Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sub-contractors not fulfilling obligations on Juba-Nimule road says minister

By Richard Ruati

October 20, 2010 (JUBA) – The government of Southern Sudan’s Anthony Lino Makana, Minister of Transport and Roads, says that work on the Juba-Nimule road was being hindered as subcontractors were not meeting their contractual obligations.

Deputy USAID Mission Director Susan Fine (left), Anthony Lino Makana (right) GoSS Minister of Transport and Roads, and Director General of Roads and Bridges meeting in Juba South Sudan Oct, 20, 2010 (ST)
Deputy USAID Mission Director Susan Fine (left), Anthony Lino Makana (right) GoSS Minister of Transport and Roads, and Director General of Roads and Bridges meeting in Juba South Sudan Oct, 20, 2010 (ST)
The minister made the comments in a meeting with Susan Fine, USAID Deputy Mission Director who also doubles as USAID Principle Officer in Juba on Wednesday at the Ministry of Transport and Roads headquarters in Juba.
The Louis Berger Group Inc, through its three subcontractors Eyat Roads and Bridges, Gulsan Insaat and ANT Insaat, under the Sudan Infrastructure Services Project (SISP) are implementing the project on behalf of Ministry of Transport and Roads.

The $200 million road rehabilitation project covering 192km, which commenced in 2008 is due to completed October 2011.

During the meeting, Makana and Fine discussed areas of mutual interest including Juba-Nimule road constructions issues the upcoming Southern Sudan Road Authority (SSRA) bill.

“I am very glad that to receive the USAID Deputy Mission Director in my office to discuss issues pertaining to road construction and the formation of the SSRA – in fact the progress of Juba-Nimule Road has gone very well,” said Makana.

“Southern Sudanese people are thankful to USAID for being the first donor or foreign government to invest heavily in transport sector in southern Sudan.”

Fine updated the Minister of the status of Juba-Nimule Road construction.

The Juba-Nimule road is a busy route with truckloads of goods. Around 20 buses move between Uganda and South Sudan on daily basis.

Fine said that USAID “commitment to continued efforts to construct Juba-Nimule before end of 2011 remains strong.”

“We are satisfied with the progress,” Fine said.

The Juba-Nimule Road is a vital link from Uganda to Juba. The construction of the road is being conducted in two phases. The first, constructing 7 bridges along the route, has been completed. The next phase is the construction of an all weather sealed road.



  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Sub-contractors not fulfilling obligations on Juba-Nimule road says minister
    The minister of road in GoSS your are the real engineer,no body will have any blame on you.The sub- contractor will be blame in failing not to fullfill its obligation on Juba Nimule road
    For the 7 new constructed bridges i wittness it my self,we should give more thanks to the America government,which i can term them as the true brothers for the South Sudanese.Nimule Juba road if completed the whole ten states within south have no problem in getting goods from outside world.But since the company working on this road is for NCP i douth if they will fullfill their obligation as GoSS minister want.


  • Abraham Majur Lam
    Abraham Majur Lam

    Sub-contractors not fulfilling obligations on Juba-Nimule road says minister
    My thank goes to Minister of Road and Transport Lino Makana for his commendable work. It was in my prayer that Lino should be appointed again after April elections but indeed the H.E. President Kiir did it according to my wish and I appreciate his decision. Makana should keep on Ayat Company because it has loophole in their construction and the company may has hidden agenda in the South Sudan. I also commended Makana for his work in Juba Town more changes have happened and even beautified Juba to the First World std and with time Juba will be among most beautiful cities of the World.

    By Majur Laam

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