government.

Discussions on the outstanding issues between two “sovereign states” is more comfortable for Juba government say some southern Sudan officials as any difference can be ruled by the international tools, like the international court of justice.

Regarding Abyei future, James Wani was very clear to say that a unilateral referendum will also be organized in the oil rich area to decide on whether they want to remain part of northern Sudan or rejoin southern Sudan.

“This is an important part in the CPA. Non-conducting of the Abyei referendum threatens peace and stability in Sudan,” he said.

Talks between the two signatories of 2005 peace deal failed last week in Addis Ababa to reach an agreement over the participation of the Misseriya cattle herders in the referendum. They are expected to resume discussions on this issue on October 27.



  • Covert

    South Sudan to organize its own referendum if Khartoum continues to obstruct – Wani
    There you have it, loud and clear from the headline, Khartoum either cooperates with the South or South will take total responsibility.

    The times for games are long gone.
    It’s the time for the real business.

  • John Amule de Lokolong
    John Amule de Lokolong

    South Sudan to organize its own referendum if Khartoum continues to obstruct – Wani
    The best way is to declare independence if such barrier erupt. However Wani has a great idea, because this will show that we Southern succeed through peaceful strategy.

  • Adam

    South Sudan to organize its own referendum if Khartoum continues to obstruct – Wani
    Dear Southerners,

    I am shocked! It seems these guys are war lords. Instead of telling us what really happened in the South-South meeting in Juba, he is freely sending unnecessary negative messages. Such announcement are not productive for separatists or unionists. They are just very effective in setting fire everywhere and further divide the patriots of the South.

    I hope SPLA/M leaders will come into terms with the “other” true voices and the community leaders. They cannot just be so naive in their politics. This leads nowhere – believe me.

    I think the South is not going to be the same as it has been between 2005 and now. Things are now out of control. Selfishness and tribalism is going to rule more aggressively, and more backwardness is evident. No one – no one at all will be helping the situation, but WE.

    I am afraid that people will just remember that we (Southerners) have wasted a golden historic chance. Full stop.

    Mr. Speaker, please be wise and work for the benefit of your people.

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas City

  • Akuma

    South Sudan to organize its own referendum if Khartoum continues to obstruct – Wani

    Dear Southerners!

    Please you should not waste your time if you all know that Northerner Sudan government are not ready for referendum of Southern Sudan. Why do we waste this long hours? According to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement tabulation, the referendum time must be 83 days for referendum to take place.

    So, if referendum proscastinate, then unilateral independent must be the best option for southern Sudan independent.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Lion Son
    Lion Son

    South Sudan to organize its own referendum if Khartoum continues to obstruct – Wani
    Congratulation Wani for your clear message to all the people of the world, Africa, and to all Southern Sudanese citizens who were borned in S. Sudan, suffered in S. Sudan during the war time and experienced threatening from Arab North during CPA.
    True is true I said, this referendum is not for NCP but for all the people of Sudan, therefore, if the NCP delays the referendum then Southerners have their rights to organise their own referendum without Northerners.
    Also Bashir’s government must know that today Southerners are not like old southerners of 1950s this is new generations take care.

    By Nguangnyin

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