Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Two traders arrested in Rumbek for selling expired drugs

By Manyang Mayom

October 18, 2010 (RUMBEK) – The Director of Sudanese Standard and Metrology Organization (SSMO) in Lakes state in south Sudan says that two traders have been arrested for selling expired medicine in Rumbek market.

Malok Majak Malok, told Sudan Tribune that border controls would be tightened and commodities screened to prevent expired goods reaching markets like Rumbek.

Food that was past its expiry date was also found in the SSMO inspection.

He further said that east African goods bearing national bureau of standards logo would be permitted. Lakes State gets much of it food supplies from east African countries.

Malok also said that they had discovered the banned drink, Uganda Waragi, a strong gin illegally imported from south Sudan’s neighbour.

Despite alcohol being legal in the south – unlike north Sudan which is governed by Islamic Sharia law – Uganda Waragi is banned in South Sudan according to Majok as it has bad health side effects.

Uganda Waragi is “not allowed to be sold again in the Southern Sudan territory,” said Majok. Lakes state have banned the import of alcohol packed in plastic, especially Ugandan Waragi

The official accused Uganda of using the South as a dumping ground for expired goods.

SSMO, who are present in all of south Sudan’s 10 states, plan to carry out similar inspections in the markets of other counties in Lakes state by the end of the year.

Before 2008 SSMO was only present in north Sudan. In again in 2008, Government of National Unity passed a resolution to set up SSMO in all ten states of Southern Sudan under direct monitoring of the presidential Cabinet Affairs ministry in partnership of government of Southern Sudan.

The south, which has had its own government since 2005, is due to vote on independence in a referendum due to take place in January.



  • Adam

    Two traders arrested in Rumbek for selling expired drugs

    Dear Southerners,

    To be honest, South trade relations with Uganda and Kenya are very risky. As I stated earlier this year in one of my comments, that Uganda and Kenya are just supporting South Sudan for their own interests. Look guys, we receive all kinds of bad goods from these countries. The South traditional life is also under threat. It is not trade only. Foreigners are in control of our markets and taking up many positions in the government and private sectors. Prostitution, social problems, AIDS, crime and drainage of our hard currency are few dark stains of our relationship with these greedy countries.

    Please do not forget that we are suffering from Ugandans from a security point of view as well. LRA devils are killing our native people and destabilize the countryside – thanks to the foolish internal politics of the current President of Uganda. Furthermore, Uganda has been occupying very big territory of the South – GoSS knows about this, but silent? Kenya is also occupying some South territory. Kenya is also planning to suck our blood on transit trade. The South is just going to be under the mercy of these two countries and under political threat when these regimes vanishes or unrest and war erupts in them, which is more likely.

    There are so many demerits and pains in our relationship with these countries. I did not list all the negative impacts of these two countries on our South Sudan. We have to be careful before it is too late.

    I hope this problem should be dealt with involving all experts , political and community leaders.

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas City

  • mayom maboung marek
    mayom maboung marek

    Two traders arrested in Rumbek for selling expired drugs
    The medicine business is more obvious in lakes State. it is difficult for ordinary people to differentiate between good and bad medicines, spread of fake, expired or substandard medicine, old and poor quality medicines continues to flourish there for example a good Aspirin relieves pain while the fakes cause drowsiness. there is no government’s drug-testing laboratory.

    check also the food products in packets those without manufacturing date and the expiry period. In April, 2010 when Lakes was in bit hunger, Traders flocked in with 50, 25 kg of grains and when you exactly put the sack in weghing scale, you will end up with 40 kg for 50, 20 kg for 25kg. thing need to be corrected.

    mayom mabuong marek

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